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Хyйня кaкaя-тo, гaдaниe нa paдиoчacтoтaх. Hичeгo нe бyдeт, мoжeтe cкpинить.





did it say somethinh? not buzzing?


literally nothing will happen

prove me wrong

Я дyмaл, oнa y тeбя cyкa

Frequency is 4625 kHz. It's online.

or maybe they're doing maintenance on the station?

I don't think it going offline temporarily means something this bad

Serbian fault again!


Liberation. Crimea was occupied by dirty hohol.

This is some spooky shit honestly.
Has nobody figured out where this is being broadcasted from for such a long period of time?

Literally why?

Could it have something to do with the Turkish airplane crash that just happened in Kyrgyzstan?

Maybe it was wrongly perceived as a threat or something

>Has nobody figured out where this is being broadcasted from for such a long period of time?

I think they did.

>The former transmitter was located near Povarovo, Russia,[1][28] at 56°5′0″N 37°6′37″E which is about halfway between Zelenograd and Solnechnogorsk and 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) northwest of Moscow, near the village of Lozhki. The location and callsign were unknown until the first known voice broadcast of 1997.[29] In September 2010, the station's transmitter was moved nearby the city of Saint Petersburg, near the village of Kerro Massiv. This may have been due to a reorganization of the Russian military. Prior to August 9, 2015, the station is not transmitted from the Kerro Massiv transmitter site ("Irtysh") anymore, possibly due to a reorganization of the Russian military for the particular area which may cause the frequency to be used only in the Moscow Military District. At present, The Buzzer appears to be broadcast only from the 69th Communication Hub in Naro Fominsk, Moscow.[3] In 2011 a group of urban explorers explored the abandoned buildings at Povarovo.[30][31] They claim that it is an abandoned military base. A radio log record was found, confirming the operation of a transmitter at 4625 kHz.[30][32]


They've found the previous location of the site. Rumor has it that at some point it was acting as an automatic dead man's switch in case of all out nuclear war, but that was a long time ago

It's indeed spooky

Russia as whole seems pretty weird, but Mount Yamantaw is weirdest for me. Russian government denies having anything there but all the mine entrances are fenced and have armed guards and these mines never had anything extracted from them. There is a video on youtube where some explorer finds a really large ventilation shaft, larger than a bus on the side of the mountain.

just a vent

WTF? Why are there bombing sounds? WTF IS GOING ON?

Don't fuck with us funland

Why does he look like a northern indian

hey guys posting from tartu whats going on? I hear sirens

is it happening

Not funny

Well, fine. Let's get back home everyone.

Those buzzing sounds are kinda weird desu. Feels post-apocalyptic

This doomsday device.

it takes quite a bit of power to run something like this, there's gotta be a very good reason for why it's still going

Doesn't it transmit messages coded sometimes?
I'm sure it's meant for spies or something.

very rarely, but here's one that someone found

Friendly reminder that the doomsday clock is still at 3 minutes.

Friendly reminder that doomsday clock is shit that doesn't work.

Have you changed the batteries lately?

Where exactly are you? I hear no sirens, but some explosion-ish sound was here.
Was too late to take a normal photo.

My internet friend says he is awake because of too many warplanes fly near his house.

No it doesn't
You transmit a signal and boosters increase its range


Here's a good source for any out of the ordinary encrypted messages broadcasted by the Buzzer. Occasionally to rarely, officers have been spotted to forget their mics open and you might catch short, ordinary conversations over the frequency, but that's quite rate as I said

Russians are smart, every night the station can be heard everywhere due to the lack of sun propagation, meaning that any sleeper agent can receive specialized messages with the minimum tools required for the job (a cheap receiver)

Governments have all the electricity and sources of the world, especially giants like you and Russia. It's obvious the Buzzer still serves a serious military reason in order to still run

>sleeper agent

I want to be a Russian sleeper agent.

Where do I send my curriculum vitae?

[email protected]

At night, buzzing fly planes from which the glass shaking. I think that Tu-95. Perhaps he patrols in the sky to be prepared to put nuclear missiles.

A я нaпoминaю, чтo зa пoдoбнoe paзглaшeниe инфopмaции o пepeдвижeнии кaкoй бы тo ни былo вoeннoй тeхники, yжe были пocaдки зa гoc измeнy.


*o пepeдвижeнии выдyмaннoй вoeннoй тeхники

1.provide information on the movement of equipment
2. sitting in the Gulag
3. emigrate to the West as political prisoner
Good plan!

You can't leave Gulag, naive.


So is it happening?


where are you headed this time tovarisch?