Global warming. Truth or hoax? Does your country trust its politicians or scientists?

Global warming. Truth or hoax? Does your country trust its politicians or scientists?

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my country doesn't give a flying fuck about it because we don't live by the sea
enjoy swimming with the fishes, seaportfags

>greek """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""politicians"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>greek """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""scientists"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>caring about politics in year of our lord 2017

Who cares about muh future generations, worry about looking out for #1.

>inland storms don't exist when temperatures change

Climate change*

i feel like ive seen this exact thread some months ago
daja bu

climate change is just a natural phenomenon

True but it's a non-issue because we're fucked anyways. If every Western nation stopped everything overnight, China alone will exacerbate the process. Not to mention all those other Asians and poos.

this unfortunately

It's true and Donald Trump is a moron in this case moreso than others.

nobody except extremely uninformed people believe the earths climate has not changed over millions of years, it grinds my gears that the whole debate is around whether its true or not, nobody is claiming ice ages never happened and nobody should be surprised when climate changes again
yes, it will get hotter as we are in an ice age that is ending
no, burning carbon that was originally in the atmosphere while earth was hospitable will not turn the planet into venus 2.0

Why is this not the logical conclusion for everyone? The only science we have behind 'humans destroying the planet with materials from the planet' comes from scientists whose jobs depend on it being a big issue

absolutely retarded

>Scientists invented Global Warming to create jobs.

R i i i i i i i i g h t

A hoax

Biggest scientific hoax ever perpetrated

Please don't judge our flags by his unhinged tweets.

Climate change and temperature fluctuation might be natural, but many people forgot to factor in that we have cars, lights and factories now, which will fuck up the atmosphere.

there is great acceleration of the destruction of the ozone layer which would not happen naturally

there are many components to climate change not just rise in temperatures

it is fundamental degradation of the global system

lets put it into perspective, in a normal non-interventionist system polar bear population and sea coral population would be able to adjust to the changing environment in their own time

while we do not care about natures furry critters we should when it affects our crops

people who thinks this is natural do not understand how much of their livelihood depends are a very calculated approach to environment change and are underestimating the problem at large

depends on*

*global climate change

i would agree with this

we knew about ice ages well before climate change became a buzz word, its an 'issue' because scientists want to keep their jobs yes
all those things burn fuel created by plants captured from the atmosphere while earth was habitable, how can putting it back into the atmosphere suddenly be a huge problem?

>No more asshole bears
>Shortage of food taking take of the over-population problem
>Canada get sunny weather and beaches

Bring on Global warming.

Look, i only care about memes ok?

Very well put. I will use this to trigger/pol/

thats racist because minorities pollute therefore pollution cant be bad

Is that post real? I know Trump has posted a lot of stupid shit to social media shitholes but that's too much.

Oh look, a baby boomer.

>how can putting it back into the atmosphere suddenly be a huge problem?
Do you forget that we managed to create a large hole in the o-zone layer thanks to our industry?

>caring about a meme issue when you'll be dead in 70 years when it's projected to really fuck things up in 100 years

lmao gonna continue to drive my gas guzzling pickup

It's true but the only way to combat it would be to go back to living in the caves and I know no one wants to do that. Or develop actually efficient renewable energy generation but again that's either far off or no one wants to do that.

I am truly concerned about the environment but kathleen wynne making poor people more poor I have a bigger problem with and I'd rather not have carbon tax and extreme energy prices destroying the working class.

we are not expected to go back to the way it's suppose to be that's impossible
we are expected to lessen acceleration, apply break if you will which would less the effects over time as opposed to if we didn't

we are dealing with potentialities of a worse outcome not in the theoretical stages of if it happens

ozone hole was created by specific chemicals that are not naturally found in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide is naturally occurring and all fuel burnt only releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that previously was taken out of the atmosphere by living matter

the climate change issue is one of many memes pushed so that you vote liberal

except those living matter is long dead
they were suppose be turned into some other thing
we are borrowing from the future

>Right wing propaganda is so powerful it can make people call something bullshit when the science is 100% in and says it's real
Goebbels would be proud is all I can say. You've got to be legitimately retarded or willfully and intentionally ignorant of the facts. Denying climate change is like denying heliocentrism at this point.

Or evolution

The earth used to have more co2 in the atmosphere and as a result the global climate was hotter. We're not acclimated to a hotter climate, we have entire countries that will disappear if it gets that hot.

I'm on the side saying it's real as well but you sound like a zealot. There is nothing wrong with skepticism toward the general consensus in Science.

>Global warming. Truth or hoax?

I don't think anybody is denying climate change at this point. It's more whether humans are causing it or not.

