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International #694
Face of Sup Forums thread
Hey japs, apparently there is some commotion in your country because a japanese girl was killed here in Chile...
Have you found ways to make life more enjoyable?
Explain. Do american girls really like this?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This will be the average british man in 2040
What do people in your country think of Americans?
Both Japanese men and women were voted the worst as sex in the entire world
Sup Forumsernational music thread
Why do Americans have such bad skin?
Official Allies Thread
How will humans look like in 300 years?
Your face when AfD loses
McDonald's restaurants per capita
/teutsch/ alternativ auch /deutsch/
Walk into you're room
Why do americans eat pizza pies?
Is Sweden the best country to be a NEET?
Biggest immigrant group in each district in England
/eire/ + /celt/ = /éire/
What are the most aesthetically pleasing flags? I've always liked Guatemala's
/mena/- paul blart mall cop edition
Slavs are so poor that they have carp for pets
/axis/ thread
Sverigetråden - JVM Upplagan
What is the secret of Italian beauty ?
Do you love UK?
PISA 2015
Hilo latino antichicanos
What kind of laptop are you using?
/northern/ general
I love Peru so fucking much
ITT: Food Europeans will never understand
ITT: we post stuff that scares Americans
/ita/ il filo
European overall power rankings of the past 500 years
Mimic Polish language
/balk/+/Denmark/+/Cameroon/+/Pre-Trianon Hungary/
Why do americans put so many adjectives before "cheese?"
If earth was a lifeform, which country would be it's asshole?
Go to you bathroom
This is my waifu. Say something nice about her
The third blackest country in the world after nigeria and ethiopia
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/kvkz/ = Kavkaz #1 KHABIB EDITION
Tfw I was ready to end my life until I started learning greek
Tfw i have to walk tomorrow 9 kilometers in -18c with hard sea wind
And by the way, which sport is common to play where you live?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Snälla upplagan
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/ bordel de couilles
What languages can you understand based on your native language?
Edition de la réussite
Be polish
How does one learn German without going to Germany?
I will marry Estonia!
Be new guy at school
Germans explain yourself!
Which is more evil , British or American ?
Why do Germanic languages sound so retarded?
Your cunt, and it's most shocking corruption stories
It's a being reminded of why monarchy is an inherently flawed governmental system episode
/ISR/ - ישר
What is Jerusalem worth, Sup Forums?
What's the draft policy in your country? Are you in range?
What is your favorite gun you own Sup Forums?
Yfw the world forgets that muslims halted the chinese zerg from conquering the world
/deutsch/ Hausi-Ausgabe
In what country is it easy to enlist in the military regardless of medical history...
Ethnic slurs from your countries
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1785
Sverigetråden - VI
Your country
1. country
Last OP fucking sucked balls so new thread
Why does gaijin who came to Tokyo look like this?
People will defend having a monarchy in >[current year]
30 million Frenchmen immigrate to your country. What happens?
Are these people culturally more European or middle Eastern? And do they identify as such?
Brazil really is the nexus of everything I hate in this world
Flag rate thread
I am not op
You wake up
Why isn't your country doing its part to make the western world strong?
Are my stereotypes true?
Sorry for bad english, english isn't my first language
Do you think us Europeans will be minorities in our own countries in our life time?
Europeans say thank you to British rail privatisation
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Do we all agree it's only a matter of time until China becomes the leading world power?
The northern brothers visits Sup Forums
How you imagine the future of your country in 100 years?
/le nederdraad/
1. you cunt's
Is fair skin universally considered as more attractive than dark skin?
Sverigetråden sötbildupplagan
Meanwhile, in a better Europe
Do you like this flag?
White features and IQ
Why are Turks such pathetic we wuzers?
HEar sum BEYTA LEFTISTS on 4Chin talking shit
Post ur cunt's lower class (not foreigners)
Map of relevance of European countries
You wake up in the Russian IT class
/MENA/ = Middle East + North Africa
Need a bit of help from the French speakers
Let's say the entire world came together and decided that we should only have one language
1. Your country
Kill whitey
The cool kids club
Are Slavs white?
