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Television and Film
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Television and Film #694
Television and Film
Alright faggots, post your filters
Nothing like enjoying these comfy morning shows on your ipad with a couple of croissants and mimosas
Forget everything you think you knew
96 episodes
R.I.P. In piece, homie
/got/ general
I feel like Jay has been getting fatter recently
Is this art?
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that ROTS was better than The Force Awakens?
How long until this dumb thing leaks?
Leonardo DiCaprio and his new gf on a bicycle
/Foundfootage/ General - The Official Sup Forums Found Footage Thread
Keeping Up With The Kardashians
WTF Australia!
Character doesn't pour milk in his tea
Eh, didn't do it for me
It's an user browses the Sup Forums catalog on a friday night while his parents fight in the next room
Me James! It was me!
Was he a good Spider-man?
ITT: celebrities that never made it big
What comes to your mind as you see this image?
Brighton Sharbino
Eternal /got/ general
Who did this? is it even real? i thought it was tarantino?
Would Kanye be a good filmmaker?
Character is breaking into a secure building
Is he a good actor?
Somebody turned a NEET's basement fantasy into a movie
What did she mean by this?
Based Bay
Well hello beautiful
How to detect le reddit in Sup Forums
Good actress or just eye candy?
Be David Lynch
Solid kid movies
What's the moral of the story here Sup Forums?
Taylor Swift
What is some essential Joe Rogan-core?
Agent Carter Cancelled
Will they ever make a Lost sequel? Everyone still talks about Lost
609 hours to name a single recent tv show that doesn't have a black main character
What famous couple would you like to adopt you?
God his ex wife was such a bitch
Am I the only one who thinks this was underrated?
Is it worth watching?
The Americans
ITT: Movies known for that 'one' scene
How badly is THE WEED JEW gonna fuck this up?
Spoony / Reb Brown
Describe this woman's acting career in five words
Is it worth watching?
What did you guys think of this?
Space Jam
I don't understand what's so special about this film
Seems like child's play to solve
Is this the most iconic shot from the 2000s? Maybe the kiss from Spider man? There Will Be Blood doesn't count...
Where is the best place to keep up to date with Cannes? I want to know how the films are at least being received...
/got/ general
Hey Sup Forums, let's solve racism in this thread!
Whos the most realistic female operator type character?
Gondor > rohan
Post your favourite movies in a 5x3, 1x2, 72x54 or whatever you want...
You will never watch the Sopranos for the first time ever aagin
So who was the big bad in the DC universe before Marvel fags like John Byrne decided it was Darkseid?
Hey guys let's take a serious, award winning drama and turn it into a cartoon
ITT: Shows that Sup Forums said were great but were actually mediocre
On your left
C'mon this will at least be a good popcorn flick
What does Sup Forums think of Adore (2013)?
God Tier:
Getting 'upgraded' every other episode by the Asgard
Bottom 100 roll
Itt actors and actresses who divide opinions, either love or hate
Million Dollar Extreme's "World Peace" TV debut on Adult Swim
Just broke up with the girl I've been in love with for eight years
Really not sure what to think of this
DBZ threads have become a normal occurrence on Sup Forums
Why is he so mean bros?
The Grand Tour
His favourite movie is stalker
Be honest, how psyched are you for this?
Why are modern female entertainment journalists such absolute fucking garbage?
What are some movies that will make me cry?
ITT: Movies That Couldn't Be Made Today
Captain America: The Winter Soldier> Ant-Man> Captain America: Civil War> Iron Man 3> Captain America: The First...
The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time)
The Witch
/got general
Anyone else think Han Solo's death was done terribly...
Was this supposed to be good? What am I missing?
Jenna Fischer
Just got this idea, tell your 3 favourite movies then people try and guess your personality based on them...
Itt:overrated movies
Show me what you've bought onto Shark Tank today Sup Forums
Is he the unsung hero of the series?
"You can suck my bionic dick, McFly! I shit bigger than you! You don't think I'll kill you right here in front of Jaws...
Is this kino
Patrician's guide to capeshit
I'm trying to strengthen my bond with Christ
American Dad
Could a genderswapped Batman movie succeed?
Fuck you Sup Forums that was awesome
Character wakes up
Batman v Superman - Dawn of Justice
Movies men can't mentally grasp:
Comparing Superman to the most powerful man ever to walk the face of the planet is "bad" and "stupid"
So, what exactly was her role in all this...
