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International #701
Ruled over Southern Italy
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Evil Italy
Be Germany
What can you tell me about nilotes?
TFW 22 years old loser
Sverigetråden - BYGGA MUREN
Is Band of Brothers watched in other countries? What do people think of it?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
In many parts of Europe it's considered illegal to build buildings taller than a Church or Cathedral
Why are you so poor?
Finnish boipucci belongs to big white Oulu hog corkscrews
How big of a loser am I according your cunts social standards?
I have lived Fukushima since I was born. Do you have any questions?
Is it hard to learn German?
Canadians and Australians have an official holiday for the queen's birthday
Why do Asian """men""" squirm and squeal at the mere sight of Steve Harvey?
Finnish 10/
>Global warming exis-
Foreigners can get Japanese citizenship after one year living in Japan!
Why do westerners feel superior of their western culture? They are too arrogant
You can only post in this thread if you are in a stable or above country
What the FUCK went wrong?
The answer of "how do you do?" is "how do you do?"
On a scale from 0 to 10 how hot would you say women in your country are?
Is it LOLITA????!
Finish this sentence: I LOVE POLAND BECAUSE__________
A citizen of the Russian Federation in the thread. I learn English, and I need a bit of practice. Lets go talk?
Do Germans have a sense of humour?
be me
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Sup Forumsernational feels that only women will understand
/cum/- Canada United States New Mexico
What's the worst state?
Pros and cons of estonia?
/Ummah/ - Muslim general
Most difficult languages ranking
23andme vs AncestryDNA
TFW 22 years old loser
Do you get creeped out when a foreigner speaks your language fluently...
Would you #getcutforTrump?
Are Americans on Sup Forums ready to admit that my country is objectively better to live in than theirs?
Why do some blacks look Asian even though they have no Asian DNA?
Why is America so dramatic? These exaggerate like if they were inside a TV show all their life
Are people in your country that stupid to believe in RT?
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
Japanese don't care of Germans
Your cunt
Why do prefer anime women over real women?
/Trump/ ehemals /unterschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
1. your country
Hilo latino
/lat/ hilo latino
"Yeah, it snows in our country too"
Do you like Canadian girls?
What the fuck is his problem?
1- your fanny
Slavic aging
Why do people think USA is a good country when it's clearly a third world shithole in disguise?
How can people say we are the same species as abos with a straight face?
Red lost population between 2012 and 2016
You wake up one morning as head of state of your cunt with total power and popular support. What do you do?
Are japanese people the true master race?
He doesn't have an asian wife yet
Why are white people so violent?
This is a 10/10 in finland
I'm tired of Europeans laughing at us for having wood homes and no castles...
His country has worse living conditions than us
Mexibros, how do we deal with this new abomination between us?
Mexican school shooting the aftermath
Burger risk to honor Burger day
ITT: smart countries
Who had the best colonial empire? Who had the worst?
Be Germany
Today, Sup Forums, history has been made
Uruguay and Argentina are legitimately the whitest countries in America
Regions thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - Clowndelsupplagan
/cum/-Canada USA Mexico
ITT: you laugh, you lose
What are some god-tier monuments/buildings out there?
Go to bus
ITT post old songs from ur cunt that seem aesthetic to you
Find a flaw
Daily reminder: Poland is richer than every Latin American country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Couple days ago I saw here that people talked about chocolate in Europe and specifically about Milka
Hey italian dude named Marco
I've been watching Vikings. Why didn't Sup Forums tell me that medieval Scandinavia had lesbian queens...
Sverigetråden – benupplagan
Could this very well be the most aesthetic country to grace God's green Earth?
The Paris of Canada
Any Farsis?? or people knowing Iran
Hurr durr i'm not giving you my passport
What do spaniards think of Mexicans? You actually created their race and culture...
Post colossal statues from your country
/MENA/ = Middle East + North Africa+Tunisia
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Have you ever tried Russian cuisine, int? What do you think about it?
Kurva anyátok
Tfw you will always be finnish
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ - Ex((S))klaven-Ausgabe
Nothing sexier than British muslimah who is being completely honest about things
ITT: Post names that are illegal in you're cunt
WTF, I don't know who to hate now
Here are a few things you need to realize
Tfw your country is important enough to always be in international-themed games
Just a friendly reminder
Do you believe that now, that we cant relay on USA anymore, we should improve our relations with Russia?
American ended World War II by nuking Japan. Was it the right or wrong thing to do? Did they deserve it?
/luso/ - Edição "È lui o non è lui?"
What do you REALLY think of Jews?
Are you okay, mexico??
What has Canada contributed to the world?
What makes Russian girls so perfect, Sup Forums?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Badmouth Somalia
/cu|m/ Canada United States WALL Mexico
2014 World Cup
/fr/ - Le Francofil Québécois et francophone
Enjoy Putin's big hard cock you stupid fucking ingrates...