Is it true that love has no borders?
/yorkshire/ - The Spooky Edition
On the left is a Slavoid male and on the right is a Negroid male
Why does Australia do everything America tells them to do?
Foreigners believing tiny korean cock meme
What does Sup Forums think of women and minorities?
/deutsch/ - Bester Verbündeter Ausgabe
How do people in your country deal with crippling depression and loneliness?
Why do so many former Spanish colonies have high crime rates today
"Hey! You! Are you a beyata leftist?"
Got my ancestry results today
*Irrupts in you capital*
I have a question for all latinos
/carib/ - Act 9: First of the Year
TheNizari(Arabic:النزاريونan-Nizāriyyūn) are the second-largest branch ofShia Islam(the largest being...
French deliberately lose this right?
The best language - French, Polish
/ita/ il filo
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Mfw i realize how powerful the greeks are
This land is mine, God gave this land to me
How do euros, Aussies nd White American feel knowing white girls love k pop and all want big Korean cock
Kurva anyátok
Average white man in America
/Balt + AUSNZ/
1. you're a cunt
International porn stats:
1.You are a woman's reproductory/sexual organ
Why is this place so good?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/CHI/ general
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Third World hate thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
1. Your country
I'm an anxiety ridden cuck
Are feminists real? Or is just a meme?
Kill all federalist shitheads
Long ass country
Southeast Asia
Why are Asian female/white male couples so pathetic?
What could be the cause of such a phenomenon?
Question for people who speak gendered languages: how do you know what gender a word is supposed to be...
How is it possible to love a girl who has been used by another man?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
This is what a nip/swede mix looks like
Why can't eastern European hop off my black dick??? I thought they wore supposed to be racist??? Like damn
Give me your brutally honest opinion of Mexicans
If Japs are all smart and pushed so hard to succeed, who ends up working as janitors, truck drivers, etc in Japan...
Let's get a travel map going. Template in next post
This thread is exclusively for people who actually contribute to the planet and care about it as a whole (which is the...
Are the Spanish proud of the Spanish Civil War and its outcome?
Operation Green edition
Why are Americans on Sup Forums much nicer when Europeans are sleeping?
New year, new test
Why are so many Americans retarded when it comes to knowledge of geography?
Nuke turkey
Why doesn't Russia have a pop of at least 1 billion?
1. you're a fucking cunt
Why do Br*zilians think they invented the airplane?
Is there really a difference between the north and south or is italian people being memes again?
Your country
Tfw no ukrainian gf
Tell me about latin america
Which country is the best at turning their enemies into cucks?
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan
Hilo de aprendizaje de espenis
/deutsch/ - Ohne trip kein guddn dschob
Wtf i love swedes now!
Country has zero (0) black females
Does anyone else hate it when foreigners say nice things about your country?
Culture Pals /cp/ Night Edition
ITT: Say something nice about a country you don't like
Rest of europe, are you even trying?
We have ~200.000 Muslims here. Not a single bombing or shouting
Why are the french so bad at war?
There are white people who had the misfortune of being born in Latin America
1. your gash
Your country
When you have to settle for a manlet after dating a manly alpha
/fr/ - Le fil Québécois(francophone)
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
Does your country get a lot of tornadoes?
Do you guys know about Folkspraak?
Lets gang up on Australians. Time to take those cunts out!
What goes on in Portugal?
Why do people unironically believe that New York is the most beautiful city in the world come from?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Which country has the best food in the world ?
Decriminalize weed
Be german
Do cops in your country profile or do they give everyone the benefit of the doubt?
Sverigetråden-Ariska upplagan
Your country
What's wrong with Europe?
What is this animal called in your language?
Sverigetråden - Hong Kong-upplagan
Why is Spainito a country but Scotland isn't...
How they did it ? How the Japanese or the Koreans managed to build in such short time such advanced countries ?
