Hello. My name is John. I get all my political views from comedians like Louis CK and late night TV like The Daily Show

Hello. My name is John. I get all my political views from comedians like Louis CK and late night TV like The Daily Show.

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Still better then from clips on youtube of trump. Seems a bit more diverse and educated at least.

shut up John

Hello. My name is user. I get all my political opinions from edgelords on Sup Forums and YouTube shitters like Stefan Molyneux

Hello again John.

I know a guy like that, so enlightened, so above the rest of us, and three months ago never had a political thought about anything. Insufferable.


>watching comedy and "comedy news" shows somehow makes you more politically informed than listening to candidates directly

>Trump flip flops on his political opinons

name 5 examples pls

>tfw my name is John and I got into politics because of the daily show and I have a conservative friend who would probably make a thread like this


>its better to get your news from comedians who out right admit that they arent real news sources and are basically just making jokes about their biased opinions

its funny when retarded liberals try to act intelligent

In fairness, he's still better informed than Fox News viewers. Fox News viewers have been statistically shown to be less in-touch with reality than pretty much everyone else, even people who don't keep up with the news at all.

Haha you're a fag

Show the statistics

Hello. My name is Riley. I get all my political views from pictures and videos that I look at on anime image boards.

Louis CK doesn't do much political stuff and John Stewart isn't even on the Daily Show anymore. You're a bit out of the loop, John.

Abortion, "assault weapons", self funded campaign, raising the minimum wage, and banning muslims.

-Banning all muslims, he says there would be exceptions now
-Taxes, he is talking about higher taxes for the rich when he was against it earlier on
-Minimum Wage, he is now for an increase when he wasn't previously
-Abortions, was for them and now is against them
-Hated the establishment and called them crooks, is now getting in bed with them by having pirvate make out sessions with Paul Ryan

H-1B visas

top isnt a flip flop, bottom one isnt either though.

when people say someone flip flops, they mean they believed whatever on a certain issue, and then went the complete opposite.

So someone saying "OBAMA CARE IS GREAT!" and then later saying "OBAMA CARE IS HORRIBLE" is a flip flop

while someone saying they support obama care, but then later saying it has flaws that need to be fixed, isnt an example of flip floping

Whats wrong with flip-flopping on a political opinion?

>it's a Hilary false-flag Shill thread, again

and r/The_Donald

If your views only evolve when it's politically convenient it comes across as disingenuous.

>it's a Sup Forums on Sup Forums episode

How do you prove that somebodies political opinion has changed due to convenience?

I guess what I am saying is, is there a agreed upon amount of time that someone needs to hold a particular opinion on something for it to be genuine?


Hello. My name is John. I'm going to post this meme on Sup Forums's Television & Film board until I force it successfully.