This is the war crime flag

This is the war crime flag.
Why ugly monkey do this?
Japs are shameful war criminal nation.

then stop doing it pls

wtf I love Japan now

Perfect flag
Perfect regime
Perfect people

all gone


Jap must stop and never shows war criminal flag on public!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off jap war criminal flag!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate jap nationalism an war criminals

Isnt that their naval flag?

The facts
Germoney, USA ,England and Japs used to be the world's tech leader in the 1970s to the 1990s. Back then, the world did not even know that Korea was a country that made technology for japan. However, as Samsung, LG, and other companies in South Korea began to be advanced and started to compete with Japan, Germany, and other top countries as 2000 came in. But the real climax for Korea came in and will stay since the 2010s as Sony, Panasonic, Sanyo, and other Japanese technology companies begin to go under the Korean companies.
1. Samsung now is the world's best manufacturer of Smartphones and Smart TVs.
2. LG is the Second largest T.V. maker after Samsung.(wiki)
3. Hyundai-Kia group is the world's fourth largest automaker after General Motors, Volkswagen Group, and Toyota.(wiki)
4. Korea has one of the best air defenses.(Red Alert 2)
5. Korea ranks 1st or 2nd in Top 10 countries that have fastest internet speed.

Korean is only one Asian who is as beautiful as west standerd.
Other Asian like jap is never be attractive as west standerd even one single jap.
but a lot of korean is as beauty as europian.
Japs are more shorter and darker skin as like a barbarian abo it's because thire inferior Polynesian jomon DNA course.
koreans are tall and light skinned. japanese are short and brown.

Happy New Year!


yes, just our naval flag

Weeaboos deserve to be gassed.

Every country is a war crime country. Yours are just so new people are still butthurt about it.

but you Korean wannabe Japanese desu

Military flags, especially Japanese/German are of a political nature though in fairness. They shouldn't be flown at these events

>imperial Japan

Your nukes made them become degenerate

Fuck off naruto ugly jap monkey
You netuyo ugly monkey is biggest shame of japan
Get out of my japan

This is the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love Japs on int

but you Korean actually want this flag LOL

>who have been taught to identify the flag with Japan's militaristic past
Who wrote this? It's literally the flag of the old Imperial Navy of Japan.

How do people in Japan feel about the war?

Most evil war crime is on japs.
Even after1000years from now, japs are war criminal nation. Jap must reminded this everyday when they start school or work.

they don't know anything about it

Worse than nazis and any other criminal.

Jap did every evil things what human can do at ww2.
Japs are war criminal nation
Jap flag is war criminal flag (hinomaru flag)
Jap national song is war criminal (kimigayo song)
Jap city is war criminal city
Jap people is war criminal people(Yamato. The word Yamato is the Same meaning as nszis in Asia)

Jap must stop useing the word "Yamato and samurai”.
It's too war crimsl word to Asia

time to go back to ur cunt, Kim

I do not think it is healthy to hate your nation that much.
You were the first Asian Nation to westernise
You couldn't control what you did under your leaders too.

I hate jap nationalism and world most evil war criminal as a healthy normal human.
I even suggest Sweden to give a novel peace pize to atomic bomb.
sir fat man and sir little boy. they killed evil japanese monkey devil of rapist army of asia and they made a peace of asia.this must be a recorded as a novel peace prize.

very sorry for doubling your Korean population during annexation LOL

9.6 million in 1906
25.1million in 1945

”Yamato” ”samurai”
Soooooooooooooo evillllllllllllllll nazissssss worrrrrddddd
Jap must stop useing Yamato and samurai
I made new word
Yamato= slave of yayoi. Or just Yayoi
Samurai= jap sword man.

This is best word.

We did some bad stuff too but you don't see us hating on our past
I think humans learn from their past and try to avoid making mistakes

>yfw jap bois are cucked out of existence by superior gaijin cock

still drugged?

but many American grills have been raped by gooks desu

Look at this netuyo japHe don't shame of evil jap past
What are subhuman jap is?
This is the reasoni say japs are still a world most evil war criminal race because of him

Samurai is war criminal word

They should say jap sword man

calm down Kimchi man
just have fun with K-qts!