Why is Black Panther so based bros?
Why is Black Panther so based bros?
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its why fans always wanted him on the mcu
>it's a disingenuous and incredibly obvious shitpost
if you hate the movie, just say you hate it. Better yet stop reposting dumbshit from facebook in an attempt to be "clever"
ok, i will respect this character and the movie if Marvel really goes through with it and will not include any other of the Avengers/heros we already saw and just focus without help from other storylines about him
Fucking capeshit comic book writers have so little touch with reality, they can't even see how ridiculously overpowered their characters are. And even more ridiculous than that are the fans who praise those very characters. Just look for any top10 most powerful characters list and you'll see my point.
>tfw thinking what Africa could have been
>Fucking capeshit comic book writers have so little touch with reality
Reality has no place in comic books, it's fantasy, escapism, if you want reality go the fuck outside.
Your post is idiotic.
Is Wakanda technology going to be the new Pym Particles?
they should call him Black Pander
>Just look for any top10 most powerful characters list
lol why the fuck would I do that, I might be a loser but I'm not that much of a loser to waste my time caring about shitty lists like that, I've got plenty other things to worry about
>I've got plenty other things to worry about
like what?
honestly as if a secret advanced fictional non corrupt African nation wasn't far fetched enough, what does it say about them that they let the rest of their continent go to shit? fucking selfish niggers.
black panther is always so obnoxious in comics. they go out of their way to make sure everyone knows hes black, other people are racist, he is perfect in every way and dont need no white mans help and understands science, religion, strategy, tactics, politics, combat, etc and was kings and sheet. ultimate mary sue for black people and they dont even try to hide it.
A more obvious shitposter than the OP, you've never read a single comic with him
>wakanda is literally we wuz kaingz
2/10, apply yourself.
Name a nation that isn't selfish.
Political boundaries are, by nature, a selfish idea.
>reading comics
that user has a point
if wakanda is such hot shit, it is basically entirely immoral what they're doing
>mary sue
Not that meme again ffs
>entirely immoral
Get the fuck out of here. Are you 12?
You don't know if Wakanda isn't corrupted.
He is the biggest gary stu ever ever
Jack Kirby went too far with his c fetish
Susan's the town bicycle.
are you?
if that isn't immoral, I don't know what is
Reed is the biggest cuck in comic book history
>Chance to be a cool black superhero, idol for black youth
>Absolutely ultimate gary sue
>i am one of the smartest man alive but now that the script calls for it i realize that I am consumed by rage, just like that guy who did some (evil?) shit, if he actually did something..i can't remember it was so pointless
I'm not following you, being smart would be incompatible with being evil according to you?
He has a point. I mean the US funded Japan and Germany's rebuilding after ww2 (though having them successful was needed in hindsight).
The fuck is Wakanda doing if they can't help their fucked over continent. Not even an AU like the EU
how about any first world nation that provides foreign aid.
it would only be to Wakandas benefit to be surrounded by other nonviolent prosperous nations. sounds like they easily have the technology to wipe out third world hunger but for some reason don't. shit they could take over Africa and turn it into a first world utopia like they supposedly are if they wanted. hell how did they ever let the white man rape their continent in the first place?
it's a ridiculous overreach and blatant pandering.
he's no black panther, he's the black pander
Where do you live? How much money do you have? Are you actively helping to house the homeless?
They can't really help because their wealth is the result of a finite resource which only they have access to. The Marshall Plan and plans like it were for economic and political gain, not in order to help.
Why doesn't Reed Richard cure cancer? Why doesn't Batman do something useful instead of jerking off in a tight suit? It's fucking Marvel/DC capeshit, the status quo doesn't change.
>The fuck is the UK doing if they can't help their fucked over continent? The fuck is the US doing if they can't help fucked over Mexico?
They have no reason to do it, that's all. The world is a selfish place.
Also I'm surprised that anyone can claim to know what Wakanda does and doesn't do as far as foreign policies go. It's fictional, we know virtually nothing about all this shit.
