/KSG/ Korean Shit Gneral 한국어

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how many time i need to destroy you

>we already destroyed

>tfw no gf


get a waifu only reason to live

don't die

Who will win?


The one whos the biggest jewish puppet.

don't you fking dare to vote 반기문 that cuckold

여기서 웹툰 보는 사람있나?

1. north korean friendly
2. i don't know
3. i don't like he's antivirus

i gave up

recommend me some good ones

i read a hive. it has eng translation too
but it's 2week slower than original korean ver

*teleports behind u*


oh. hi

i want every korean but me on int to fuck off. i used to be the only korean here.


and i am the only Taiwanese here

because they are boring. they can't even shitpost.

How is Tsai doing? China is sanctioning our corporations and tourism too because of that missile. Really, we need to boycott China on a world level. Don't let that pig be the neighborhood bully.

i'm hardcore shitposter since 2013

either ur lyin or u haven't been on Sup Forums but elsewhere maybe Sup Forums.

i'm using 6 board these day

which ones?

Sup Forums,/ic/,/r9k/,Sup Forums,/t/,/c/....

What would have happened if Chiang Kai-Shek won?

do you draw?

Yeah but lazy

Asia would be the richest region today.

I am Korean

I am Korean

no more bananas for you today


A cute Korean boi :3

이 새끼 정체가 뭐냐 진짜


And I am the only 일본사람 Japanese here.
I like the pronation of 일본 which means Japan in Korean.
It's cool.

not a good start tbqh
his nickname in Taiwan is "Asian Hitler"
he will soon start invade other country around China
to secure their Lebensraum
btw when he fled to Taiwan aka "an fking island"
he still didn't recognize Mongolia which is 10 times bigger than the lands he owned, and even Mao recognized it
so imagine if he own the entire China
and not just a small island
how many clay will he claim?

But I thought the Taiwanese hated Mao?


this shit really makes me depressing

흔한 여장남자인데? 트위터에 차고 넘쳐.

He also said Catalonia is part of Spain. He just bend over to bullies. We do not vote for someone who is subservient to power and strong to the weak. His flight back to Korea should be exploded in the air. But I care for other passengers so it's just a figure of speech.

What about the other two people?

so what's happening with the presidency and all that jazz

it's like all the fuss disappeared overnight

Since impeachment is imminent, there is going to be another election.

The issue is that all the candidates are disappointing in some way or another.

I hate your stupid language

its almost as if the media like to sensationalize things

Moon is a commie but I will vote for him if he vows not to help North Korea.

Ahn is a joke. Everyone knows this.

If Moon is elected and he starts helping North Korea, I start preparing to move to another country. My tax money isn't going to Kim Jong Un. No. Never.

user.. I..

It's much more flexible and eloquent than English. Go back to your home, you unemployable liberal arts major. If you studied liberal arts and if you can't get yourself to speak the language of the country you live in, you might as well give up on everything in the world anyway. Stay mediocre. English teachers are getting fired everywhere these days. Enjoy your stay in Korea until the day comes.

So she's forcefully staying until April? If I were you guys I wouldn't accept it.

Western media strangely acted like it was a non-issue and barely covered it, I was referring to Sup Forums actually. A lot of people were talking about it for weeks and then it died with the impeachment. Makes sense though.

>mfw I teach you gooks Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry
>mfw the butthurt everytime I call out your shit country

Like clockwork. Easiest 6 figures USD in my life though.

Well at least have fun while your here, i guess.

It has been revealed that Park has been spending many nights in a luxury hotel with this guy quite a few times. He's 40 and she's 64. What the fuck.

Liar. Any foreigner working in Korea that is not an English teacher is too noble to spend time on Sup Forums. You are not only incompetent, but dishonest too. Such a shame. You should have been aborted as a child to save everyone's face.

You gays have good plastic surgeons at least. Makes finding cute looking girls easy.

Y'all fuckers need to learn to think for yourselves. You morons wouldn't know how to wipe your own asses off someone didn't write you instructions.

Just as I said. Clockwork.

>Y'all fuckers need to learn to think for yourselves. You morons wouldn't know how to wipe your own asses off someone didn't write you instructions.
Hypothetically supposing your blatant lie as truth, that's because you work in a shitty uni that is probably not in Seoul. Shit-tier American schools are full of dumb and unthinking retards as well. You are clearly not very bright.

Are you upset?

No I'm just trying to trigger you and am very happy because it seems to be working.

What is the opposite of a liberal arts degree?

Practical science?

Science, technology, engineering, math.

Also that's why this English teacher lied that he teaches physics and math because he knows those subjects are on the opposite side of English and other liberal arts domains. We can see through him as clear as if he was a pane of glass. It's marvelous.

t. itaewonroach

>still this mad

Calm down, clayface.

It took 6 minutes for your sore brain to come up with that response? Damn.

pics or it didn't happen

he is stupid clovernigger or poor kaffir i bet

솔직히 조센진들과 조센에서 거주하는 외국인들 다 불쌍하고 똑같아

여기 살고 있게 됐다면 질이 낮아 끝

전체적인 삶의 질이 낮거나 하지는 않는데.
최근 발전 가능성이 높아질 기미가 보이지 않음

대체로 동의
미친년들이 국고를 35조나 뜯어먹었는데 나라가 제대로 돌아갈까

Why not want to help north korea ?

