Have you ever thought up a plot twist for a movie, Sup Forums?

Have you ever thought up a plot twist for a movie, Sup Forums?

Let's hear it!

That a galaxy far far away was actually hell

>bad guys abduct a woman
>end up regretting it due to mass snatching of birthdays

>hurr durr pls spoonfeed me ideas so I can steal for my screenwriting class

Fuck off.

>guy farts
>turns out hours later he actually shit his pants a bit
>doesn't tell anyone
>comes back and acts like everything normal
>poop juice on couch....
>everyone knows


A man goes to bed, and tells everyone the next morning that he slept well.

But at the end of the film it's revealed he was kept awake all night by an itchy anus.

>man and woman fall in love and get married
>they have a son
>all is well until a random blood test reveals the father is not the biological father
>the mother was in a relationship with another man
>who is black
>but the kid is 100% white
>what a twist

It's all about a girl with a real big dick.
She fucks a guy like it's her first time.

There's this movie about a guy with hair, and then in the end it turns out it was actually Bruce Willis.