White features and IQ

>White features and IQ
>Slight tan
>Big black eyes
>tfw no Castiza gf

Other urls found in this thread:


>big black eyes


>white features
>brown eyes and extremely dark brown hair

Why?Were you expecting big black dick?

>shit-smeared iris
not white

They are not white. They are perfect

Seems portuguese to me

she can be from here too

Here too

my cousin has black hair and black eyes, so she looks quite exotic to me, but boring at the same time.
blue eyes > everything

>mfw no ciutadans gf

Blue eyes are cute on women, but they can be menacing on men.

Jesus my heart

t. pekka with his slav tier gray eyes and light brown hair

smart & qt
>you will never discuss regional fiscal policies with her

How does one get a castiza gf?

I don't know

>everybody calling her non-white
>she looks portuguese as fuck

Does she look Portuguese?

well her eyes are dark af, didn't even know that's possible

but other than that she looks like the average girl from Alentejo

>didn't even know that's possible
Castizas have those qt eyes

>Blue tiles in the background
She's portuguese


who is this girl. i only get these garbage racist white pride forums when i searched.

I see girls like this left and right on a daily basis. Too common for my liking 2bh