Immigrant Thread Sup Forums

>Choose one.

2 million Christian Arab
2 million Muslim Albanian

Christian arab

Christian Arabs

Albanians are subhumans

Christian Arabs

What's so bad about Albanians anyway? They're slavs aren't they?


how the fuck is this even a question? ask me again with the religions switched

They're not. Albanian is its own thing. It's Indo-European though.

Why is it cool to have Albanians on Sup Forums now? Is this a Sup Forums meme?


You'd hate them too if you had to live with them.


I like my car and my TV where they are

0 million of nobody

Albanians are in the Balkans tho so you're wrong.

t. bibi

that sounds a lot like gres nowadays to be honest

>australian intellectuals

Alright fair enough. I've never met an Albanian, but they seem alright on Sup Forums

What did I say that was wrong? I googled it myself right now just to confirm.

Slav is a linguistic group, not geographic. Albanians don't speak a Slavic language. Balkans being mostly slavic doesn't make them slavs.

2 million dead turks

It's completely unrelated, that's why. Greeks and Romanians live in the Balkans too and they're not Slavic either.

Balkans - geographic term
Slavs - ethnolinguistic group

Its nothing new, /balk/ countries mostly hate them
They are certainly an interesting bunch tho
One thing I noticed on Sup Forums about them is that a good portion of threads related to albanians are started by albanians again. They like to talk about themselves I suppose or maybe its just one guy.
TURKs faƧked yor mather gud my teacher :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Christian Arabs 100%.

They are super chill except they won't let me breed with their daughters