Hey japs, apparently there is some commotion in your country because a japanese girl was killed here in Chile...

Hey japs, apparently there is some commotion in your country because a japanese girl was killed here in Chile? Can you explain it, please? There's at least 5 japanese periodistic teams here in my city (La Serena/Coquimbo)

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Whatever the correct english equivalent is, I'm half sleeping

it refers to journalism

que paso chilindio?

ella se fue para el jardin japonés y nunca volvio? sos uns rata negro jajajajajksjsjs

Fucking fake Texas killing my future japanese girlfriend.

Chiliiiii kisamas you bad!
We don't forget what Anita Alvarado did to Nippon as well.

hombre moreno vuelve a casa

>going to south america on holidays

that never ends up well

Can confirm, am now stuck with half european half indian son

I just re-read the news and she disappeared in France lol the japs are here because they wan't to talk to her chilean ex
Jap girls can't help but love the Big Chilean Cock

A Japanese girl was killed in France too.
The murderer is a Chilean.
What's wrong with you people?


>be Chilian
>stalked a Jap woman
>hacked her SNS, emails
>sent fake messages/emails to her family and friends
>killed her and dissected her body
>posted vids with cursing messages
>he fled with his pick-up truck
>ICPO hunting him down
>was he dead?

What did she do?

they banned your blue fag?

Read before posting, why are uruguayans so stupid?

pfft I would have cared if she was cute.

>indian monkeys talk about stupid

go smoke weed and fuck a cow, you animal

I'd rather fuck a cow than kill girls because they dumped me you beta cuck

Of course you can't kill a girl since then you'd be left with half your population lol failed argentina

are chileans humans?



We've already trascended humanity, hence we see the rest of you as mere cattle

theres no nips on int

Is there any anime where the girl gets killed by his jealous bf? Don't know about the story but probably that was the reason

Probably watched too much Detective Conan

o escuela de detectives

odiaba a la pelorosado

so, this fucktard record this video on september and made his girlfriend disappear on december.. I think when the police find him he'll not have any hope get away with an alibi

i think the girl is/was cute, desu

He is suspected to be the murder, which means nothing if they don't have actual evidence. They have witnesses that saw them eating together at a restaurant. If that's all they have, I doubt that an extradition will work in this case.



You just described south American history.

but the video is creepy AF... for less than that shit anyone can be in big trouble in a trial.
i mean, how can he justify what he said in the video?

Does anyone have that story of that qt Japanese grill who got talked/seduced into going home with a shitskin in South America and then got butchered?

I don't know I'm not a psychologist, but there were no actual threats in that vid. He just stated conditions

I bet the killer was a pianist.

they must be getting some mental problems that shitholes below than murica lands

Fuck no, we are going to get our payback for that

"Si hasta el 21 de septiembre ella no cumple todas las condiciones, voy a dejarla, porque no quiero vivir así. Tampoco quiero que ella viva así", relata el sujeto frente a la pantalla del computador personal.

Además agrega que 'ella necesita dar confianza y necesita pagar un poco por lo que hizo. Y asumir que ella no puede ir por ahí cometiendo ese tipo de errores con la persona que ama".


>a jap saying this







the whole aum thing has to be a conspiracy

it's just too wild, they had access to WMD's and everything

Pero no hay amenazas de daño físico, en ningún momento. Que él no quiera vivir así no significa que se va a suicidar, de la misma manera que no querer que ella viva así no significa que la va a matar. En los procesos criminales se necesita alguna evidencia, no sólo conjeturas.


entiendo eso perfectamente... pero está muy jodido eso de que debe de pagar. En fin, a ver en qué termina esto.

Yeah, it's pretty crazy
I just think it was a thing born from the economic collapse Japan was undergoing those years (and still is)
Plus being near the end of the second millenium people were really getting anxious and looking for something to believe in

The Aum thing obviously had some wealthy foreign supporters.

Australians even claim that Aum managed to detonate some kind of nuke in Australia or was it New Zealand, I forgot.

People say the Illuminati don't exist but didn't South Korea recently reveal that a Korean version of Illuminati actually existed and that their female president was brainwashed by a religious cult?

It is like reality and fiction are combining into one these days.

>the fled Chilean murderer is now posting on /int
I see that's why you killed her kek

whats aum?

Yeah, ya better watch ya neck ya slanty bitch

The name of the terroist group that did the sarin attack

Japs already forget about that

When she was working in Japan, she made a low class official of a public-body crazy by her pussy. He stole hundred millions or thousand millions of yen as tax and gave it to her. He was arrested, convicted and imprisoned. She returned her home country before this scandal got public and built a mansion and enjoy Ma Vie En Rose.

Apparently not since there's jap news lurking in my city, one of my friends even went drinking with two of them lol

>even monkey in Chilean embassy is so savage

oh I'm so scared desu!

Hahaha, should have kept you dick in your pants XD


>Argentine dogo
chilean as F
everything makes sense.

aum shinrikyo