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/CHI/ general
No anglos allowed edition

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soy chicano hola

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How do I tell the difference between Dominican-Americans and Puerto-Rican-Americans, /chi/?

He probably did it so non spanish speaker burgers stay away from his thread

That's a hard one

Here's an easy way to tell Carib latinos apart, we all sound ridiculous but we have some subtle differences

Skip to 0:38


hoy estuve mirando univision y habia un senador chicano que pronunciaba las r en espaniol igual que en ingles
casi se me sale la pija

contra tus pito jajajaja

*0:28, sorry

It's all in the accent and how absurdly tight the clothes are on the women. Dominicans basically paint theirs on.

Chicano master race reporting in


Your average Dominican looks slightly more black. If you speak Spanish apparently the Dominicans butcher it.

>tfw your life will never be as exciting, dangerous, and borderline illegal as that of the average Hispanic

If you can't speak Spanish you aren't a real latino, no matter how hispanic your name is. You're just a mestizo gringo. Chicanos need to stop lying to themselves.

Parece que los hondureños o nicaraguenses pronuncia la r de esa forma


teach me spanish oh great CHI gods

lol, it's a video of people answering phones at a car insurance company, didn't realize that was dangerous by NZ standards.

Please don't learn Spanish. Otherwise you'll find out that most of us can't really speak it either and our special snowflake status will be gone

that girl looks like the ultimate dominican, source?

Jesus fucking christ my fucking sides

too late bro.

>parents neglected to teach me spanish
>feel left out at family gatherings because i can't understand anyone

Anyone else know this feel? I just stay at home now when my parents go see relatives

>that girl

how can i attract cholas WITHOUT getting bullied

You're looking at it the wrong way.

>go to a family gathering
>talk with siblings, cousins, and people in your parents' generation
>abuela's elderly cousin tries talking to you
>"Don't speak Spanish, sorry"
>resume talking to the people you want to talk to

It's a blessing, maybe once in a while you'll get an angry lecture but it's no big deal

I know that feel, parents gave me an american name and didn't teach me spanish because they wanted me to be fully american

>dad married a swedish girl
>settled down in the Midwest
>gave me a legit latino name
>tfw literally everyone pronounced it wrong, rendering it pointless

To this day, I still turn my head when somebody says "Lewis"

Just stole another job from a hardworking American today.

Feels good.

If he isn't willing to work 16-hour days at 1$ an hour, then is he REALLY hardworking? :^^^)

Eyy of course comrade.

but its a customer call center for Nike.

15$ aint nothing to gloat about but for just sitting down and answering phones its good money.

They are in dire need of people who can speak spanish kek. A lot of perks to being bilingual. Should try it sometimes.

where is this customer call center located at?

>you will never be dominican


Puerto-Ricans dress like niggers
Dominicans like to dress classier usually



to what?

>it's a leftists project a rainbow future of diversity that doesn't match up with reality episode
>it's a leftists think we're a race episode

delete dis

You know most of our brethren in the USA are indios who can't do simple tasks without fucking up

>not separating "hispanics" into white, mestizo, mulato, and black
>dramatically overestimating our population growth again

They did this same shit in 2000, they thought there would be 70 million of us by 2015 instead of 40 million.


Hope you got your bags packed, Juan :^)

the whole American obsession with race is frankly ridiculous

"White" isn't a culture or ethnicity. For example, I might have pale white skin, but culturally I'm way closer to a "brown" Spaniard than I am to a pale white Russian living in Siberia.

It seems like it's just a very weak surrogate for the lack of proper identity of ethnicity in the US.

Puerto Ricans replaced r with l in their Spanish and Dominicans talk too quickly so I can't understand them.

>white, mestizo, mulato, and black

like must won't pick white.
Hell Argentinians already do.

just like he's gonna build that wall right.. oh wait my bad the fence.


met a guy born in colombia that didnt speak a word of spanish since he grew up in the US.
he was a self-hating hispanic nu-male. pathethic.
thats like a 3/10 in spain, looks like someone's mother desu

We shall see my friend.

you have to go back spic Anglo Gods wont allow you to live

I'm sure you'll be laughing just as hard when the money to pay for it is coming out of your pocket kek

The definition of whiteness will change.

Back in the colonial days only English and scots were considered. Hell, Ben Franklin use to complain of Colored Germans and Swarthy Swedes.

I think you can partially blame it on the white population essentially abandoning its roots en masse in the late 20th century Most white americans are descended from brits, and our culture had (and still has) a strong and obvious british, specifically mostly english, influence.

But somewhere along the way it became cool to be a special snowflake, and suddenly if you had one german or one italian grandparent in an otherwise british family you'd run around shouting that you're german/italian. The number of Americans reporting "English" ancestry dropped by 40 million between 1980 and 2000, and the number reporting german/italian skyrocketed at the same time. It splintered white american ethnic identity. The "average American" clearly belongs to a certain ethnicity, they're white with British roots and have names like Williams/Jackson/Johnson/etc., but they don't call that ethnicity what it is so the notion that there is no proper ethnic identity started to rise.

TL;DR: The majority of Americans share a "proper identity of ethnicity", but for some reason they refuse to acknowledge it. I have no idea what made them do this.

