Hey Sup Forums, I think I have Schizophrenia, but I'm too chicken to take the medication I was given...

Hey Sup Forums, I think I have Schizophrenia, but I'm too chicken to take the medication I was given. What are some movies about people with this disease? I've heard of A Beautiful Mind, but I may need one more.

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Clean, Shaven

I wish you luck because if it's true it's hell

Take your fucking meds you're hurting everyone that cares about you

Don't take it. Remember that those meds were only made to turn people like you into harmless vegetables

It is true that most meds will make you overly passive but at the same time if they work on you they may calm the paranoia and constant tension you feel inside.

Pick your poison.

i heard those pills melt your brain

Take the meds, do you wanna end up like young Anakin

Is there a real cure for schizophrenia? I once thought that since schizophrenics are trapped in a knot of contradictions (ex: he doesn't want to give his fortune to his mother, but he doesn't want to disappoint her by not giving it so he invents a new reality where both works), why don't we simply try to let schizophrenics complete their schizophrenia and do whatever they have to to realize the nature of their delusions? This isn't applied obviously because it would be too dangerous since some schizophrenics can become violent. But what if? What if we do it anyway? Has any psychiatrist ever tried that? (apart from shutter island)

Take your meds, they're not forever. Use them to calm the shit inside your head until you recover. Get Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ASAP. Don't waste any time. Not online either but with a trained practitioner ( usually as psychologist). Engage with it and maintain it. This is your no1 chance to recover. Recovery isn't just possible it's probable. The medication won't make you a "harmless vegetable" , they give you a break from hell to gather your thoughts.

This isn't how it works

Why not?

>Taking the medicinal jew

>Hey Sup Forums, I think I have Schizophrenia, but I'm too chicken to take the medication I was given.

then be a self indulgent fuckhead

or take the meds

that is all


The only movie that tells what its like
Plug in ear buds and listen this on a loop all day

They're not "trapped in a knot of contradictions". It's a combo of the following.

Disorganized speech.
Disorganized or catatonic behavior.
Negative symptoms (emotional flatness, apathy, lack of speech)

Don't believe everything you see on TV.

Most sufferers have or have had life issues which once resolved using CBT goes a long way to recovery.

These work. Checking them out.
Unironically my real fear.
Once took Cloranzepan and it was hell. Now i was prescribed Aripiprazole and the wiki page on it scares the shit out of me,

It's idiots like you that make the world a worse place. Encouraging someone to turn away help because it's all part of the world order domination master plan. Fuck off back under your rock.

>Don't believe everything you see on TV.
I read this in a psychiatry book.

>Disorganized speech.
>Disorganized or catatonic behavior.
>Negative symptoms (emotional flatness, apathy, lack of speech)

Yes, and all those symptoms do have a cause don't they?

>CBT goes a long way to recovery

And does it fix the problem?

Schizophrenia isn't real, you are finely tuned for the gift of prophecy and to speak directly with God, you should be proud, I'm jealous, my third eye is completely calcified from fluoride + pesticides + air pollutants

pic related, it's a severely underrated prophet

wew lad

Nah it's actually the people like you who ruin everything. Wanting people to take meds that have no meaningful use whatsoever. I bet you think electroshock is a great invention.

You can go down the CBT route without the meds but it depends on how bad your symptoms are at he moment. The symptoms can often prevent you from maintaining treatment.

Go sit on a pike

>implying the mind is not always open and accepting of infinite if you let yourself even above ego and let all things in
>implying you can't just smoke weed and stop thinking for a few hours to achieve this in any human

A show, not a movie, but Horace and Pete

Take Shelter


Ok, cards on the table , Psychologist here.

You've either quotes a single case study or an opinion piece. Nobody really know why these symptoms arise but "problems with living" are most commonly suspected. People who go down the route of short term med use and CBT usually recover. As I said recovery is a virtual certainty but the sufferer needs to engage in the process.

