Well, this meme died pretty quickly.
Well, this meme died pretty quickly
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but the picture on the right is a behind the scenes pic.
I think this picture fits even better after BvS's and Cap's rotten tomato scores are known.
It's okay senpai.
He's still got the better movie.
Marvel took a B-list character and turned him into a more profitable franchise that Batman AND Superman. Absolutely embarrassing.
DC made the better films though. Just because something makes money doesn't mean it's better. Keeping up with the karashians is the equivalent to marvel. It makes money but it isn't high quality
Except audiences thoroughly rejected BvS while they have embraced Captain America.
The Dark Knight Trilogy was not overall as good as you pretend it was.
Except that's not at all what happened.
It's was split with a large portion of people agreeing that it was much better than the critics gave it credit for.
the "Martha" thing was unforgivable,way too forced. Not to mention the "Joker Lex Luthor"