Go fuck yourself. She could pass as a spaniard no problem. You're not fooling anyone.

you go back and take all your people with you.

Trump will charge US citizens for it?


They don't, mestizo pride is apparently a big deal in Mexico. Their government started pushing it like 100 years ago to try to forge a sense of unity in the nation.

You think all the Mexicans born up here care or even know what that is?

ey mang, que pasa

Yes, I do. Look at all the "proud chicanos" like OP. They know what they are, racially speaking. They don't want to be white.

>I think you can partially blame it on the white population essentially abandoning its roots en masse in the late 20th century Most white americans are descended from brits, and our culture had (and still has) a strong and obvious british, specifically mostly english, influence.
Make a thread with that or post it on /brit/ and see what happens

Why would you separate mulato from black when they'd both be black because of the one drop rule?

Lol no we're self loathing as fuck

Come home red man.

lol, do brits not agree? Everything from our legal system to our food to our fashion is ripped off from England. Look at the 20 most common surnames in America: all English, with the exception of two spanish ones (because our surnames have so little variety).

Maybe it's different in Canada, go to California or New Mexico and you'll be blown away.

>most common surnames

A lot of those (shit like Jackson and Jefferson) are just niggers with slave names though kek

>our food is ripped off from England

top fucking kek this video is gold

Ok, maybe not so much the food, but definitely the fashion and the legal system. Maybe I should have written "sports" instead.

Tall Chicano from Texas reporting.

People here don't like soccer.


But we invented baseball and football and I'm pretty sure we borrowed basketball and hockey from the leafs. No Burgers watch soccer except for nu-males from Seattle

Voy al store

I love this edit.

Nor did Brits prior to the late 19th century.

What did they like before that?

You have a point I won't argue with you on that, but you are not bongs, and what you said (although totally legitimate) won't be taken seriously by the average people because there are arguments to be made against that statement like, the fact that you descend from brits, does not make you one because you are not exposed to the same daily stimuli that makes a human bean become not only a person, but one that belongs to a certain culture. My grandfathers were poor uneducated german, spanish and new rich criollos from the south of my country, and we still have some traditional things from the old countries but if you ask me about my heritage, I'm as chilean as it gets and I feel proud about our mapuche natives never been conquered just as my country.

You could post that on /his/, but here it just sounds >muh heritage. Remember, we are on Sup Forums, and we are all retards here. If you are not willing to roleplay as an illiterate bugger eater, you are in the wrong board.

I'm talking about baseball and football, our two most popular sports...

>But we invented baseball and football

Football, just like rugby, came from British football in the 1800s.

Baseball is also based on a British game, the first mention of the word "baseball" in the English language comes from England in 1744 (with only 3 bases instead of 4).

Save it its all yours amigo.
/whosickofmamasleftovertamales/ here

These memes will trigger so many people.

White Americans tend to be of German/Irish heritage a lot more often than British.

Cricket, and what they used to call "football" which was most likely similar to what is known since the early 19th century as rugby (or rugby union, more specifically).


Thanks for the interesting sports lesson.

>the fact that you descend from brits, does not make you one because you are not exposed to the same daily stimuli that makes a human bean become not only a person, but one that belongs to a certain culture.

Of course. I'm just saying that a "proper" ethnic identity for the vast majority of Americans does exist, and it's based on being of British descent and having a culture based on British culture. I'm just calling it "British" because there really isn't another word for it. White Americans in the Deep South actually have a name for this, "American", which is what the historical name for this ethnicity also was. The problem is that "American" also means people who live in the US in general, and that includes people like me, who have nothing to do with that ethnic identity. So the white Americans of British descent have no common name for themselves, and this leads to the illusion that there is no majority ethnic identity in the US.

And just for the record, I'm not claiming that I'm of British descent. My mom is Swedish and my dad is Cuban. I'm only saying that most white Americans are of British descent, and through that common heritage they have a common ethnic identity.

Hmm, I think you might be someone I met on here in a height thread. Maybe
No señor.

No they don't, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Most white Americans reporting that they're German is so silly that it borders on "we wuz kangz". Unless the Germans were having truly massive families that dwarfed even those of the Irish, there is no way that there are this many people of German descent in the US. If an American has one German grandparent in an otherwise British-descended family, they'll call themselves German. Same thing happens with Italians, with Irish, with pretty much every other ethnic group. What your ancestry mostly is doesn't matter on these self-reported surveys, because people will choose to isolate the identity that they feel makes them stand out.

I've never been in a height thread but keep making these memes, ese.

Italians and Irish people used to face discrimination back in the day so they would usually form their own neighborhoods.

yes, but that hasnt been the case in a very long time and americans flaunt said heritage now a days.

It hasn't even been a hundred years since those days and they came here in big enough numbers to sustain themselves on a genetic level.

do you have the one of nep

Yes, they did. That has nothing to do with what I'm saying though. People ignoring the heritage of most of their families to highlight the heritage of just one or two family members is a more recent thing, starting well after Italians and Irish people stopped facing discrimination. It started sometime in the 80s, that's when the number of people reporting English ancestry began to drop.

Sustain themselves, yes. Even grow significantly. But not anywhere near enough to form a majority, even when added together.

Goodnight fellow CHIs