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International #699
He can only understand and speak in english
I like America and Americans
All posters currently on Sup Forums are in a large room with you that fits everyone. Everyone wears his flag on him...
1 Your country
/ausnz/ + /balt/
Finnish conscript vs American elite speliac ops soldier:
Fucking top notch doner kebab
Is it obsolete?
/MENA/ = Middle East + North Africa+Tunisia+/UMAHH/
Kurva anyátok
Beards general
Daily Reminder
"Dad, meet my boyfriend Tyrone. He's class president, valedictorian and has a scholarship to Harvard."
Anyone here experienced to fuck a circumsized girl? What does it look like? How does it feel for the girl...
Sverigetråden - HeRaKr upplagan
Two friends meetup in Spain because it's cheaper than getting the train to eachother
Western girls are sluts. They fug even 13 yo shoolboys. Explain me now why you ere virgin still?
Ask a Maltese person anything
69999999 GET thread
Why doesn't Australia just board them if they're whaling illegally?
/ausnz/ + /balt/
God bless Polish-American friendship
I have a cold
How fucked/cucked is your country?
Why the people who speak Spanish. Portuguese, Italian and French are not united...
Would you like to boarder Russia?
It's twenty seventeen not two thousand seventeen
Tell me why Texas is your absolute FAVORITE American state
Non-anglo replies to me without permission
What the fuck is this logo edition
Post old songs from your country that you find catchy and you dont know why
You're cunt tree
Your country
Croatian-Polish alliance
30 year old >"""refugees""" that pretend to be 17 get to hang around with this all day...
How long do you think it takes for Ukraine to reach non-Africa tier status?
What's having a gf like?
/polska/ aka /sarmatia/
Describe what normies in your country are like Sup Forums also what would be your language's name equivalent of chad/...
Why do we have to fight all the time?
What the fuck is their problem?
Post your country's meme mascot
How do you aquire a qt Scandinavian gf
Just ate 3 jars of peanut butter
Zitto animale
Have day off from work and just sit home playing video games and read yaoi doujins
What 'exactly' happens here?
What are your thoughts on the ongoing feminisation/sissification of Asian men by Hollywood?
How do we fix Philippines?
Oh Serbia u cheeky bastard
Spain will send thousands of inmigrants back
Which country hates anime the most?
TFW did my first pullup with pronated grip
Does anybody else feel nostalgia/sadness for the fallen monarchs of Europe?
News in the radio this morning
United States and Canada union?
What is happening in Britian?
Russians are so poor
Not complaining, but why do Koreans and Turks get along so well?
/sino/ 中文
Heritage thread
Tfw the average female is taller than me in pretty much every European country
Welcome to the socialist paradise
I need help Sup Forums
1) you are a cunt
I make €30 an hour doing unskilled work speaking English only in Finland
/fr/ - Le fil français
Tfw you spent THOUSANDS of hours on Sup Forums when this time could have been better spent doing something productive
I don't respect dutch people. They don't create anything new, they don't care about best practise...
Why are Americans so small? Is it the xenoestrogens?
Why would the french want us to have this?
What are Australian women like? Do their periods' ping timeout?
Is your country a fatherland like Germany or a motherland like Russia?
The world is finally at peace. After all this time, we just had to-
Why do Canadians want to be American so badly?
His """"country's"""" history begins after 1600s
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What;s the point of a private jet?
Sverigetråden - James Earl Ray-upplagan
What language does rap sound best in?
I hate Argentina so much
Kurva anyátok
If Meds are superior why does this happen?
Be burgeristani
How do people who use in-ground toilets not get shit all over their pants?
This is what a Thai wedding looks like
Give me ONE. just ONE reason not to buy this chinese keyboard for 50 maplecoins
Posters you remember from the board
Stop making fun of my country
Yurop are you okay
What's your excuse for not visiting the beautiful islands of the South Pacific?
Here, France. Your gay breakfast didn't have enough protein, so we fixed it for you
What is the best car that is manufactured in your country? Pic related
Why do Americans buy their homes in flatpacks from IKEA?
Of all our Western European allies...
Finland Love Thread
It's been two years since the Sheikh was arrested
Can Canadians do anything right?
Spics arent the master rac-
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Say something nice about America
Why do americans and mexicans both dislike chicanos?
Why do South Americans insist on burning steaks?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1792
Why the fuck doesn't Mexico just pay America to wipe out the cartel for them?
UK - 51st state
I will never move out of my parents house
What do people from your country do to kill themselves? It's documentation for a book I'm writing haha
Would you date a tall and slender Dutch girl?
American police officers
Why does it get that much hate?
American high school is really like this?
