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Cmon fags

>Starts off with an edgelord animal abuse gif

>Expects thread to go anywhere

Eh someone else can always start one (;


>laughs at human suffering and death
>gets triggered by animal suffering and death
wow user go back to tumblr you double standard faggot

The day a dog thinks "I'd like to skin that human and wear his skin because I like the way it looks" then maybe I'll change my tune.

For calling ourselves superior to animals we sure act like the worst ones.

We're just hyper intelligent animals, anyone who thinks we aren't is dumb

so new it hurts....


>Killing ourselves faster than almost any other mammal


>How To Train Your Baby


>Killing ourselves faster than almost any other mammal
Yeah we also have the highest population of any mammal to the point where we're overpopulated. Consider wars and conflict in general as a form of control of our overpopulation.

>newfags calling other people newfag
Just stop m8

Blah blah



Thread = won

he looks sad...

wtf is wrong with you



Goddamnit daquan another draw.



Animals are too stupid to intentionally or otherwise kill their own species in mass numbers. They don't have the ability to mass murder with weapons created by their own intelligence.

For real. Doesn't he know b




>Not realizing your own existence is thanks to superior intelligence.

infant mortality is sure fun




Hey at least his tattoo is spot on


And you know he's got some pics for proof himself




source? and what was he doing




backstory on this one?

This is too violent




who ever did this deserves a metal of honor.

Holy fucking hell...I have this on an old 1.44mb floppy disk somewhere from the dial-up days of the internet.

Wow, you're fucking stupid.

Sports report.

Turning a $20 mugging into a reserved seat in Ole' Sparky...

See Just because you don't like something and disagree with others doesn't mean you should go and use a phrase that every idiot on here uses.

Don't let your emotions control you in other words, and read below the top of "Sup Forums - Random" at the top of every page of Sup Forums before posting again.


oh, the dark justice.

almost perfect hitman, but got caught on tape

oh, so new


lol i lost

oh that is nice!

is the beat down related to this bitch hurting the dog?


friends come flying!

shit, lost


Moments of justice is why I open these threads. Well done.

Wtf. Lost. Stupid flying ninja nigger

refined justice

rest in peace pupper

death to scums

>File name
fukken kek'd




yes its on liveleak


How do we know it's the same asshole?


Lmao fucking hell, lost.

lost to filename



Lol, you're a sociopath.

the ppl filming in the background, they just disappear

i love that everyone is taking pictures

chek'd, rek'd, and kek'd