Yeah. Great idea. Sit on a pike, take useless meds, electroshock, what else? What other great solutions do you have for people suffering schizophrenia?

There is no cure because there is no clear patterns. Schizophrenics might share similar behaviours but there is no definitive treatment. Sometimes a patient might show signs of improvement only to slip in a whole different state of delusion right after the treatment.

There is also a lot of stigma attached to schizophrenics claiming them to be "violent" "dangerous" and pretty much like human beast of some sort when in reality they used to have a life just like any other normal human being. Some severe sufferers may even be aware of their problem but can't help it. Also in severe cases schizophrenia can be the scariest thing that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Imagine living in hell of constant confusion, shifting thoughts, complete detachment from reality, lost identity, lost memories, constant sense of danger, not only difficulty but even complete lack of concentration it's a mental purgatory and you might aswell be dead.

No, I experimented with shamanic medicine and traditional hyperborean meditation methods + potions, turns out I am just not one gifted with prophecy, and should have listened to the Bible to begin with.

The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's important people. By your magic spell (greek text φαρμαkεία, potions/drugs) all the nations were led astray.
-Apocalypse of St. John 18:23

I think medication should be the last option most of the time. I'm a psychologist, we don't prescribe meds numbnuts. However, if you are suffering severe symptoms then getting short term relief makes sense. I wouldn't want to be on any of those medications long term but if I had those issues I would be straight on them. ECT is a good thing btw, it's not what you see on TV either. It's a surprisingly gentle process.

Name one case of a schizophrenic who was cured by CBT and meds.

>You've either quotes a single case study or an opinion piece
Nah it was actually a description of schizophrenia as a whole

>Psychologist here
So you don't really know about mental disorders

>being a Demiurge cuck

no specified "cure" but lots of really effective treatments which do work when adhered to.

Thanks for playing, fuck off back to your David Icke youtube videos and lonely wanking sessions.

I actually have the Nag Hammadi texts lying right next to me right now, but I believe in fact that our current predicament and i.e. pain is in all ways caused by our own greed and hatred of our great Father, I have experienced this on my own body.

>ECT is a good thing btw, it's not what you see on TV either. It's a surprisingly gentle process.

I know what it's like, my father who is a neurologist once assisted to some and told me about it. But it's still shit. Someone once had an idea to blast electricity into someone's brain and everyone in the medical field til this day covers this idea to hide that it's complete idiocy. Using electroshock to cure a schizophrenic is as smart as punching your computer so that it runs faster

So do you actually study mental disorders? are you sure?

And who are you to question academic work?

To be human is to be God. You have been lied to. Trust nothing but what feels
You just have not felt 100% conscience so you have not been everything.

OP remember you can ask your doctor for a different medication if it doesn't work out for you. There are typical and atypical antipsychotics, the older "typicals" tend to have more side effects and the newer "atypicals" are usually tolerated better. Take charge of this thing. Don't listen to the tin foil hats on here, get started on CBT asap. Go on, get started. I want you to recover and you will.

does he also work for nintendo?

translation: hey guys im an attention whore showing off my unique disorder, oh this is the Sup Forums board.... uhhhhh what are some movies i can watch related to it!!!!!! heh.... genius.

>his delusion level: off the charts

Nah, he just work in a very famous hospital.

But, since you feel like i'm wrong enough to use sarcasm, explain the complex logic behind using CBT to cure someone's mental disorder? What's the scientific explanation behind it? I could punch my throat when I have flu and kill the flu if CBT are correct

I'm not here to justify myself to you. Any professional knows it's right to challenge existing academic work based on newer research you fucking steaming heap of dung.Mental disorders are my bread and butter you pigfucker. You actually sound like someone who knows they have a problem but are too afraid to seek help for it and spends all their time trying to tear down the practitioners and their methods to justify not going. Good luck with that.