>wipe out third world hunger
Please, it might be a capeshit movie, but that's some sci-fi shit you're talking about.
literally hundreds of things, anything but the power level of some comic book characters
Is there a more blatant political correct sjw character in comic book movies than him?
>The most technologically advanced country on the face of the eart
>not Latveria
It was well established that Gotham was a lot worse before Bruce's return with a corrupt as fuck police force and one of the highest crime rates in America. Batman is single handedly keeping crime at bay in Gotham, if that's not useful I don't know what is.
also they never made the boast that Reed Richard lead the most technologically advanced nation in the world.
and a technologically advanced African nation of civilized niggers isn't?
>how about any first world nation that provides foreign aid.
Foreign aid is the reason africa is getting worse. All our aid allows them to reproduce more, causing them to further fall behind on resources which means they require even more foreign aid.
It's an endless cycle of aids, and it needs to be stopped
Civil War is such a mess
In at least one story I can recall, Bruce Wayne uses his wealth and power to keep the governing body of Gotham from fixing up crime ally, for no other apparent reason than he doesn't want to see that old theater torn down.
Truly an inspiring hero of the city.
More plausible than getting rid of fucking third world hunger. You just seem bitter because they're black desu. I get it, we're on Sup Forums, but who the fuck cares really.
So you be sayin
Looks like fucking Zootopia
Fuck I never liked the idea of Wakanda. Why don't you just make it a copy of Nigeria? You can have your Pather tech in Nigeria
the fact that the US does provide foreign aid to lots of countries including Mexico kind of torpedoes your point.
Just replace woman with black.
Not really, because as I said, how do you fucking know if Wakanda isn't doing this or not.
...also providing foreign aid doesn't help Mexico not being fucked over.
Bruce at least is beliveable, someone like him can exist
Black Panther is just a sjw's wet dream
>Are you actively helping to house the homeless?
I'm not, and I don't pretend to be some saint, but others definitely are, and my country is actively involved in aiding other less fortunate nations and people and whatnot, not hiding away its riches and technology like some self-absorbed faggot
wakanda a shit
USA rebuilt Japan and German and Korea and Taiwan to contain communists
The chaos in Africa is also ... Anyway that's for POL
no it really isn't, the reason Africa is a shithole is because blacks have never been able to demonstrate an ability to run a first world country or society that doesn't turn to shit, blacks were selling other blacks as slaves long before the white man ever came to their shore. even to this day the elites build themselves another palace while their nation starves I don't hate blacks but I'm calling a spade a spade. this isn't facebook you don't get any points for pointing out how not racist you think you are.
if the nation can feed themselves there's no reason they can't toss some aid or guidance to the third world war torn shitholes that surround them on all sides.
>African country is the most technologically advance nation on earth.
It truly is a fantasy movie
Both are equally believable, though unrealistic.
Would be half interested to see how fictional countries like Skovia and Wakanda work
Would like to see how Wakanda developed those high tech in the middle of Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan etc
Would like to see its not South Africa either
It's not even a African country that got independence after World War II. It still has its monarchy besides its Hydra level high tech.
A hermit country? How lazy. It should have been involved in the world if it's so advanced.
There are actually ways to make these two countries more relevant but they have to choose the most PC ways to make them irrelevant. Even more irrelevant than Ten Rings in Afghanistan and Hydra in the world
>Both are equally believable
No,Black Panther is the most gary stue ever, It's not beliveable
>All these Sup Forums talks about real Africa.
I know why Wakanda is a total escapist fantasy. Because since it can't escape Sup Forums anyway they make it fake and irrelevant so Sup Forums would stop sooner.
Considering Vibranium isn't real of course it's fantasy retard
I agree Africa is corrupt. I also believe they got fucked over a lot by colonialism, although their current state cannot be solely attributed to that. That's not being a sjw or "not racist", it's pretty much a fact. You can draw whatever conclusions you want about that, I don't care.
Hoever I'll repeat my question: how do you know Wakanda isn't sending some aid to the other African countries? Was it specified anywhere during the movies? Maybe in the comics? At this point it's a legitimate question, since you seem to know so much.
