How come Italian Argentinians are more connected to Italy than Italian Americans are?

How come Italian Argentinians are more connected to Italy than Italian Americans are?

cuz italian-americans are guidos, were more italian than italians themselves

Well Italy and the US are both Western countries while Argentina is culturally Latin American

most people here don't care about argentina

We eat Vitel Tone, you don't

Also, going from italy to usa was an upgrade, meanwhile going from italy to argentina was a downgrade, no wonder you want to be more connected, get citizenship, visit family there

Shitalians no matter Thier country are liars and thieves. Thank God we don't have that many here.

Would rather have Italians than fucking Mexicans

At least Italians didn't bring crime and poverty and shitty cuisine to the US

>Mexicans aren't even humam, you can't compare the two groups

t. Tony "o'mericano" Esposito

Who are you quoting, Tyrone?

Everybody with a half functioning brain

We're more Italian than we are English

>At least Italians didn't bring crime
>italians = corruption
>see argentina

This is a dumb question: what do Italians have to do with Argentina?

and Latin Americans are western, especially Argentina.

Massive immigration during the XIX century, also strong influence on the local culture.

>at least italians didn't bring crime
what is al pacino

No we are not America is Anglo German until shitalians and later 3rd world immigrant's destroyed it

They speak Spanish

Therefore not Western

You can't share a language with Mexico and be Western

That post says, why do Italo-argentinians tend to like italy more than Italo-americans

It's not about real italians

A white man, like Italians are

They had no problems assimilating into American culture

>a white man like all Italians are

>american redneck: the post
please next times be more original.

Chileans don't speak spanish. Argentinians speak a weird italian spanish.

>that comment
>that flag
you literally share a language with mexico and a continent.

you are unironically less western than we are.

>At least Italians didn't bring crime and poverty

Italians invented organized crime and poverty.

Are they, though? Seems the opposite to me

Nope, you're wrong
>Italians and argentinians love soccer
>Speak similar
>Similar food
>Similar mentality

I lived in buenos aires through

By "everybody" you mean Sup Forums? Then yes, only half-functioning brain people think that.

>60% of our population has italian ancestry
>I'm 100% spanish

whew, dodged a bullet there.

>segregation laws until recently
>religious fanatics (ayylmao worshipers, in fact)
>population generally uneducated
>poor hygiene
>most advances made by foreign inmigrants
>culture of violence
>economy based on firearms, war, tobacco and processed corn
>citizens can't vote for their presidential candidates
Yeah, western indeed

italians are shitskins

you're not fooling anyone joe faggotelli from manhattan

Italians don't speak Spanish though

I learned Italian from my grandparents and I can't understand Spanish for shit

No I meant everyone as in everyone who is not Mexican

Are you fucking joking? Have you never heard of the mafia?

still Argentina is whiter than the US

That's because you are culturally anglo, not latin.
Latin = French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese.

he meant the accent, not the language, yo retarded fuck.

>I can't understand Spanish for shit
that's just because you're dumb.

literally any spanish speaker can understand italian and vice versa.

this must be an extremely cunning chicanopost

You have a higher percent of white people but our whites are whiter.

Not that it should matter. Argentina's demographics are a pretty good argument against white supremacy.

>You have a higher percent of white people
who do you think you're talking to?

>Argentina's demographics are a pretty good argument against white supremacy
no it isn't.
doesn't matter anyways.

Don't forget uruguay = 90% white

>our whites are whiter
Don't count germanics. Mediterrnaneans & anglos are maybe the real master race in the world. One created the european civilization, the other the actual modern civilization.

Italian doesn't have idiotic third world accent marks

Oh my god why would people fight over SHITalian heritage?
Shit culture, shit country, shit people, overrated cuisine, pathetic history, shitty ethnicity, group of people that invaded the rest of the world like fucking ship-rats just to make other countries shit, corrupted and crimical scum, peasants, population that has nothing to do with the 'glorious Roman Empire' they boast about and, to top it all, they are not even white.

Open your eyes and get over yourselves, there is nothing to fight over. It's not even worth it.

Whiteness =/= civilization, my dude

For thousands of years, Iraqis were more civilized than the Irish.

el argentANO seƱores

except it literally does

Anglos are Germanic.

Modern western civilization shouldn't be attributed solely to them anyway. The French, Germans, and Italians played a big role as well. Iberians and Jews also made important contributions.

t. SHITaliaANO

If whiteness was the deciding factor in national success, Argentina would be a much more developed and powerful nation

Anglos are a mix between germanics and mediterraneans. Anglos are more close to mediterranean countries than nordic/germanic. In fact, america have more german americans than british americans.

Then why russia is a shithole?

Actually, Argentina could have been one of the most powerful countries in the world. They had the bad luck to have an idiot dictator and had many left-wing governments

what the fuck are you talking about.
define white.

there's no concept of "white" here, there's european and non-european (indian and mestizos with hard indian traits).
italians are europeans aswell, and a lot of them are brown, but they still are europeans.
this translates into your retarded language as "white", even though some of those look just like mexicans.

Because whiteness is NOT as important as white supremacists say

Argentina is not white and we're not claiming to be, both ALL our governments and the population as well they are all fucking idiotic. We just have incompetent people, nothing to do with race, amerindian, spic, mexican, mestizo, whatever you wanna call us.



Go back to Sup Forums varg

I'm a communist

the why isn't the US a shithole?

We're less of a shithole because we're the exploiter, not the exploited

Has Italian affected local speech patterns in Argentina?

whats with the jealous guidos on Sup Forums lately?

this actually true

They are jealous because the shitalians prefer our big black cocks

yeah, a lot
search lunfardo

>kirchner is an italian last name
k, literally, K

I just bought a mate gourd and bombilla, it should get here in 2 days.

>more connected to Italy

neither of them are, stop this

it's fucking cringey when I read comments on youtube or facebook of americans unironically referring to themselves as italian when commenting some italy related shit, because they happen to have some weird italian sounding surname

>Be american
>Get shot

tfw half italian, half spanish.

Russians are not white. Slavs are not white.

>Argentina's demographics are a pretty good argument against white supremacy.

>At least Italians didn't bring crime and poverty and shitty cuisine to the US
You made my day.


Wew lad

The pic is making fun of Mexicans, what are you even talking about?

oh shit son.
I'm so sorry for you.


an actor

Italians are pretty bro-tier.

they weren't chopping peoples heads off and refusing to speak the language but yeah they did have some gambling and prostitution rings

France and Belgium have a lot of Italians too. They are the worst European immigrants.

>They are the worst European immigrants.

No they aren't. Slavs and romanians are much worse.

Argentines aren't very connected to Italy nowadays.
Italian Americans are even less connected because Americans don't consume foreign media in other languages in general. I doubt the average Italian American has even heard of Raffaella Carra.

Italian Americans were used in an experiment to create the ultimate masterrace human with their dormant Roman genes. However it backfired and they were reduced to the babbling monkeys you see today