/trek/ - Friday Night Star Trek Thread

>Tell me, mon capitaine, if your Federation morals are so superior, why do you still imprison sentient creatures for your aesthetic pleasure?

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"Get that fish out of my ready room!"

That episode was so good.
Everytime Jellico enters scene...
DATA: Captain on the bridge.

TNG is Star Trek for babies

DS9 and TOS are the only good Star Treks

Now now, there's no reason we can't all get along here. Unless a fucking furry TAS fan shows up.


DS9 was water-down B5 though.

>improved B5*
which isn't saying much

the new trek series is going to be hot garbage isn't it?


>It's an episode where Data remorsely betrays his closest friends to further advance his own career as usual

I suspect so based on the fact that it's the current year and it's on a premium streaming service, but it's theoretically possible it could be good as it has nothing to do with that other thing that never happened 3 times

Wasn't it revealed to be a hologram in one episode?


What even is the state of animal rights in the Fed? With the way O'Brien reveals his mother handled real meat it must mean that that there are still farmers and the hippies haven't won completely.

What a massive waste of resources. Why not just have a TV with that windows aquarium screensaver?

Bryan Fuller (Empok Nor, Living Witness, Mortal Coil, Course: Oblivion, Bride of Chaotica and more)

Nicholas Meyer (Star Trek II, Star Trek IV, Star Trek VI)

Alex Kurtzman in TV mode, not movie mode (Hercules and Xena)

Rod "My father was an asshole" Roddenberry

Prime Universe


Post the most underrated episode

My vote is Move Along Home which seems to be universally despised. This guy in particular is really funny.

Captain, if your much-vaunted Federation is truly so high and mighty, then tell me about your sexual organs.

You first. I always wondered if Cardies were properly reptiles, like with laying eggs and everything.

Aw yeah, m'shappy. I'm on the seventh shap now, which shap are you on? That secret hidden shap after shap five was so dope.

You want me to take off my towel?

Field of Fire. Ezri really embraced her inner crazy in a way Jadzia never could.

>based Jellico finally getting Troi back in uniform, the slut

"Thine Own Self"

It's a love letter to the scientific method.

I can't klon peag with that, I'm only on the sixth shap

Yeah, you're right. That episode is deeply underappreciated.

In the end is the only thing that grants the Doctor rights like Data his mobile emitter?

I have never watched any of the movies.
Should I watch them all? People say some of them arent so good.

Who gives a shit about the movies?

All the real fun (and all the dank memes) lies with the television shows.

All treks are good treks just some treks have a bit more lousy episodes than others let's be fucking honest

>Should I watch them all?
Of course

>People say some of them arent so good.
Insurrection and Nemesis are bad, Generations is okay, all the rest range between very good and excellent depending on personal taste.

I've heard he might be interested.

Star Trek women always look better in a uniform

There really are decent to amazing but the ones I don't like (based on the fact that I can't LITERALLY remember anything about the movies only small bits)which were into darkness and 2009 I'm still trying to watch first contact and up but plebflix took fist contact so I'm just waiting/searching for it on dvd

>Quark likes strong-willed, outspoken women in clothing
>Quark's mom is a strong-willed, outspoken woman in clothing
>Quark likes women who remind him of his mother

>Kira reacts to Dukat with overt irritability
>overt irritability is part of Cardassian flirting
>Dukat never stopped believing that Kira was flirting with him
>the whole Cardassian Occupation is a result of Central Command thinking that the Bajorans were flirting with rude Cardassian tourists

Where were you when DS9 had the deepest sexual lore?

>Jadzia is a whore and everyone can see it
>Captain Boday has a transparent skull

>DS9 was a good star trek
gtfo nigger

Why don't you like the Ferengi episodes, Sup Forums?

But I do

everyone thinks the Ferengi are space jews, but the Bajorans are really the space jews. Ferengi are a tongue in cheek parody of libertarians and laissez-faire capitalists.

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

Paper Moon gave me feels.

Finished TNG and DS9 lads and I'm onto Voyager.

I've just finished Threshold.

Fuck me I might give up.

where can I get hold of the ds9 or enterprise books? Are the Voy ones better than the show?


middle pic triggers me something fierce

Besides the last 5-10 minutes, Threshold wasn't THAT bad of an episode.

I bought Garak by Garak second hand from Amazon US, it cost a shit ton and took months to get here

As far as I'm aware only some of the TNG and TOS ones are sill being printed, so that's probably your best bet if you can't find any at charity shops.

"Mother, get undressed this instant!"

I unironically enjoy threshold

Anyone got a TNG watch guide picture? I've never watched Star Trek before and would like to try it.