This is a city in Norway
Kurva anyátok
Post countries that aren't being culturally changed by fucking immigrants
Be a cunt named Chile
In Germany this is considered terrifying
This is why we can't have nice things
Scum in your cunt
Death camps located in Poland
Sverigetråden - WE
What do you do when you're bored in your country?
Is Estonia actually a paradise, like they say?
His country takes in rapefugees
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why is there such a strong correlation between being first world and blonde hair?
Which middle eastern/north african country is the most first world?
You get to rangeban one (1) flag from Sup Forums
Why do Europeans eat carp? Are they too poor to afford real fish?
How close are the Romance languages?
/deutsch/ - Antihomo
Post the most German file you have on your PC
London is a beautiful cit. Really want to visit one day
Why don't you support united hellenic lands ?
Sweden is lost beyond repair
Can someone please explain why France doesn't just give them ultimatum ''join us or be annihilated''?
They forgot to set the ship into Australia mode
Sverigetråden - Söt upplaga
If you had to exterminate one Spic country, which one would it be?
This is a lunch for kids in Japanese family restaurants
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/+/ausnz/ = /bantz/
France yes
There is very few anons from caucasian and central asian states so lets have our generals together
What's the best country on this map?
Sup Forums, you have two non-refundable flight tickets: Helsinki-Boston, NY-Stockholm(by Norwegian Air)...
Why is this allowed?
Your cunt tree
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Americans would prefer to have random third worlders immigrating to their country, rather than white...
Be german
Is it true that the American tourists are warned if they are taking their children with them in some of the European...
/deutsch/ - /Animesüßmädchen/
Why do Pink "people" believe they had anything to do with Romans?
Perfect Europe doesn't exi-
/mena/ - hers truly edishaan
Ethinic slurs from your countries
In a perfect world
Kurva anyátok
Who decided to put spain at the center of the world map?
Why is this allowed?
Is this the most uninteresting, useless and pathetic region in the world?
His country isn't an island
Which country has the best bank notes?
What do you nice euros think of our architecture?
What's your excuse for not getting married?
/vökisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post the most Polish picture you have
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/esp/ - Hilo Español
You know what's wrong with Sup Forums these days? Everyone is obsessed with being white
So I'm thinking about joining the army. I'm 18 yo and I'm studying psychology at the university
Sverigetråden - Hell seger upplagan
Post the most American file on your PC
/polska/ aka /sarrmatia/
Language learning thread
Who is your britfu?
Are Finns white?
1-your cunt
His country doesn't have snow
In this itt we speak English using our native grammar and expressions as literally as it only gets
THis triggers the non anglo
Is it true that it's easy for white people to pick up girls in asian countries, or is it just a meme forced by weebs?
Post your country in one pic
What sort of castles does you country have?
/brit/ more like /shit/
/korea/ 퇴근후 휴식 :DDD 집에 도착
Ask a white guy living in Uganda anything
Finally a risk that's not Europe or the USA!
After a rash of american shitposting on Sup Forums the UN decided that the americunts must be stopped
Japan had 100m tall skyscrapers in 700 A.D
So i just came back from spending my new year with my girlfriend family in sao paulo
/latinas/ ehemals /deutsch/
Gosh user, you're such a loser!
Is German pride still a thing how many ethnic Germans still exist?
How can Trump be the savior of the white race when the US is already a mongrel nation?
Wtf? foreigners don't use toilet tissue dumpster?
Post Half-Asian qt's ITT:
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Could Sup Forums translate this for me?
ITT: we appreciate Finlan
I hate Russia
Guess the language game
1.Your cunt?
What is bread like in you are vagina?
Dubs decides what random language i learn for the next month for the hell of it
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Fun fact: the French have been advocating race mixing with Arabs and Africans for at least 800 years
What the fuck happens at places like this?
/ita/ il filo
/ex-yu/ konac
Hi. I am from Niger
Do Indian people notice how much Japanese people love them?
1. Your cunt
Korean, admit your crime
brits and strayans call this a """""""pie""""""""""
Be japan
How do Catholics feel about following this cuck pope?