It's basically cause and effect and if you weren't anything short of intelligent you should've been able to see that, but you seem to have some odd personal agenda against electro-shock therapy, which is heavily as user-dependent treatment because ding ding it depends on how subjectively the user interprets the shock.

Look you've already stated you can "understand" academic research, look it up. I can only assume you're a "prove god doesn't exist" kinda guy. If I was as overweight as you I might feel the same.

So you're a psychiatrist then. Cus parapsychology isn't in the educational cursus of psychologists is it

i feel you lad

i think im schizoid but i dont want it confirmed

welcome to earth.

What do you mean you "think". Either you see illusions or you dont. Not much room for a middle ground.

>It's basically cause and effect
Ah, so you're saying it works? Because it doesn't. Til no single proof of its use recorded.

>is heavily as user-dependent treatment because ding ding it depends on how subjectively the user interprets the shock
>it doesn't work, so i'll just state that the subject wasn't in an adequate state for it work!

>look it up
I did though, no proof of its usefulness anywhere.
>"prove god doesn't exist" kinda guy
Nah, i'm a prove god exists kind of guy. I need you to prove that electroshock WORK.

It's no more different than a broken leg just needs a different treatment. You wouldn't hobble round on that fucker hoping it would get better, you'd get it plastered and fixed. Mental health is the same and there are many issues so don't give yourself an internet diagnosis. Go see a professional. Be discerning too, you should be offered talk therapy (CBT) and/or meds with the goal over time to be self sustaining and med free. Your life will be different.


drink a banana + fresh mango smoothie, it's proven to help denebulize your pineal gland

schizoid isn't what you think it is I think.

OP here. I read the whole thread and it looks like an argument between me and me, and it's hella spoopy. I'm gonna go watch what first post best post said, because I I think I'll understand better if I actually see someone going through this.
Thanks everyone.

Summary: This study analyzed the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in depression by means a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials that compared ECT with simulated ECT or placebo or antidepressant drugs and by a complementary meta-analytic review of nonrandomized controlled trials that compared ECT with antidepressants drugs. The review revealed a significant superiority of ECT in all comparisons: ECT versus simulated ECT, ECT versus placebo, ECT versus antidepressants in general, ECT versus TCAs and ECT versus MAOIs. The nonrandomized controlled trials also revealed a significant statistical difference in favor of ECT when confronted with antidepressants drugs. Data analyzed suggest that ECT is a valid therapeutic tool for treatment of depression, including severe and resistant forms


No, your argument was you didn't understand why people thought it would work. I explained to you why they thought it would work (it's stimuli which allows cause and effect to happen.) It's just pain to a panic person usually forced against their will. No shit it won't work.

good luck man, get the help you need and take control. It will be tempting to look for people who have coped without meds and there are some but most if not all got talk therapy and made positive life changes such as diet and exercise. I really wish you all the best user

it's not a painful procedure

While I agree OP should take his meds, CBT doesn't cure schizophrenia you fucking asshat,.

So because none of these work ECT has to be considered a valid therapeutic tool?
Nowhere is specified the long term results of 'treatment' with ECT. I never said it wouldn't have efficient short term effects, but does it actually cure the illness?

What effect?

The whole point of elctro-shock therapy is to overload the senses with stimuli. If not pain what else would electricity produce in the human body, unless it's just vibrations?

Antipsychotics will help to relieve hallucinations, delusions and agitation but probably won't help the cognitive and affective symptoms much, if at all. Also they have horrible side effects.

>ECT is a good thing btw, it's not what you see on TV either. It's a surprisingly gentle process.
This confirms you are an idiot.

You don't just see illusions or even fucking hear them. It can be a simple as an impulse to do things that you don't want to but feel like if you didn't something terrible would happen.


