Was Equilibrium realistic?
Was Equilibrium realistic?
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Oh fugg
>bale calmly chopping up brandt before the big final bossfight
is there a more satisfying moment in all of cinema than this
because if so then i've yet to find it
Top tier kino 2bh
My favourite film. This needs to be discussed more.
good movie, shame no one makes interesting mid budget tier movies any more.
Sean Bean dies,so yes
Guns are not lasers so no.
You would get hit by a stray bullet caused by recoil, or by a dirty gun shooting erratic line of departure or at least by ricochet.
At the same time, just shooting those gun kata postures like a retard would yield very little hits because you are shooting out very little bullets so the chances remain low.
Yes. It is such an amazing film. The dog bit made me cry.
@2:29 did that guy who gets hit in the head say "hes a sex offender" when he noticed he was about to get hit in the head?
sense offender.
It's funny because true gun kata looks like this:
It's why I liked Collateral, fucking Tom Cruise kills it in the alley way scene.
"5-year old kung fu"
its too bad the director is a fucking retard, remove some of the cheese factor in certain action scenes and dump the gun kata concept (or replace it with some variation of the mozambique drill which isnt as dumbly overstylized) and its suddenly a 9/10 movie.
the fact that wimmer went off and doubled down on his weaknesses and exposed his lack of strengths with ultraviolet just shows that he kinda got lucky here (especially with casting/premise) and still held the movie back.
oh well.
That final fight was shit in all honesty. The final boss is a chubby looking dude that can somehow keep up with a boss nigga like Checkems.
I don't believe it. Just like I don't believe I got this impressive 5.
It has the #1 sickest fight scene of all time in it, so yeah
kek on that triggered autisism face he does before he attacks
>its too bad the director is a fucking retard, remove some of the cheese factor
Totally ruined the movie for me. I've seen it once about 7 years ago and I can still remember the cheesy, quippy dialogue - especially from that smug nigger.
haha epic, thanks reddit
The final fight was ludicrous
>Chubby scared loser vs super soldier Bale
would have been better if they didn't try to rationalize it with the gun kata bullshit
Agreed, they could have cast someone better, but I did enjoy the gun pushing fight.
>No... Not without consequence
Ultraviolet was better.
That's right, I said it.
No, you are wrong.
>I'll try spinning that's a good trick!
hell no it wasn't realistic. only the last fight had any kind of plausibility to it and it still would've been more efficient to wrestle the guy to the floor instead of twirling and pushing the bad guy's arm around.
I too would murder 20 guys for a puppy.