Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

Other urls found in this thread:

>another Christmas without a qtp2t3.14 gf to have sex with after a long day with family

This is now a Selected Ambient Works 85-92 thread. Discuss Selected Ambient Works 85-92 ITT.

when will it end when will it end

My, I quite like Selected Ambient Works 85-92. What are your opinions on Selected Ambient Works 85-92, fellow anons?


>tfw gay
>tfw vogue to pulsewidth

This is my favourite album to go to sleep to but i only listened while sleeping and always fall asleep in like the third or fourth song so i dont know the rest of the album lmao
>tfw no cute lgf to cuddle while she tells you about the cool stuff santa brought her
Kys me pls

who wants to be my beautiful girlfriend? i promise to be mean to you.

No girl would ever want to date you. Not surprised to see YOU here.

easily 9/10 for me, it's incredible. only songs i don't like are darker ones like schottkey and hedphelym, i don't think he does dark tracks as well in general outside of ambient ones


>be me
>be in long term relationship
>get dumped over skype because i'm boring >tried to get her back
>didn't even come close to working
>it's been well over a year
>haven't seen her since
>still have dreams of seeing her again >sometimes we're still dating
>sometimes she dumps me again
>Mutual friend got engaged
>Saw it on Facebook (I know)
>Got notification
>See her profile picture because she liked the engagement
>She looks happy and well adjusted

Music for this feel. Merry Christmas.

To be fair you do sound boring

Putting me to sleep user!

Who needs a girlfriend when you have the love that only Christ can give?

Jesus Christ is born today. Hallelujah, hallelujah! :^)

>tfw to cool to have a gf

>be in long term relationship
how long?

>tfw no gf, no siblings, no parents, no relatives, no friends.

Seriously, stop bitching.

>don't want to use tinder
>don't even know any girls that i care about enough to even consider dating
>just want someone to care about me and cuddle with in the cold

About 2 1/2 years

where did all those people go?

My best friend is the bottom of the glass. Maybe you should stop bitching and get to know him too. He's a pretty understanding and friendly guy.

Have this, you deserve it

take a writing class. Make friends. Make friends with their friends until you find a grill. worked for me.


never had any

My mother died after pneumonia and my father from renal failure

both my parents had no siblings too, so...

sure, there are people but I wouldn't call any of them my friend. I live in a rural area and everyone is old so beyond work I have no one I speak to.

no one around me

so you want a bf

That was pretty :) Also checked

You must be 18 to post on this site you shitty orphan.

I'm 22

>And doesn't know what the phrase "bottom of a glass" refers to.

English is not my first language

Well nobody is perfect.

I haven't heard of it either so your 10 dollar sayings aren't gonna fly here

It's probably regional

>my ignorance is as good as your intelligence.
Stop being uncultured swine.

I have heard "bottom of the barrel" before but not "bottom of a glass."

>nobody is perfect.
I learned English in school but I never use it outside of the internet so...

if you'd like I can fire back with my drag queen lingo

Take a seat sit and stay seething sis

Just googled it, no results. It's so obscure that it's not effective to use it in regular speech and if you think otherwise it is YOUR stupidity that is on display here. Nobody understood what you meant, therefore you failed to deliver your message, therefore you failed to communicate effectively. This makes you the fool. If it was one ignorant person that would be different, but literally no one here knows what the fuck you are talking about. Stop being retarded. And stop being rude to people who are responding to your incomprehensible message reasonably and politely.

I literally googled it too to see what common idiom it's supposed to be but I just got a song

>going on a date with a qt tomorrow

Fuck yeah

>tfw no gf
>the girl i loved for the past two years is probably having the best holiday season of her life right now with the guy she chose over me
>im alone for yet another year
Itll happen soon right guys

>never had a gf
>no real good reason
>don't really put myself out there and problems with emotional/physical intimacy
>had a few drunken ons while in college that were meh and end up becoming nothing
>give in to just being forever alone
>sad because so lonely
>meet qt at neighbors house party
>end up drunkenly hooking up that night
>become fwb
>eventually start hanging out more often
>constantly complimenting me
>she starts dropping hints that she wants a relationship
>nervous because never had gf so just brush it off
>start getting kinda annoyed with her personality
>missing my alone time
>the sex is cool though plus she's a nice girl and a real qt desu
>we agree we have a good thing going we don't need labels, etc.
>goes on for about 2mo
>school/work gets busy for both of us around finals and we don't see eachother for ~2 weeks
>agree to see eachother after finals
>talking less and less over that time
>text her after my last final saying we should meet up
>no response
>realize she unfollowed me on social media
>that was 2 weeks ago
>mfw have my alone time again