Eternal /got/ General
You stole fizzy lifting drinks! You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized...
Best World War 2 Movies/TV?
Am i the only one on the fucking planet that absolutely hates this piece of shit?
If you had to make a comparison, who would you say is the "Kanye West" of film and/or television?
Well, look who came out of his cave
Sup Forums knows this is the best Western right?
Well, it's official
Do you think RDJ will be able to pull this scene off properly in the sequels?
Really smart kid
Can't beat Deadpool
Who are modern day actors/actresses/directors that wear the B-movie crown well?
Bashes your head with a metal stick causing permanent brain damage
It's a "Nathan tries to help out a short-order burger joint and dozens of blacks show up and take $6000 from him"...
What's next for her career?
Actors people have told you you look like
What's your favorite 80's flick?
Who's your favorite 'villain' actor?
/trek/ Star Trek General
Welp Gareth Edwards just left Godzilla 2
Hollywood Studios Targeted by Feds in Gender Bias Investigation
How can whitey compete?
I am an Asian and I am terribly offended by the quote from The Hangover 2 "I don't know man, in fucking Asia town'...
Movies women can't mentally grasp
What the fuck happened?
Will her recent weight gain effect her ability to cross over into mainstream movies like Sasha Grey did?
What went wrong
Dr Pavel, I'm CIA!
It's Friday night and we're on Sup Forums. Can we get a Norm Macdonald appreciation thread going?
Why don't you like my show, user?
Thoughts on the movie?
"I retire for what, like 5 minutes and it all goes to shit!"
Sup Forums claims to be smart and red pilled
Shitty Local Filmmakers
Is she autistic?
British TV
Places you wish were real
This movie was great, why didn't Sup Forums tell me about it?
Rich is a complete cunt to fans in chat
You mean to tell me that in 7 YEARS she couldn't escape from an aluminium fucking garden shed???
Did you like Boardwalk Empire user?
H-ha ha! Guys. W-were not bought and paid for by Disney!!
You must destroy it
Jennifer Lawrence’s Embarrassing Party Story
Post first Sup Forums crushes
Name a bigger neckbeard
The girls at my theater collectively gasped during this scene including my date. What did they mean by that?
/got/ general
Is this accurate?
What are you looking at user?
Why does Sup Forums hate me?
Does working at a movie theater make me special on this board
Ok user, no more photos
What the actual fuck, Sup Forums? What the fuck with the literal ayy lmao shit?
Whats next for her body of work?
Seriously, what did she mean by this?
It's a Conan acts like a complete douchebag to Jordan who actually seems a pretty decent guy that more people would...
Terrible YouTube video thread
Would you watch new seasons of Charmed if they restarted the show, Sup Forums?
I still can't figure out what her superpower is
Spoilers: DCEU News
He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie
Who should play her in the inevitable biopic?
Mom found the cum engine in the back of the closet
Nepotism at it's finest
Is it worth watching season 4 of girls? I seen the first 3 seasons. And is it me...
Fuck this guy
/got/ general
What is she thinking right now?
Apothecary Pave'el, I'm Coronet of England
Best Emma coming through
I'd pick oscar Isaac too to be quite honest
It is rumored that yesterday Miss Dani Daniels had an interview with Lexington Steele, famous interracial porn actor...
What's with so many 80s movies having random tits in them?
Looks like AMC is never getting a penny from me again
My wife's son has more (You)'s than me
The 100 After Thread
Literally perfect
Essential Chad-core?
Where would television be today without Oz? Also, Oz General
When was the last time you watched a comedy film that was actually funny?
Surreal Social Realism
So is Johnny Depp a bad actor or just has the worst agent in Hollywood...
When will she be trully famous for her work
Wolf Creek 2005
Let's say Seinfeld was on the air today. What would some of the episodes be like?
Just saw this. Fuck. Humans are fucking dumb
It is happening ! !
Tell me about Bin Aff-lecki
Why does David Fincher's movie "Seven" age so well? aka it doesn't even age, it looks like it was made today...
ITT actors who can beat Batman
/got/ general
Friday the 13th general?
More kings and shit
When the inevitable reboot comes, name modern day actors that will play the characters in the show
Go ahead. We're waiting. What's your product?