Every time I see a climate change on Sup Forums the threads have a majority of deniers. A thread would usually have the following
>"Jewish/liberal/Chinese conspiracy"
>"data is falsified"
>"earth has climate cycles"
>"humans make Minimal impacts"
>shit about natural methane from volcanos
>people who don't know the difference between climate and weather
>people still obsessing over the term global warming

>Global warming. Truth or hoax?
Anyone even considering that a legit question needs to get their teeth kicked in on account of remaining so willfully stupid at this point, it's terrifying to think there could be countries other than the dumb fuck US in which politicians contradict scientists on fucking scientific matters.

Also The lowest o2 concentrations on earth happened during the max extinction event of the Permian period

>It's more whether humans are causing it or not.
Nope it's definitely humans. A change this radical could not have been done my nature alone.

It's 100% guaranteed that it's factories, and since we can't really get rid of factories we're kind of fucked.

>Treating Scientists like an infallible clergy

Remember that guy who said the earth is round contrary to the general consensus at the time? What a crackpot eh. You know PhD's and Nobel prize winners have resigned from their jobs for sparking outrage by disagreeing with Global warming right? I'm not saying Global warming is fake, but when did the scientific community start becoming hostile to skeptics?

I know it's humans, I'm saying that climate change deniers just moved from outright denial to denying that we caused anything and it's all just 'natural'.

>climate change deniers

Is this the new "heretics"?

No, I[m not treating scientists like an infallible clergy, I[m actually putting my faith in the process of PEER REVIEWED science, you may want to read up on that and what is it that makes scientific consensus while you're at it.

>Remember that guy who said the earth is round contrary to the general consensus at the time?
If you mean Colombus that[s a meme, no one in his day was arguing the earth was flat, what was being discussed was it[s actual size and how far away India was located. It turns out his critics were right, were it not for the accident of America being in the middle Columbus and his men would've been long dead before making it anywhere near close to Asia. He wasn't right. just lucky.

you'd really have to be an american to think man made global warming is a hoax

I am 90% sure man made climate change is real.

But the real issue for me is this:

If Climate change is real and we switch to renewables and limit pollution etc, we likely lose jobs from old industries (coal etc) and spend money to limit pollution.

If Climate Change is real and we do nothing, we risk fucking the planet up in a terrifying way, making food production harder, weather less stable and rising sea levels.

I have the belief that it is very probably real, but may not be. Everyone should have that room for error in their beliefs. So if we do something, we may lose some money and jobs. If we do nothing, we may lose our way of life.

A cost-benefit or risk analysis puts us firmly on the side of doing something over doing nothing.

>Data taken over less than one percent of Earth's history
>You're supposed to stop using all forms of modern life because "scientists" (who are funded by governments) start preaching apocalyptic narrative.

It's called weather you morons. Earth's been hotter, plus plants thrive at higher CO2 concentration.

>There is nothing wrong with skepticism toward the general consensus in Science.
Right, but this only applies you have factual, empirical arguments and facts that make you question the accepted consensus. Being skeptic of a theory without backing your beliefs with empiric facts is as worthless as outright denying the theory without facts.

Global warming can (and has) been questioned and criticized, and yet the evidence is heavy enough to be an accepted phenomenon by the scientific community

>I'm not treating them like some infallible clergy
>I'm simply putting faith in the bibl- I mean Peer reviewed research they've written that the general consensus agreed upon.

Putting it on faith eh. You're a zealot. Does your Priest.. I mean Scientists tell you eternal damnation awaits too? Oh yeah, climate change is the new meme word for Apocalypse. I remember when Scientists bread and butter was skepticism.

earth does have climate cycles and its already been scientifically proven that we are leaving an ice age regardless of human actions
so whats the big deal?

I believe in Climate change. I'm not a Scientist, neither are you. I'm playing devils advocate here. Many in the Scientific community, including Nobel prize winners say it's a topic not fleshed out that's been highly politicized. Should that not give credence to people interested in finding the truth a moments pause?

>Anyone even considering that a legit question needs to get their teeth kicked in on account of remaining so willfully stupid

This kind of zealotry is ridiculous.

>>Anyone even considering that a legit question needs to get their teeth kicked in on account of remaining so willfully stupid
this quote is not from me.

My post didn't mention anywhere that global warming, or any scientific theory for that matter, shouldn't be studied, questioned or criticized

I thought you were this guy

all this climate change bs is going to end with some fuckface inventing a brilliant machine to reduce the amount of 'harmful' co2 in the air and killing us all

Anthropogenic climate change is just unusual climate attributed directly to humans. Most people probably wouldn't give a fuck because major changes won't be apparent until years from now. More desertification, crops failing from temps and unusual weather, increased disease spread from whatever vectors have already shown up.

meme issue. will be dead before it has any devastating effects

You will get more rain, storms and snow. I've already got it in Siberia. Now it's your turn.

>it accidentally increase oxygen levels over 25%
>this means even wet things can catch on fire

Literally a meme, the only people who will suffer are the cucks living in islands. No country should give a fuck about ""global warming"" if it doesn't affect them.