Name three things that aren't Russian
What *really* happens in Kentucky? Tell me everything
Post the coolest pic you can find of your city
Is Latin America going to be developed in the future?
How is life in Japan?
"And to think, user...
EU when?
Show me rap from you're cunt. this is one of the most popular rapers in Polan
He's from a country that lasts less than 9 minutes
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Aside from all the poo in the loo "jokes", what is your opinion on India, it's people, culture, and future?
Your country has to be moved to the centre of a different continent
Why aren't you dating an Argentine girl yet, Sup Forums?
Be poland
/MENA/ = Middle East + North Africa+Tunisia
Tell me about your first month on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and why you didn't leave
Friendly reminder that Argentina is 100% white and European
American becoming English
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Greek """""mythology"""""
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why do Japanese women make the best wives?
/deutsch/ - Lohnsklavenausgabe
Are people in other countries ever taught quotes from American history? We learn quotes from other countries' histories...
Are countries that has been subjected to foreign countries rule for hundreds of years white?
1. your a cum tree
Since Sweden is a lost cause, will they ever recover?
Where were you when Serbia started WW3?
Sweden is separating school classes by sex
Panamá Thread
Why do japanese people lack any understanding of sarcasm?
Tell me about Thailand. Where can I get a Thai gf in Minnesota?
I can't speak Irish!
Being an expat
Latin America should have been colonized by the Brits...
How do you say 'surreal' in your language(s)?
/deutsch/ - Ausruheausgabe
/lang/ - Language learning thread
1.Your ethnicity
Post yfw college and healthcare is free in your nation
ITT: Post famous Russians
Is Uruguay the most successful Latino country?
Ancestry thread
She's a 10/10 in the UK
Finns and the Irish have the whitest skin and the bluest eyes
Warsaw is the most beautiful capital city in Europe!
Sverigetråden - Animeupplagan
This is an average Finnish poster
Which countries will have the highest quality of life in the 2030s?
/ita/ - il filo
/MENA/ = Middle East + North Africa
Tell me about Oman
ITT things you know about latin romance europeans
Do you live near the ocean?
I think it is cute when a non-native English speaker makes an error in their posts
Culture Pals: Diet Coca Cola edition
/cum/ - Croatia - Uganda - Mainland China
Is french humor funny to you ?
This confuses the American
Are the average white american really racist or it's just a stereotype?
/v4/ + Friends
/fr/ un fil français
Google "why is (your cunt)"
1- your cunt
What language is everyone learning? Or wanting to learn?
Why does this exist?
Yfw you realize the discussion over the American continent being one or two continents will be over soon...
Which country hates anime the most?
Friendly reminder that we all die, there is no afterlife, there are no reincarnations...
American manlets
What do these two advanced countries have in common???
Tfw you spent THOUSANDS of hours on Sup Forums when this time could have been better spent doing something productive
Guess the name of the poster above you
/balt/ + /ausnz/
The alt-right, just who are they?
So how should Finns fight against the Northern nationalists exactly?
What is the nicest house you could buy in your town/city for $1,000,000 US?
Why is American history SO boring?
Sverigetråden - Söndagsmys-upplagan
I fucked an iranian exchange student. She was a fucking sex machine, probably one of the best sex I have ever had...
How long are the Germans supposed to live with war guilt...
Worst countries in Europe
Has any of you ever traveled alone?
ITT: Post rightful clay of your country
Who's the most famous Japanese person in your country?
Wake up
Fun fact
Here's the plan:
Save the pics
Another nation goes to waste
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. which do you prefer and why
Will deployment of Usa soldiers in Poland cause crime in the region where they will stationed as it is around the world...
What were the 90s like in your cunt?
/ita/ - Il Filo
I willst deutsch lernen
/deutsch/ - Ohne trip kein guddn dschob
Serious question...
Kurva anyátok
God Bless
If your country doesn't have an aircraft carrier is it really a country?
What new countries should exist in Europe?
Really makes you think
TFW will never move out of my parents house
Why don't all the "tfw no gf" people just move to Japan?
What happens here?
>Canadian Leaf Poster cowering in fear PNG
Sverigetråden - Italienska upplaga
How much of Sup Forums studied in the IB? Did you like it? Was it better than your national curriculum?
Germans finally absorbded Greek wealth. They are poorer than Eastern Europe
Anyone else obsessed with American suburbs?
Novi /ex-yu/
Why are we invaded by sandniggers from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and even countries that aren't at war like Africa...
Why is this part of Russia so technologically advanced and developed?
What's the most bizarre food in your country, lads?'re cunt
Only two based countries in Europe have max 10% of christians
/Ralf Stegner/ ehemals /deutsch/
Should i get an European citizenship? who is a good country to get one?