How would you handle this situation?
Why does the FBI keep posting baiting threads here with cute girls in bikinis?
If you could only watch the films of one actress for the rest of your life, who would you choose?
You're on a need to know basis
What went wrong?
Bond. James Bond
Who should play America's greatest president in the inevitable biopic?
Leave capekino to us fàm
Name a more overrated season of a show
What's the best sopranos episode?
/fmg/- Filmmaking General
It's a Stargate thread
Why did she leave him?
U.S. Government Agencies Probe Sexist Hiring Practices In Hollywood
But the bells already been rung
Its not really debatable
Claim you're waifu
What did he mean by this?
Has a movie ever encouraged you to go to the gym?
Fuck you, it was funny
Guess kino by snapshot taken at 1 hour mark
How many hours did you spend on your first playthrough of this masterpiece?
Did the Green Lantern movie suffer from a case of bad casting regarding ryan reynolds and blake lively?
Why are horror films so uncreative?
How do you actually discuss the careers of actresses without getting banned?
Your age
Pick a movie for me to watch on this friday evening Sup Forums bros...
Red Letter Media
ITT shit in movies you didn't notice until the second time around
Deadpool described himself as "Ryan Reynolds crossed with a shar-pei" in a 2004 comic book series...
ITT Characters that are literally you
What is your opinion on Louie?
Director Gareth Edwards Exits ‘Godzilla 2’
What is his fucking problem?
What the fuck was her problem?
You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter
There has never and will never be anyone as sexy as Scarlett Johansson
/got/ general
Boba's Super Fun Show
At what point in the show did you realise her plot arc was utterly irrelevant to the actual story?
What a deceptive, bait-and-switch piece of shit movie. For 2 hours we are led to believe that Amelie is some sweet...
What the fuck
Yfw you realize even the fight scenes peaked in season 1
It's climbing
Is this accurate?
Wouldst thee liketh toeth liveth deliciouslyeth?
So can we all agree that this was the best and only good scene in the entire movie?
Why did he never achieve A-list stardom?
What did Sup Forums think about this
Rotten Tomatoes
Why didn't Ash evolve Pikachu?
So, she's done doing Marvel movies?
Go to cinema to see Deadpool
Were they the NEETs of 1960's Eastern Europe?
/got/ general
Guess the actor
Don't Breathe trailer w/ Jane Levy
How did his spider sense not tingle when ant man was on him ??
3x3 Animated Films
/trek/ - Friday Night Star Trek Thread
This is what women consider funny
New Every Frame A Painting vid is pretty comfy. Anyone know any other great Youtube channels about film making?
Who's ready for projects to get funding even if they aren't the best projects simply because someone has more melanin!...
So let me get this straight. Pretty much every god was real...
How would you make a live action Star Wars TV show work...
Wants to keep the Avengers and other heroes accountable by putting them on a list because they're too destructive
ITT: punchable faces
Reminder that America won't play this episode because they're still butthurt about 9/11
Who should replace Strahan on Live?
Were we actually supposed to sympathize with him and want him to succeed...
ITT: We cast the villains for Affleck's BatFlick
/got/ general
There is a gangster movie better than this?
How was this allowed?
Wait so
Why all the bad guys were white men?
Name 10 great American filmmakers who aren't Irish, Jewish, or Italian
So now that the dust settled we can all agree that this is the greatest movie of all time
G vs G
Would you watch a Blackwidow solomovie? What about Dottie or Waspgirl?
"Try that shit again you faggot twink!" How did Marvel get away with this? Especially in the early 00's?
ITT Actors who are secretly gay
/who/ dr who general
Its official guys
Tfw no qt retarded gf
Okay Sup Forums, I think it's time we seriously talk about and address a serious problem on this board...
Marvel cucks on suicide watch
I am wholeheartedly against imprisoning those who have had non-abusive sexual relations with animals...
Jessica Jones
Where were you when OP was an underage faggot bringing up an unfunny meme man who hasn't been relevant or interesting...
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
ITT: post things that has happened to you in real life that would fit into an episode of curb
Nothing Happens: The Film
Which was better Sup Forums?
ITT bad guys who did literally nothing wrong
/got/ general
Is it pronounced "key-no" or "kin-oh"?