>you go outside and close the door with your key clearly knowing that you did it right
>but anxiety kicks in and something starts to protest inside your head to go open the door and close it again
>so you go and do it because if you don't the anxiety persists

You don't actually feel it, you go unconscious for like 1 sec

The effect of placebo. You do realize the mind can placebo itself in and out of cancer? Placebo is arguably stronger then anything physical and any good doctor will understand and know this. This isn't figurative or hyperbole. This is literal. The mind can erase whole mental, emotional, spiritual, and relative physical illness if believing or relaxed enough.

this isn't schizoid this is OCD


Why not use placebo that don't risk to make you lose permanently certain memory cell and possibly destroy some neurons?

Arguing with idiots is pointless, they always drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

The way ECT is done today, you don't feel it because the anesthesiologist has knocked you out and given you additional drugs to control the muscle spasms. It still induces a grand mal seizure.

I can't even tell by your post if you think these posts are good or idiots so your the idiot buddy

So why am an idiot? You're the one who keeps defending a treatment that has no real use without any valid proof.

This where it starts then you proceed to forget things more often and become increasingly more and more paranoid thinking something bad is waiting around every corner, that people watch you, that if you don't do what your impulses tell you your family will get hurt and it spirals down to complete madness.

I know this because of the stories I have heard from my relatives and their paranoid son which as of today showed improvement but still thinks he is not alone.

this aint schizoid m8

>no real use

If you're constantly in pain and can't cure the cause you take painkillers.

Same goes for antipsychotics. If your mind is fucking up and there's no cure, the best hope for now is antipsychotics.

I was diagnosed with schizoaffective, which if I understand correctly is schizophrenia + bipolar disorder.

But I don't see visions. And I don't hear things.

Is this a bullshit diagnosis

You do know there are different kinds of shizophrenia right?

Yea but it's harmful to your brain cells so ECT A SHIT

Yes, schizoid is basically irrelevant to that

Not necessarily. There are different kinds of schizophrenia.
The popular one with hallucinations and delusions is paranoid schizophrenia.
The most common one is disorganized schizophrenia where the mind just has brainfarts.

probably not but you're not required to take the first diagnosis you get. You can seek a second opinion. BTW are you undertaking any therapy other than medicinal?

Schizophrenia is bad for your brain cells. The brain literally shrinks when suffering from schizophrenia. The shocks pause the shrinking. It's literally the lesser of two evils.

Isn't schizo affective completely unrelated to schizophrenia? Just because there's the word 'schizo' in it doesn't mean you have to hear things

It isn't but anyone diagnosed SPD might end up delusional aswell

usually you'll have a combo of these symptoms

Disorganized speech.
Disorganized or catatonic behavior.
Negative symptoms (emotional flatness, apathy, lack of speech)

nope, just taking the latuda. Which causes akathisia for me so I must take cogentin/benztropine to counter that.

comedy gold

not him, but who are you to tell me my brain should just stop shrinking? why don't you check your privilege, you shizophobe misogynistic racist shitlord

>Guntrip observed that the preceding characteristics result in loneliness: "Loneliness is an inescapable result of schizoid introversion and abolition of external relationships. It reveals itself in the intense longing for friendship and love which repeatedly break through. Loneliness in the midst of a crowd is the experience of the schizoid cut off from affective rapport."[38] This is a central experience of the schizoid that is often lost to the observer. Contrary to the familiar caricature of the schizoid as uncaring and cold, the vast majority of schizoid persons who become patients express at some point in their treatment their longing for friendship and love.

literally me

The meds are good for suppressing the symptoms but getting talk therapy and really engaging with it might lead to lessening your meds , changing to a milder form and over the longer term coming off of them entirely. Talk to your practitioner. I they seem to only want to keep you medicated then seek out another one, but stay on your meds whilst doing so. People feel better on meds, stop taking them and often rebound far worse. I can't stress how much CBT will help you.

me too.

if you know a lot about the illness, can I ask how?

Do you have it? Are you a psychiatrist?

>inb4 doctors on Sup Forums

>this thread
Why do so many 4channarians have Munchausen Syndrome?

I have Münchhausen Syndrome.

Psychologist, this place is gold