Seriously, What's right with the West slavs?
>>scandinavian ''''''cuisine'''
/sino/ 中文
/ita/ - il filo
Your country will never be this patriotic
Muslim qtes
A Polish replies to me
What happened to Istrian and Dalmatian Italians?
Serious non-meme question. Why exactly are Americans so fat? I don't get it. obese people here are a rare thing
This is Anzu
I wanna travel around Israel without being bombed
Well australia, how does it feel to lose to a 3rd world country
Southern europeans are considered the most beautiful in europe
Explain this shit americans
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
Why you speak English well?
Will the world ever be granted the honor of having another man as great as Vlad and as dedicated at removing kebab?
ITT: Post rightful clay of your country
He fell for the traditional characters meme
/deutsch/ - So rund wie ein Sonntagseintopf-Ausgabe
What did he mean by this?
1. Your country
Euros can't even
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hello Sup Forums
Why do irrelevant shitholes like the Balkans...
Is Sweden the best country to be a NEET?
Is it cheating to use foreigners to represent your country?
Do everyday arabs really hate jews or do they just pretend that they hate them to avoid persecution when their...
/esplusita/ - /esp/ + /tuga/ + /ita/
/me/+/na/ = ????
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Immigrant Thread Sup Forums
This fatfuck has a wife
/KSG/ Korean Shit Gneral 한국어
"Hey user is your sister inside getting ready? We have a date today :) "
Is this the saddest fragmentation a country has ever suffered?
Post about Nazi Germany
What happens here?
Be Jesus
Do you fuck his asshole? or do you walk away a straight man?
A new study about the origins of the Tunisian populatio
/asean/- Community Christian Fellowship edition
/lang/ - Language learning thread
Tfw Romanians are filming their own Game of Thrones right now about their "noble" history
Do all Middle Eastern girls have a slutty side that they'll reveal to the biggest Chad? (more like Muhammad though lmao)
Nationalities you hate on Sup Forums
Arrogant piece of shit
How many languages do you speak, Sup Forums?
Honour thy Lord's Holy Day by insulting Poland
English women are ugly
I'm a Christian Arab
US vs. China
Tfw obese as fuck
Do you consider Dutch people racist for using Zwarte Piet?
1. What is your country's main religion?
Describe your life with a picture
Too far
Why does America always wear sunglasses in Sup Forums comics?
Loyalist Thread
According to the US census:
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
I have a solution to the Israel vs. Palestine issue
Who else here /fat/?
/fr/ - Edition des câlins
Am I white?
Kurva anyátok
Alone on a Saturday night ? God you're pathetic
Anyone know why muslims are so anti soda? (coke, pepsi)
You wake up
Why did the Anglos treat them so badly? They even attempted multiple times to snuff out their culture...
Would you stick your benis in this?
What countries would be left standing in a nuclear war?
There are countries that don't use American Cheddar
You can only post itt if your cunt is one of the top ten most visited in the world. Bonus points if you're in the top 5
Why is Portugal so bad at everything?
Just ban me
/o/ here, what does Sup Forums drive?
Why do Indians and Arabs think this is real?
TFW 22 years old loser
His country didn't have any art 13000 years ago
1. Country
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why can't we in the west have a national religion that we don't take seriously like Japan? Shinto seems pretty based
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
1. your place of origin
Is it even worth having political opinons?
Tfw surrounded by manlets
Mfw I'm moving to Denmark
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
You may only post in this thread if your country has ancient Roman ruins
Honest question
You are swimming in the beach
Place of origin
Gonna make a burger. What should I put inside? Cheese? Onions? Tomato? Pepper? Mayo? Lettuce? Something else?
How can you possibly be against this?!
9/10 qt starts talking to you with second thoughts in her mind
Most interesting maps
Rio de Janeiro
Is there any white people left in france?
I was the kid that ran Naruto style at your school
Were they the good guys?
Tell me about life with blue eyes Sup Forums
What do you look like Sup Forums?
Really makes you think
My Trip to Portugal and Spain
Europeans what are Gypsies like? Would you bang a gypsy woman?
/ita/ - il filo
Vocaroo thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Are migrants regretting going to Europe?
Poles are savior of white race. This pic begs to differ
One your country
Someone just declare a war already. Russia. China. Anybody
Is it true that turks don't know the day they were born?
Europoors will never, EVER experience Publix
What's the average age people in your country lose their virginity
Your country's Trump
Isn't this board proof that globalization is a good thing? It's fun interacting with all you different people's
Ludwig ''van'' Beethoven
Americans would rather have incest than have homosexuals. Nice
Skandinavisk tråd
Why is Australia so rich?