Rate the last 3 movies you saw:
Who's gonna be on number 800?
Videogame piracy is dead
Hol up, you're telling me in 8 years Tony Stark went from college kid to haggered dad
Sup Forums literally BTFO
Would it be cringeworthy to ask My barber for chris evans haircut?
Who's ready to exaggerate how bad it will be and irrationally hate this?
Why isn't Ronda Rousey staring in this? LOL
Post our guys
What movies scare you off the future??
Actors youve been told you look like
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this character?
Mel Gibson
ITT: post your favorite director and what you think is their best film
Space niggers aside, what do you think of Cosmos? (the new and old season)
Someone recommend me a >good post-apocalyptic movie
In an interview with Nerdist...
Is MGSV the BvS of video games?
If you wish to be a patrician...
How would you call the music starting at 0:50?
Perfect directors don't exi—
Do u like his performance in gotham as dr hugo strange?
Nauwit tenz
1. country
Movies to combat depression
Redpill me on this man
Superhero films that also focuses on the protagonists alter ego are generally better...
Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode
So does anyone here actually understand this movie, or are you all pretending?
What the fuck was his problem?
Huh. I guess only Disney owned movie properties are successful this year
The end is nigh
Eternal /got/ general
/got/ general
To anyone who don't know Assassin's Creed
Why didn't anyone tell me Armond reviewed Civil War?
I enjoy the films of Zack Snyder
Don't mind me, just being the best Bond
ITT: celebrities who should be in prison
BvS will be better than Civil War
>tfw DC literally has movie called " Losers"
The Asian Connection 2016 1080p WEB-DL H264 AC3-EVO
He doesn't deserve the hate
Name some one more deserving to be the next Bond girl
A literal perfect movie
Wake up
ITT: actors who should play future Bond villains
Why do people blame "bad marketing" for Dredd's failure?
Name one Marvel film better than this masterpiece
We need a white guy who thinks and acts like he's black and still in his 20's
ITT movie characters that are literally (You)
Mike & Jay
Japanese Acting
Best TV series ever made
Will Loki be the new James Bond?
What was his fucking problem?
Looks are knowledge and knowledge is power
We toyed with the idea of giving [Zemo] his mask and sword in the final act of the movie...
My girlfriend hates Interstellar
Go to movies
/got/ general
How and why the fuck does he keep getting roles?
Is this the beginning of Viyashit?
Simon Kinberg wants a Fant4stic sequel
What a disappointing movie
Is Damon operating enough?
3x3 thread
Movie and TV Time Capsule
What did Australians think of this episode of The Simpsons 'Bart vs Australia'?
ITT unfortunate Hollywood siblings
Does Hollywood discriminate against actresses with larger breasts?
This movie was pretty darn captivating
Why is she so autistic? Was she dropped on her head?
Was it shit?
ITT: post movies that everybody forgot existed until right now
Official Sup Forumss Crush List of 2016
Mary Elizabeth Winstead Confirmed As Selina Kyle in Justice League
Make Avengers 3
ITT underated TV shows
It's a 'Trevor Noah straight up lies about how oppressed women/brown people/trannies are to garner sympathy' episode
/got/ general
I don't care
Why did Dredd fail?
He'll be fine
Is It true ?
Movies where the main character is the villain
Tfw peak baneposting is gone forever
Uhmm only 6 inches?
Yoga hosers trailer
So how the fuck did he get his powers and what was his deal...
Why did it suck, bros?
X-Men: Apocalypse
Why is British cinema so much better than Burger cinema?
How has there not been a good D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) movie made yet...
Was it rape?
Paul Feig just said he was offered the opportunity to do a sequel to Ghostbusters but instead decided to reboot it with...
Hey Sup Forums, I think I have Schizophrenia, but I'm too chicken to take the medication I was given...
/got/ general
Another one bites the dust
Who was in the wrong here?
Is talent more important than morals?
Twin Peaks
How can the white boy even compete?
How can white penises compete?
So he was right about everything right?
So most of us on /vp/ now realize the Ash/Serena romance isn't really going anywhere after the Sun/Moon trailer...
Hayley Atwell + Emily Kinney drama picked up by ABC
Which sitcom do you think is better, Sup Forums, The Middle or Modern Family?
So... everything else in the Scream Queens intro was an obvious reference to something
Why is Aunt May so hot???!!!! WTF!
