The two TAS movies were better than Raimi's trilogy. (except for the dubstep)
There, I said it.
So why aren't we getting a third TAS?
Instead we'll get some boring Marvel-formula Spiderman shit.
The two TAS movies were better than Raimi's trilogy. (except for the dubstep)
There, I said it.
So why aren't we getting a third TAS?
Instead we'll get some boring Marvel-formula Spiderman shit.
Andrew Garfield insulted the bosses at Sony. got fired.
Because they suck harder than Andrew Garfield to get the part of spiderman
> any spideyshit better than Spider-Man 2
Garfields Peter Parker was terrible as shit. He only got the spidey part down.
Also AMS 2
This is literally the dumbest capeshit opinion I'v ever heard.
until the next exciting episode of contratian Sup Forums where we argue that fant4stic is kino
Trolling isn't actually allowed here, so why haven't the jannies deleted this thread yet?
Raimi's had the best JJJ ever, that puts it over ASM
Except the first Raimi Spiderman film was literally the best capeshit film of all time, and the nu-Spiderman rehashes were both utter shit.
I had a better Spider-man, the balls to kill the love interest, and a better aunt May, but that's it.
>the first
Wrong, SM2 is the best
>The two TAS movies were better than Raimi's trilogy.
Even Spider-Man 3 was better than that garbage
Except the Raimi Spiderman films were complete trash that are a disservice to the character of Spiderman.
this is too true
>muh comics
no one cares. movies were better than the webb ones, much better
I'M THE RHINO!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA! Yeah only a 5 year old would think this shit is good.
The first one was pretty decent, on par with SP1 or even better. I was actually surprised that nobody here liked it, seems like it's exclusive to USA cause people here seems to mostly like it better than Raimi's Spidey movies.
AMS2 on the other hand is a total clusterfuck.
>The two TAS movies were better than Raimi's trilogy
Nostalgia aside, Spider-Man 1 and 2 are still cohesive, competently made, tonally balanced cape movies. The fight scenes and action scenes are still more brutal (GG vs SM final fight in SM1) and well crafted (train scene in SM 2) than most modern cape movies. Most of the casting and characterization is on point as well.
Meanwhile TASM 1 is a poorly made movie from top to bottom. From mishandling Peter's origin (he never catches Uncle Ben's killer - so there is no call to action in the realization that he caused his uncle's death) to turning Peter into a hipster skater dude. The casting is a mess, Lizard was awful as was his plan, and the tone doesn't work.
TASM 2 at least attempts to get back to the Raimi films tone but instead takes the worst elements from it - going way too camp, having too many villains (all of which were handled poorly), and was more concerned with setting up a universe than making a real story.