Colton Baker
Other urls found in this thread:
Gavin Adams
Cmon fags
Kayden Morgan
>Starts off with an edgelord animal abuse gif
>Expects thread to go anywhere
Ian Smith
Eh someone else can always start one (;
Brandon Harris
Jayden Harris
>laughs at human suffering and death
>gets triggered by animal suffering and death
wow user go back to tumblr you double standard faggot
Aiden Turner
The day a dog thinks "I'd like to skin that human and wear his skin because I like the way it looks" then maybe I'll change my tune.
For calling ourselves superior to animals we sure act like the worst ones.
Brody Torres
We're just hyper intelligent animals, anyone who thinks we aren't is dumb
Hunter Sanchez
so new it hurts....
Robert Roberts
>Killing ourselves faster than almost any other mammal