Sorry sir, we have a strict no singles policy here
Michael Bay is taking some interesting artistic decisions IMO
Why is Hollywood so liberal?
Wheels would be nothing without the Legman tbqh
Why didn't Tony get the UN to back them up in this scene?
Is this really who they say it is?
New Edited AC trailer
Seriously is there anything this woman can't do
Lex vs dani daniels
The best Comic Book movie ever released
Toggle off your memes for a second
Your product doesn't interest me. You seem unmotivated and unwilling to succeed. I dislike the way you talk...
Real talk Sup Forums, is he autistic? He's roaming around Colbert's set like a lost child on the spectrum
What do you eat while watching a tv show or movie?
Bane? "Hot" Lists
How did he become so popular outside of the US?
/got/ general
Top 5 films
What superhero could he have played?
Mfw I told my kids I grew up in the 80's and they ask if Netflix was in black and white
What went wrong?
Will it go down in the top 5 television shows of all time?
Jodie Foster slams male filmmakers for relying on rape storylines for female characters
What the fuck was his major malfunction?
What's the worst thing she terminated?
What's the worst thing he's ever done?
YOU watched tonnes of movies in the hopes that your erudition will impress girls...
Yfw you realize Sucker Punch is the purest commercially released Kino released in the past 57 months
Why is he so goddamn BASED?
WTF IS THIS? They replaced Natalie Portman for this ugly black bitch...
Post you're waifu
That'll be $15.99 for the popcorn
First look at ABCs Romeo and Juliet sequel series "Still Star Crossed"
Implying this won't outgross Civil War & Star Wars
ITT take the last two weeks' worth of movies you've watched, and pick the favorite. Here's mine. Show me yours, user
ITT: god tier commercials / promos
You now realize the best 3 movies Disney has released in the past 5 years were it's worst reviewed
The bad CGI didn't bug anyone else?
Welcome to Jurassic Park
Is this true?
Should there be more WEIGHT diversity in Hollywood? People get caught up on race...
Does anyone even watch Modern Family anymore?
Post your theatre experience when u went to watch Captain America Civil War
Pitch me an idea for a new show Sup Forums
What do you think Sup Forums? Will it be the first good video game movie or will it be a steam pile of shit?
Movies that are historically accurate
Wolverine is now 47
Stargate thread?
Finally got around watching Drive
Ahahahahahaha bitch
Post you're favorite comedy
Alright user. You finally got your meeting with us. Tell us your movie idea and don't disappoint us
After the role of a lifetime, I've been busy
The 100 live thread
What does Sup Forums think of Viceland, the first network for millenials?
Eternal /got/ general
The Accountant
Why do mods keep deleting Bella threads?
What is its name again?
Which of the three existentialist black comedies dealing with the frustration and shallowness of white collar middle...
They don't even give a fuck anymore, do they? They'll literally whore out anything they can
ABC Cancels Galavant
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
The greatest "well shit" moment in Star Trek history
We toyed with the idea of giving [Zemo] his mask and sword in the final act of the movie...
Girls next door
Has insulting the original fanbase of a film in a remake ever turned out well?
Batman vs superman
If Suicide Squad Bombs is capeshit finally over?
Can you help me find the title of a movie Sup Forums? It stars Brad Pitt. It came out in the past decade...
Have you done your part and disliked it yet?
Pacific Rim 2 gets Jurassic World writer
Can we take a moment to honor this movie and Assassin's Creed for being the franchise sacrifices needed to appease the...
Go to see Civil War
What should her next role be?
Bye bye sweet tiddies
Muhammed Jihad Bond
New York
What'd you all think of Zodiac (2007)?
He did nothing wrong
Wow this movie was overrated garbage
The worst sequels to the best movies
Warner Bros. Enslisted Greg Berlanti to healm the Booster Gold/Blue Beetle movie
Hollywood's Death Note
Actors who committed career suicide
What's with all the hate?
Why is he such a fucking dick?
Ask a girl what movies she likes
What are the best goddamn Western movies?
/got/ general
What movie do you think you've seen more than anyone else on this board?
Can we have a talk about this masterpiece?
Now that the dust has settled what is the official Sup Forums consensus on Sicario compared to other operatorcore kinos?