>gary stu
Well meme'd my friend, well meme'd.
the rest of Africa is still shit so obviously Wakanda is not.
Mexico is being fucked over by cartels who the corrupt DEA props up so it has a never ending boogeyman to chase.
Even then Mexico is nowhere near on the level of shit as most African Nations.
also my point was that Wakanda were assholes and it's already established the the US are the biggest assholes the world so comparing Wakanda to them doesn't really help your point.
Funny how if that was a female character being described in that picture, everyone here would hate her and call her a mary sue. But it's a man, so instead he's AWESOME BASED BLACK PANTHER!
But black panther is gary stu in all possible ways
Captain America I guess.
Mexico is actually comfy country
With your minimal (1st world)wage you can live like a king there
Not really, he didn't do that much desu.
dude every livable or halfway civilized part of modern Africa is a direct result of colonization, its the only reason there is civilization at all there is because of it.
as for how do I know? I know this because the country is kept such a secret that most of the world doesn't know about it. the Fantastic Four got attacked just for going there. if you want your country to remain hidden from the world at large foreign aid is not a way to achieve this.
so he's like if Rey was playing with other kids and went full "i'm also the most special queenz and kangz, i also have wolverine claws, batman skills, superman invulnerability, the power of abrahamic god, i have the coolest ship and i've been everywhere"
I dont get why people relate to characters this way.
I mean, Tony was at least built up in front of our eyes and we go "oh yeah, he is all that, never thought of it like that"
but only that black one
>calling a spade a spade
My point is that any rich country will be assholes if you expect them to magically cure other countries problems.
>Mexico is being fucked over by cartels
I'm pretty sure a lot of african countries has similar problems. Not to mention some of them have ISIS in them (although I doubt ISIS exists in the MCU, obviously).
Then why do they have ambassadors?
Tony also has flaws to offset everything cool about him, like being a womanizing alcoholic. even Batman avoids Mary Sue status despite his impressive skill set because it's pretty much firmly established that he's just as insane as anybody he's ever put in Arkham and even people in universe aren't in agreement that he is good for Gotham.
It's not that much of a secret. It's obviously on a map. It's obviously part of the UN, since they were able to join that registry act.
>Gary Stu
More like Gary Dindu
because the country doesn't make sense and is the living embodiment of "we wuz kaaangs". I never said it made sense, in fact my whole point was that it does not
If we just "think" of central Africa being a cool, enlightened, technologically advanced area with a soul, then… then…!
the comics are pretty inconsistent with this to be honest. some say it's hidden but then there's a lot of people who know about it
I know, Tony's pretty fucked up, it's why when he says "billionaire scientist blablabla" it's a genuine surprise retort because you kinda think of him as a funny arrogant fuck up
So he's just Batman but better and with BBC. How can those quipping white bois even compete.
Africa would be the most enlightened and advanced area in the world if it wasn't for the evil white man stealing their gun powder and designs then enslaving the kind hearted black man.
Yeah that's why the better part of humanity left Africa in the first place.
You have to admit, though, that black Africans are preferable to African Americans.
They found the cure to cancer but they kept it to themselves because they're Assholes
Its like thd Zach Braff drowning girl copy pasta
Yes but Sam and War Machine was pretty good in terms of Americans.
>meteor carrying a unique metal fell on wakanda
>somehow it doesn't annihilate them but instead made them the most technologically advanced nation on earth
And don''t forget that it's niggers, in real life they'd worship it instead of studying it.
*non-muslim black africans
fix'd that for you
>I dont get why people relate to characters this way.
they don't "watch" movies, they collect them for tumblr, facebook, social justice karma points etc. "HURRAY THERE IS A BLACK HERO" even if they're thinking to themselves only, as if they could fool themselves.
Nerds' experience of movies is the consumer package of waiting for movies, reacting to trailers, the suspense and speculation etc, the excuse for a replacement of social common ground (you watch it so you can talk with your friends about it etc). It's all that except the movie itself.
So you get these "Rey kicks ass!" and you see no trace of how a normal human relates to characters, drama and story - even when the character is well written.