You will never live in Sweden being surrounded by blonde women all day
Why did the Netherlands stop using their proper flag?
What is the Mexico equivalent of your neighbor countries?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
How are the Spanish royal family so white?
How powerful is your passport?
1. Your country
Which part of Italy is the best?
/deutsch/ + /sudaca/ Freundschaftsausgabe
How do we deal with the eternal bottle blonde?
The us is currently the uncontested richest and most powerful country in the world...
A-at least I wasn't born in Russia
I've considered founding a sauna business abroad. Would that succeed in your cunt?
Are the Chinese literally the zenith of human intelligence?
Poortugal hahahahaah
Why do Greeks look Arab?
I live in North Carolina
/v4/ + friends
DUDE WEED LMAO: the country
Canada appreciation thread
/ita/ - il filo
Portugal Thread!
1.Your a country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is the Caucasus a nice holiday destination?
Is there really a difference between the South of Brazil and the rest of it...
Slavs, Meds, or Germanics girls Sup Forums?
Trigger a country with a painting
Why do Americans go to hamburger uni
Post poor Eastern European shitholes
Post WWII propaganda from your country
Possible happening in İstanbul
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Lördagkvällsupplagan
This is how the average Pole looks like
Americans need concrete blocks so they don't park into each other
Why are Euro trucks ugly and American trucks beautiful?
Ive been watching Vikings and the show is very illuminating...
Portugal - the unhatable
/fr/ - fil de la France et du bon goût
How many languages do you speak?
Are Americans, I dare to say, the last bastion of the white race?
Why do we not have any culture?
You have 13 seconds to behave Serbian
I just want to be a Japanese high school student
Hilo latino anti ortibas
What's it like to live in a non-meme country?
Do people in your country also hate your capital/biggest city?
14 is a magical age for music?
How is tit fucking called in your cunt?
Ask a Grey Wolves member anything
What language is derived from Latin that sounds better and sounds worse?
1.Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo di dio
Why Central Asia still suck Russia's dick and don't become nationalistic?
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
Why are Barcelonians eternally butthurt?
93% of straight British men have spooned with another guy
Why are western countries so wasteful with their money...
What are some patrician national anthems? And which ones are plebeian?
Why can't we just be friends?
Guess the name of the poster above you
Why did Swedes get so incapable of learning things?
19th century Euro-block
BKChat LDN. This is UK culture
Italian navy
Be protoindoeuropean
Poland is better than your country
This is the Perfect world
You are only allowed to post in this thread if your country was a victim of nazis
Sup Forums Official Commie Sudaca Butthurt Thread
Would India have been better off staying under British rule?
Reminder that if you are R1b, you are a nigger
Who was your country's greatest leader?
Why everyone here knows about history. i feel dumb
What country has the cheapest housing / land? i mean good land, not stuff that cant be farmed or inhabited
How do you say "I'm cumming" in your language?
Can Sup Forums make a good language?
Sightseeing Milano in Italy
What is your country's equivalent of the Pledge of Allegiance?
What language is this in? What does it mean?
/axis/ general
What is a girl who you loved when you were a high school student like?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Female sex tourists in your country
Net average monthly salaries in Europe
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are all Finnish memes just badly drawn versions of original memes (Spurdo - Pedobear, Apu Avustaja - Pepe...
Would you live in Toronto if you could?
Sverigetråden - Jimmies upplaga
Is Asia the Savior of Africa?
Are all French femmes as big as Widowmaker?
What colour are my eyes? Brown or Hazel/Amber?
What is your name?
Polish gentleman holds a US flag celebrating the entry of US troops into his country
How do you guys think about Islamic immigrants and refugees?
Easy mode
Post rap/hip hop from your country
Why Europeans get butthurt so much about us and our country?
Celebrate genetic diversity!
Big 7 countries which produce great writers: "Britain" "France" "America" "Russia" "Germany" "Japan"
Serious discussion
Why are Europeans dislike America?
Hello! Me and my friends have an idea of odd touristic service...
The country's called The Netherlands
A daily reminder that you will never be Finnish
Bravo Estonia
Polish language
Sup Forums is being racist against canadians again
Sup Forums told me British women were ugly wtf
Why whites get butthurt so easily?
We all know that ugly white men go to Asia for easy targets, but where do ugly white women go to receive a good dicking?
1. You're cunt
Culture Pals: Asian wife edition
Come to Japan
Why do we not have any culture?
Performs silly walk
Greece is poorer than Eastern Europe, Portugal is next in line. Why are Germans doing it? Why do they hate them?
What is wrong with reddit users?
Is racism a vice Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...