I have a package here for Tony Stank
I don't care. Leave capeshit to me
What was his goddamn problem?
Monkey Dust
/The Witch/ general
Finish watching Civil War
What the fuck was his problem?
Hello. My name is John. I get all my political views from comedians like Louis CK and late night TV like The Daily Show
What's the best Friday The 13th movie and why is it Part VI?
Literally the "I fucking love science" of film
I haven't seen this in a while. What's it like nowadays?
Doctor Strange
Wait, so why did he hate everyone else? He was the same as them
24 Legacy ordered to series
Eternal /got/ general
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
How can Marvel or DC even compete?
/lbg/ Letterbox General
Assassin's Creed
The CW has picked up its first new series for next season, and it is not that new. After weeks of speculation...
Jessica Jones
So, who was better?
1984 in Film
Sooooo....where's Oswell Whent?
Will Avatar 2 be the first $3b movie?
That's it boys I'm taking the plunge into capeshit, I'm gonna marathon the MCU this weekend. What am I in for...
Alexander Skarsgaard
Will this be the movie to completely kill any interest in Capeshit for normies or will it become even stronger with...
Unpopular opinions thread
Is this the shittiest Sherlock Holmes adaption?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What does Sup Forums think of Ridley Scott?
Why do people like goodfellas more than casino when casino is the better movie in every way?
Now that the dust has settled, which one was better?
I wish you good fortune in the wars to come
Can't walk
Post underrated capekino
Which one, Sup Forums?
Implying she did anything wrong
Watching this with female friend
Captain America: Civil War Isn't The End Of The Avengers Conflict, According To The Russos
Movies only you watched as a kid
Boyfriend cries during movie
Sucker Punch was a treatise on the objectification of women as seen through the eyes of various nerd subcultures...
Anyone else find this show massively annoying???
ITT: actors that you would like to have a beer with
Godzilla Resurgence first trailer
Brown eyes aren't superior in white people, they said
Haha, oh wow, how did he manage it?
In prison, dinner was always a big thing. We had a pasta course and then we had a meat or fish...
To Catch a Predator thread
Tell that to Elle's long neck
TFW you realize they changed the horse
Names himself after a cat from South America
Is Nausicaa of the Valley of the Ass literally Miyazaki's best kino?
When will Marvel Studios finally reboot their universe and add more diversity characters like the comics did?
Cannes 2016 thread -- Get in here!
What the fuck happened?
Who is the single stupidest character in Game of Thrones and why is it her?
Asian movies suggestion
What is a reddit film?
Who would win in a fight?
You told me this movie is good Sup Forums. Why you lied to me?
New Kevin Smith movie trailer. This is the guy who made Chasing Amy and Red State
Is she ever going to die in the show?
/got/ general
There was a nice cozy Sopranos thread the other day. Let's have another one
What did she mean by this?
Star Wars VIII spoilers
That dank Chemical Brothers soundtrack
Classic Movies About Drugs
Best Supporting Actress - Kristen Stewart, how does it sound Sup Forums?
Rocky Horror Picture Show: Fox Edition
Preacher - "A Look at the Series"
New Every Frame A Painting video is out
Hahahaha gypsies ha
Eternal /got/ General
Is this the most powerful scene in all of modern cinema?
What's the best episode and why is it all of them?
ITT: movies that could not be released today
He lived a hard life
What would you do in this situation?
Tom hardy confirmed for TR-8R
Scared, marvelfags?
So apparently this is happening and Peter Pan and Alice are now siblings
Why the FUCK do women pretend to like Star Wars?
ITT: villains who didn't face punishment
Would you watch a Black Widow movie?
Is it cultural appropriation for an American to play an African character like the Black Panther...
Anyone watch Kimmel or any talkshow like its a ritual?
Can anybody suggest some movies where the physical heat of the setting (e...
/got/ general - Petyr "CIA" Baelish edition
What kind of movies do Chads watch?
Sooo.. is no one going to adress the white washing assassin's creed did ?
Unconventionally attractive actresses
Favorite episode?
Let's finally settle this
Was this a video game or a film?
Stories are unrealistic
I know this only happened in the show, but what did he whisper before he died?
Why was she Russian for only half of the movie?
He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie
Underrated actress or just eye candy?
What is the worst episode?
Why is nobody on Sup Forums talking about this kick ass movie...