이제 일본처럼 잃어버린 10년,20년같은 단어가 나오게 될 타이밍인것인가 .......................

이미 2009년부터 운지하기 시작했음
빌어먹을 2009년

긍정적으로 생각하자..
그래도 난 이나라가 망하진 않을 거라고 생각해
단순한 느낌이지만


Pourquoi voudrais-tu aider quelqu'un qui dit qu'il va te poignarder et incendier ta maison tout le temps ?

망하지는 않아도 일본이나 포르투갈처럼 절름발이로 발전 없이 그저 존재만 하는 거지. 뭐 포르투갈은 경제 회복하고 있다만.

car c'est mon frère et que si il est comme ça c'est parce-qu’il souffre

non c'est parce qu'il est fou et on peut prendre son corps quand le cerveau fou meurt (Kim J*ng etc.), donc vaux mieux le laisser mourir de faim.

les coréens du nord ne meurent plus de faim depuis au moins 20 ans, sortez le pénis des américains de votre anus collectif et mettez un point final à cette guéguerre qui n’existe que pour justifier les bases américaines dans la région.

Pourquoi France n'a pas aidé les espagnoles souffrants sous le régime franquiste ? Ils sont tes frères mec.

Non, nous n'avons rien à voir ni historiquement ni culturellement, cependant beaucoup de Français du sud faisaient passer la frontière à des espagnoles et/ou combattaient, des deux côtés d'ailleurs.

Certains de mes grands oncles ont combattu les communistes et les phalanges du côté des anarchistes.

Bref, je paierais mes impôts plutôt au Japon qu'à la Corée du nord.
toutes les personnes sensées feraient la même chose sauf les autistes européens qui lisent toujours Marx.

ça n'a rien à voir avec Marx, à mon avis il faut juste faire en sorte, à moyen terme, de se débarrasser des américains qui provoquent toujours la Corée du nord au moment ou elle se calme.

Ils font la même chose avec la Chine, tout va bien entre le Japon, la Chine et la Corée alors ils foutent la merde avec leur bouclier anti-missile et Taïwan.

Je te jure, on rejettera les américains de notre pays le jour où la Corée du Nord n'existe plus. Les Coréens ne les aiment pas non plus.
La racine de toute cette merde c'est la Coree du N. et la Chine qui l'utilisent comme un bouclier contre "l'influence américaine". Les américains sont un mal nécessaire.

Tu dis ça parce que il y a le continent eurasien entre toi et Kim mais pour moi c'est moins de 30 mins en voitures. Et ils ont des bombes nucléaires et un million de soldats, peu importe qu'ils soient affamés ou non, ils peuvent toujours tirer les fusils. Et c'est les aides des régime gauchistes (gauchiasse) de la Corée de S. qui ont aidé le Nord à créer les nukes. Je mens pas. Google it.

Si les Américains sortaient du jeu dans la région la Corée du sud et la Chine se débarrasseraient de Kim en dix jours.

Et je ne peux plus supporter ça, surtout quand j'ai commencé à payer l'impôt sur le revenu. Mon argent ne vas pas aux nukes. Non. Je demenagerai au Japon où Hong Kong où le taux d'imposition est très bas. Tu gagnes de l'argent juste en vivant à Hong Kong. Mais ces jours-ci c'est plutot hostile las bas aussi, donc Japon me semble raisonnable.

Tu ne connais pas les Chinois.
Les Chinois veulent posséder tout.
Le Tibet, la Mongolie, le Taïwan, les Senkakus.
Ils fabriqueraient des plans pour rattacher la Corée en dix jours.
Bref, on en reparlera quand ça arrive. C'est-à-dire, jamais.

Et les îles aux côtes philippines.

Tu n'es as au courant aux nouvelles internationales.


Que veut-tu dire par ça ? Ça prove ce que j'ai dit.

RoC = Taïwan

La Chine continentale ne réclame que les îles données par la France lors de la guerre du Tonkin et l'île de Taïwan + les Senkaku.

Peut-être tu as raison. La Chine pourrait abandonner Kim une fois les américains se cassent.

Au cas où ils envahissent la Corée, je pourrais demander l'asile en France et m'installer à Paris. C'est aussi bon. J'accepte.

La Chine a déjà abandonné Kim, ils ont coupé la rémittence et appuient les sanctions contre la Corée du nord, la seule raison qui fait que la Corée du nord est toujours là c'est la présence militaire américaine en Corée du sud et au Japon, c'est la même situation que ce qui a causé l'entrée de la Chine dans la guerre de Corée, et les problèmes en Ukraine récemment.

Ni la Chine ni la Russie ne veulent l'armée américaine à leur frontière.

T'es déjà parti surement, mais s'il n'y avait pas l'intervention américaine la Corée du Sud aurait été communiste et serait aussi pauvres que le Viêt Nam ou la Hongrie maintenant. Non merci. Je préfère cette version du présent.

si les américains n'avaient pas placés leurs troupes à la frontière de la Chine la Chine n'aurait pas attaqué