1. country

1. country

2. horde or alliance?

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alliance bcuz pvp

Alliance because they're better at battleground.

who /Nostlysium/ here?

>alliance is now the pvp faction

wew, things sure have changed since I stopped playing


Orcs are basically Norsemen

Alliance but undead as rogue


It isn't, every good PvPer is playing Horde

pic related

Alliance for night elf or horde for blood elf...

rip dunemaul though



horde tauren warrior
the only sik kunt class

fuck are you talking about orcs are based on mongols and partly japs



Alliance all the way

Is it worth playing Legion?

It's actually worse than WoD

Looks really fun actually

At least the arenas i've watched. Give me ONE, just ONE reason not to play legion. I am almost considering it

no. You've missed the honeymoon phase and now everyone hates it and WoW is dying again.

It's down to like 1mil active max level characters which is extremely low by WoW standards.

Also you'll be completely irrelevant and won't get invited to anything for a long ass time because of the artifact system.

hooman hunter


yie boiii

why does this keep happening

explain the artifact system

>playing classic

lmao fags

Elysium staff are a joke, enjoy your .7x exp and all the Chinese gold farmers LMAO

1 - Brazil
2 - Alliance


>explain the artifact system
You have to level your artifact to unlock traits that improve your character. It's separate to the character leveling system and you'll still be doing it long after you hit 110.

It takes an insanely long time and everyone has already been doing it since release and so are much more powerful than you can hope to be in months of grinding.

yes desu, but it's grindy so shitter hate it

it's not at 1 mil characters, don't tell me you actually believed that nost propaganda lul

but you're right about catching up though, it takes quite a while to catch up

should i play it or not

i haven't played since mop

If you want to play a single player action RPG with lots of voice acting, cut scenes, and some decent stories, absolutely. Hands down the best expansion if thats what you're after.

If you want to do raid progression or PvP then no because you'll be doing nothing but spamming mythic+ with spics and doing dailies that they renamed to 'world quests'

i've been playing wotlk and im bored now from playing a boring old expansion

It has more stuff to do than any expansion before, but it is very grindy.

IMO the only bad parts of the expansion are loot being too RNG and legendaries


I like Shaman in Hearthstone.
Is that horde?

Gonna try my luck on the fresh server. I'll probably be unable to log in at all, but whatever.

Forgot to mention, Alliance.

Healers are elite
if you are roguekid or paltard just kyf

Hellscream did nothing wrong

why did you even post in this thread?

it's shit

Literally overrun by chinese



Alliance, horde are third world

>tfw ull never be good at wow