Can we get a soundtrack thread?
What stereotypess do Asian countries have about white people?
Meanwhile in Marvels Batman
Why are DC's women so ugly?
Is he the most based man on television right now?
Tom Hiddleston spotted in 'meeting with director Sam Mendes and producer Barbara Broccoli'
Why isn't Hershlag in the new Thor?
/got/ general
Why was he such a homo
How much does this trigger Sup Forums?
Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50...
Why has Marvel never had a single memorable piece of score?
Can there truly be a middle ground between the Jedi and the Sith...
What is some essential evilanimalcore?
He did nothing wrong
Films everybody on Sup Forums likes
Why is the first thor movie so underrated?
Does looking at this picture bring you excitement or do you think it looks dumb?
Civil War's already forgotten by most people
Assassin's Creed - Official Trailer
This was the only good thing about that boring ass feminist movie
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk Trailer
Who is better quicksilver
What happened
How's that new miranda cosgrove tv show - crowded - ?? - doing? did it get renewed for a 2nd season?
Batman 3
What did you think about this upcoming movie
Quip after quip after quip
Whats her best movie?
/got/ general
Why do girls like to show off how much they like Star Wars?
Why do machines dislike humans?
Quicksilver is probably the best thing every to come out of capeshit
Women and children ONLY
What can fill the void bros?
In this thread we guess the Warcraft Rottentomatoes score. I'm going with a conservative 71%
Complains about Hollywood producing garbage, sequels, and remakes
What went wrong?
4 clips from Warcraft
What was Zod thinking in this moment?
You know how Lawnmower Man looks to us now...
Civil War is on Track to Smash Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice - Boxoffice
Let's right dialogue for the upcoming Infinity War
Why do movies act like weed is so awesome? It's really not
Am I the only one who think this movie went to shit after bootcamp
/got/ general
The red bitch (GoT)
What was in the tower?
How the fuck does she have an oscar?
That's not what it says here
Assassin's Creed movie trailer
Could a genderswapped Batman movie succeed?
I would much rather watch a standalone movie about the winter soldier than black widow...
This was a shit overrated piece of crap
/capeshit general/
Is this a blue-pilled movie?
/got/ general
Should I bother?
Films that got you into lifting. Pic very related
When the fuck was the last good comedy?
Did you watcht the royal wedding?
Well that was boring piece of shit
Women will NEVER understand this movie
You will never live in a world where Sony made a deal with Fox instead of Marvel allowing for a Spider-Man/Deadpool...
Let's finally settle this which is more important to make a good movie a good director or a good writer ?
Did they swear in medieval times? It sounds weird in this show
I know I'm late to the party, but I just finished True Detective S1 and I thought it was really great
Show is called Last Man on Earth
What are the 'perfect' South Park episodes? I'm re-watching it, starting around the middle. Erection Day and Make Love...
Spiderman homecoming
Eternal /got/ general
Muh realistic grimdark fantasy show that pulls no punches and any of your favourite characters can permanently die
True operator-kino doesn't exis-
So, was he guilty?
So it's confirmed? She is queen of Sup Forums?
Assassin's Creed Trailer Thread #2
Post your newsfu
2 would give their lives to protect you, the others will do anything to kill you
The Neon Demon
We will fight to the very last man!
Why is no one talking about this?
Dr. /who/ General
Why does Jay keep trying when the rest of RLM have long given up?
Warhammer 40k movie when
Tfw really want to rewatch LOTR
What are the most awesome blondes on television?
Of all my Warcraft complaints, more than anything I absolutely cannot get over how bad Garona looks
I need 15 years
Finally got around to watching this. How did it not make a billion dollars?
CBS's face when they realized they put a video featuring a contestant's tits on youtube
Set 30 years later
How do we make sure that MGM casts Michael Fassbender as the next James Bond?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Would you ever consider dating an adult film actress Sup Forums? if no, what if they weren't working actively?
Will Rhodey ever walk again?
Oh look another "deep" anniemay film
Eternal /got/ general
Godzilla Resurgence just a little over two months away
James Rolfe is now an old dad
No more forest loli
What if Dexter misinterpreted all of Harry's words of wisdom?
Do you even remember them?
I made a painting
Itt pretencious movies everybody likes to appear intelligent
Thank you based Snyder
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...