>tfw no gf
>tfw the girl you like is out getting spitroasted by chad and chadler while you are browsing a burmese snuff film network

>tfw when too embarassed for a gf

Congrats. Kiss her on the cheek
This song cheers me up at Christmas

>tfw schizoid

I've gone through the motions with this board for too many years.

i feel this on a spiritual level

i just wish i was a gril so i wouldn't even have to try

>tfw finally got my first gf earlier this year
>autism intensifies
>broke up with her after less than three weeks

>good at being friendly
>bad at being a friend

>tfw gf

>tfw best fastfood sandwich

>tfw gf but her asshole parents won't let her see me today

fuck life.

wow so that must be so tough user

>tfw people won't stop

Stop telling people to stop

>tfw you can't deal with your inner problems so you want people to stop doing their thing to satisfy your inadequacies.
Get yourself to together, Varg and user.

Aww that's cute

>go back to work after finishing semester
>new qt working there
>is quiet, down to earth, has decent taste in music
>first time I meet a girl who seems like I have a lot in common with and actually like
>hear her mention something about her boyfriend to another worker


Be the side bitch and slowly nudge the bf out

>apparently good looking (~800+ tinder matches, multiple girls telling me im cute)
>tfw only fucked one girl off tinder last year
>kissed 3 other girls at parties/clubs etc

introversion is a disease lads

life wont get any better. off yourself while you're still ahead

>fucked one girl
>kissed three

That's not even bad numbers man

yeah but if I wasn't so introverted it could be a lot more or I could have a gf

dubs confirm.

christ will bring peace and meaning to our lives

if i reply to this post will i get dubs?

>going to parties
>talking to girls
you dont know the half of it

You'd have to be pretty dumb to not understand what that means. I hadn't heard the saying but its obvious via context what "bottom of a glass" refers to.

i was drunk all of those times besides the girl from tinder

whats essential tfwnogfcore?

I want to feel.

>alcohol still affects him to the point of carelessness/confidence

non-alcoholics pls go

I do think about it from time to time. Some more backstory although it might not be too interesting

>currently 21 y/o khv
>used to be really self conscious when i was younger and had low self esteem
>never had any experience with girls at all because of it
>doing a lot better now, but still kinda shy
>came to realization that I'm just much happier being by myself than dealing with people, so I don't worry too much about being autistic anymore
>just feel really indifferent now most of the time. Have had crushes in the past but I know it's mostly just physical attraction and in the end there really isn't any girl that I'd want to date
>This girl at work seemed different than the others which is why im taking it so hard this time

It'll probably pass. I used to always laugh at the idea of becoming a wizard but nowadays it just seems like it'll actually happen to me more and more. There's still a lot of time until then though but it's hard to see myself being any different than I am now.

>attracted to girls
>don't know how to attract other girls
>wear carabiner on belt loop even though i hate it
>wear flannel
>get an undershave
>still no girls can tell that i'm gay
>decide to go for a more femme look
>wear lipstick
>only guys hit on me
>okcupid is sad as fuck
>coffee meets bagel has no gay girls
>last lesbian bar in SF closed down years ago
>ask friend for a date
>she's a radical feminist
>i get called a republican by the end of the date
>tfw no one to listen to weyes blood, laura gibson and julia holter with
>tfw no gf

>meet girl in my group of friends, instantly attracted to her
>generally cool girl, reasonably intelligent
>despite being a sorority girl, find out she is a virgin who has never been in a relationship
>has a lot in common with me, will likely be going to same med school

>find out she smokes pot and instantly lose all interest

Never have I been so disappointed in someone. I genuinely suspect I'm going to get drunk when she's around some night and start shit-talking her for disappointing me so profoundly. I was even going to set her up to shadow a surgeon I am acquainted with, but can't be bothered now.

>find out she smokes pot and instantly lose all interest

really dude? pot is legal in hella states now. it's not a big deal as long as she's not some loser pot head who needs to smoke every few hours or something

>tfw thread died

>tfw virgin

It is clearly a matter of networking, my lesbian step-sister seems to be acquainted with a thousand other lesbian girls.

I can't condone it. I will not endorse that degeneracy, and simultaneously I will not be in a relationship with someone who I'll have to prevent from doing things they enjoy doing.