Gibraltar es español

gibraltar es espaƱol


Gibraltars would stay in the UK put to a vote

that all that matters
not a new you braindead moron

Buen post.


Ceuta et mellila es Morocco

Las malvinas son argentinas

bit chilly
going to wear double socks for my run tonight

>tfw you conquer Granada as Byzantium, sell the provinces except Gibraltar, and use that to springboard colonization of the New World as the Roman Empire
>Gibraltar remained in my possession for the entire game

That was a really good run, back when you could still block straits to prevent the Ottomans from crossing


Fuck you France

no bueno


Alri Sally

What's your country's Gibraltar, Malvinas, Hans Island, etc?

French Guyana


I do apologies lads since my posts have been off point from their usually standards this good night

what would the french do if you invaded?





Because France keeps its overaeas territories as part of France proper (it's more complicated in the UK) it would count as an invasion of core territory of a NATO member so Brazil would technically be at war with NATO

because the americans helped you with argentina


I just explained that French Guiana is core territory of France while the Falklands and other British overseas possessions aren't core territory of Britain