1. you're cunt
I know it's full of minorities and liberals, but is New York really as bad as they portray it in this episode?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What would you buy the country above you for Christmas?
one life chance
Romani (Gypsy) Language?
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
1. Spics have higher welfare usage rates than Blacks
Укpaїнcький тpeд oгoлoшyєтьcя тyт!
Asian men are feminine
TFW you will never go back to playing WoW with your highschool bros in the old days
What is university life like in your country?
We've seen your monuments and skyscrapers, now post the most vapid, spiritless, city "art" from your country
your country
Uni starts again in 6 days
Why are Arabs incapable of peacefully coexisitng with each other, yet Pajeets can?
Your country
What's it like living in an undeveloped country?
European tourist gets BTFO at FL mall
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
You will never experience the American High School Experience™
Let me tell you a story. It's a love story, a one sided love story between a burger and a mutant
Your Government blocks Sup Forums using a non-meme method
Imagine being Australian
Anti-refugee propaganda in the Polish state TV
3 million votes don't count
What is your tongue's equivalent of a universal passive non-response response such as そうですか?
Hey whitey
Is a argentinan an white?
Why aren't Latin cultures allowed to eat a real breakfast?
Any leafs blowing around this board?
Someone on Sup Forums killed themselves 3 days ago
Russian and Ukrainian music thread
His name is biblical
As a proud anti-nationalist i invite all Leafs to form an Australian - Canadian Alliance to take down such an outdated...
A cute, innocent...
Sverigetråden - Döda Nattupplagan
When will Brasil or other südamericano cucks finally invade this shit...
Why do people call the US an Anglo country?
This is half japanese half korean
What is the "world city" of today?
What was the 2008 recession like in your country? Oldfags please respond
You havre to give it to the argies
Is Canada just the USA without the niggers, spics, and more asians? If so doesn't that make them inherently superior?
Gibraltar es español
ITT post meme mascot from you cunt
One sheep, two sheep
How come this flag still isn't rangebanned from Sup Forums?
If you had a single song that encapsulate the could of your country (besides your national anthem) what would it be?
What's the best country to raise a girl in? I want my husband's daughter to have the best upbringing possible
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Could you spare me some oats, brother?
What's your favorite African country and why?
Is your flag recognisable when cut out of metal or are you a non-country?
Why do Russians here hate him but everyone else loves him?
White negroids
Thousands of years from now, when humans are long gone...
Faces of Sup Forums thread
This is a dust-sucker
This is the war crime flag
How come Italian Argentinians are more connected to Italy than Italian Americans are?
America > your country
So how LatAm became a shithole?
This is considered great music in France
So I recently found out that I'm part Ukranian. What can Sup Forums tell me about the (notable) Ukranian people...
Imitate the language of the poster above you
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Polish men are not fully male
Why socialism destroyed Latin America so hard?
Guess the name of the poster above you
Could any Ukrainian Sup Forumsrother help me out with an Ukrainian ID template...
Sverigetråden - VI upplagan
Foreign koreaboo friend said that he will come to korea in february
Be middle classed American
/sino/ - China/Chinese thread
Does your country have an unlikely friend in the world that you only discovered recently?
Why are (East) Asians so superior?
Torontonians will defend this
I noticed that AMWF couples are mostly korean male and white female
2017 resolutions
You're cunt
Yurope needs superior American seed
Let's have one of these
/deutsch/ gepflegt grillen
Which country should I go to learn Spanish in?
Tell us about your country user!
What the fuck is this ?
/NORTHERN/ General
ITT: we trigger americucks
Could this Bulgarian man fit as a local in your country?
If you don't know what this is, I have bad news for you
Kurva anyátok
So we can safely say this thing will be gone in 20 years right?
A non-nuclear war breaks out between these two sides. Who wins?
Why does everyone here but France hate America?
Russian are the best people here. Native Estonian are pretty boring and don't know how to have fun
Third worlders, everytime you get bullied by westerns, just remember this pic
Why do Americans use so many superlative like the most, the strongest, the biggest, the bloodiest, the bravest?
/deutsch/ WE
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...