>Bride of Chaotica
>The Garak gets high and kills a bunch of people aboard the abandoned not-DS9 episode


Watch all of it except for Shades of Gray because that's a clip show

The guides are jokes for people who have already seen them, they aren't really worth anything to people who haven't into Star Trek before

Any lingering worry about the next Trek being an SJW show should be gone after the announcement of Bryan Fuller being showrunner.

"Living Witness" was anti-SJW af.

I suppose I should, but I'm a little intimidated by the sheer amount of content. I just got through the X-Files recently so the prospect of starting another massive series is daunting.

That was Bryan Fuller: Guest Writer, we're getting Bryan Fuller: Showrunner

Here user

Thanks man.

Battlestar galactica > Everything else > Pajamas Trek

DS9 is superior in every way except for the setting and station design

Here's DS9's. There's one for Voyager too that stops after Threshold S02 E15 because the series should've ended there.

oh and the costumes, Earthforce uniforms are GOAT.


I agree, and the winner for greatest number of bad episodes goes to Voyager

Don't give up user. Nevermind the faggots here, voyager is god tier trek

>Past Tense
>Little Green Men
>just okay

i like how it says "spectrum guide"
like whoever made this is on the spectrum of autism because you know they are

>Move Along Home
>not great
>Field of Fire

WTF this list needs some serious fucking adjustment.

And just making the last ten episodes "good" is lazy shit. A lot of the Dukat/Winn stuff was vomit-inducing.

That's why those guides are subjective trash. Little Green Men is seminal.
VOY isn't god-tier but it's highly enjoyable and I'm baffled at the disdain when not speaking of most of the early stuff (which is quite bad - especially with the writing).
I UNIRONICALLY enjoyed the episode, but people say it's shite AFTER THE FACT.
Everything bad about that episode comes at the very end and the logic after it's over. Up until that point, you can't say it wasn't interesting at the least.
Same goes for Move Along Home on DS9 which is eclipsed in the manure piles of other DS9 Season 1 and 2 episodes, namely the Proto-Universe episode where everyone's like "This shit could destroy our entire universe but let's stop and give it a chance because there MIGHT be sentient life in it."

>Living Witness" was anti-SJW af.
yeah that guy who showed up out of nowhere and told the truth really caused problems denying the janewaycaust.

fucking asshole.

You have to be kidding me.

This is without a doubt the worst episode of any trek ever.

What am i in for?

Field of Fire is the opposite of bad.
Makes me wonder if some of those were legit trolling.

its one of the best Quark episodes.

It's on the Enterprise B so is massively constrained in what it can do due to being a prequel.

It will end up like ENT without the benefit of based Shran.

insurrection is genuinely my favorite tng movie, it felt the most star trekky of any of the tng movies imo

>invasive procedures
oh please


lowpoint of the series. if you got through that, there's no reason to give up now

I like tom paris episodes. Up until he turns into a fish I really enjoyed it

Currently watching "False Profits", Season 3 of Voyager, 5th Episode, Stardate 50074.3 .

Find a planet where the Ferengi from TNG's "The Price" got stranded on the other side of a wormhole and took advantage of the local population.

>They're all humans.

Not even a wrinkle near the ears.

>the one where Damar gets over his addiction to kanar
but that never happens


I'd rate it at least an "okay"

I thought the episode itself was pretty stupid, but the guy who plays Verad is so based that it keeps it entertaining.

Fucking stealing that

It's Friday night and you're staying in with the rest of us.
So pull up a chair, get comfy and grab yourself a glass. We've got blue and brown kanar.
What's ailing you this evening? You watching any episodes right now?

Past Tense is so funny to watch now.

It's 2024 and they check into the welfare office with clipboards.

I assure you, they are quite fertile.

Past Tense was god-awful and it's "message" was.. what?
Get the disenfranchised jobs regardless of felon status?
Don't create FEMA camps without an emergency?

Overall, I hated Past Tense.

Aye Captain Jones.
I mean, Captain Cohagen.
Ah fuck it.

capitalism doesnt work you cant just ignore social problems.

So super advanced androids are built out of wires and LEDs?

Elementary, dear Data.

Gaeta did nothing wrong

>I'm baffled at the disdain
Everyone here likes all Star Trek. We just like ranking everything and then bitching about our least favorite endlessly. Maybe it's Sup Forums's fault.

I think it's a blast, one of the most rewatchable episodes. The message I couldn't care less about

>worse than Spock's Brain

Congratulations Oedipus, you have just discovered one of the basics of human sexuality.

>Post the most underrated episode
>The Royale: Bad
I love that episode. It's like Star Trek did Oceans 13 and 2001 at the same time but great.

>The message I couldn't care less about
Well that's just neat-o, user.
Did you like the guns and the fighting, did ya'?!
Oh, hell, I love a good western too..