What's the most famous building in your country?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmysupplagan
Why are all Italian men so obsessed with Ethiopian and Somali women?
Here's a joke: European """"""Men""""""
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
I like Trump but I hate all of Sup Forums and those autistic alt-reich faggots. Is Sup Forums the board for me?
Slavic girls would never fuck with niggers
My science teacher at college is a fucking Indian and I can't understand a word he says with his godawful accent...
/cu|m/ Canada United States WALL Mexico
Does your country have parks ?
ITA - Il Filo
What was your country doing during WWI?
Trump will become president of US in 16 minutes
Share weird stories of what happened to you when you were abroad
Your daily reminder that America’s dominance is over and by 2030, we'll have a handful of global powers
Kurva anyátok
Thanks, obama
Belgium has a higher population than Sweden
Chile - Uruguay inmigrants
Putin will die in your lifetime
Fuck Brazil
Tell something that you know about this country
Be Japanese
How do you call this animal in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/balt/ + /ausnz/
WTF i hate slavery now
Finish this sentence:
/v4/ + friends
What's the point in being in the EU if you live in one of the blue regions?
Do you fear the American army?
What the fuck?
/lat/ - hilo latino
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
What's the main differences between Turks and Arabs? What do you think of each other?
Heritage thread
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Post most american pic you have
Does your country have a retail parks?
Swedish divers unearth a 'Stone Age Atlantis': 11,000-year-old ancient settlement discovered under the Baltic Sea
Redesigned a few coats of arms and flags
Say something nice about gambia
Do finnish people fuck sometimes in saunas?
How can we Make Europe Great Again?
Ask advise
Which country most likely will disappear in 100 years from now
/MENA/ = Middle East + North Africa+Tunisia+/UMAHH/
I have never visited Poland
What the fuck is their problem?
Come to japan
I am in bolan
Is south Africa that dangerous?
Where do you live, lads? post pics
/sino/ 中文
How bad are gypsies really? Would America be better or worse off if we replaced all the blacks with gypsies?
6 hours of Polish independence left
Country gave the world the Renaissance with the likes of Da Vinci, Columbus and the discovery of the Americas...
TFW 22 years old loser
Why is Valentine's day such a big deal in America? I swear no other countries take Valentine's day this seriously
/Estonia, Iceland and Denmark general/
How come Asians are so much better at every competitive games than Westerners?
Country opinion thread
Why doesn't Australia have trains?
Has any country ever WEWUZ'd this hard?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /guests/
How are foreigners treated in your country?
Hey russian!!
Guess the name of the poster above you
/Ummah/ - Muslim general
Post images that make your noodle spin
I just saw two niggers... For the first time in my life... It's happening
/Somali/ thread
Tell me about car tuning in your country, int. What's your style...
Europe's complains about white genocide is the greatest IRL troll of all time
How do we stop the fucking Chinks from wiping them out?
Jews don't believe in Jesus
Ita - /Il Filo/
I've never smoked should i smoke?
Is your country a rice country, a corn country or a wheat country?
Melbourne pedestrian attack
What's the most famous building in your country?
Why are you having a hard time getting a gf?
In a few hours America would be ruined. We would remember you as being №1 since 1765
How come Japan is so xenophobic and racist...
Snacks General
TFW 22 years old loser
Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me
"user you voted for Trump? Gosh you're such a loser."
Whites a minority in 2043 in america
What is this called in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Mental chink ex
Post your major political parties
Kurva anyátok
British People
Which language group is best?
Welcome to Shanghai 2017
Hey Sup Forums is the whole "White People are Dying Out" thing just a meme?
/Fruchgummi/ ehemals /deutsch/
Tfw no argentinean gf
Will Trump fix American education?
/fr/ - Le Francofil Québécois et francophone
Why is Japan the only country that's consistently shitty at English on Sup Forums?
Wait a minute... does the rest of the world think we're retarded now?
Would you date this beautiful colombiana?
Why is South Africa such a cool country?
2000 was 17 years ago
Seasons are opposite on the southern hemisphere
Why won't Sup Forums respond to me? :(
Why do Mongoloid males make so good and perfect traps?
What happens here?
This is russian young lady who was born in the end of 1998. This is her 1st work on camera in her life
Why do Europoors refuse to admit that America is white...
You wake up in 814 Europe
Australia, when will they learn?
the canadian army invades your country
What's it like being autistic in a hyper-normie extrovert culture?
Sorry mr.Sup Forums what time is?
/pet/ - Pets of Int
Why does Europe reject its pagan roots and choose to follow a Jewish religion?
ITT: recognizable Sup Forums posters
China is building a massive new road between the cities of Port Gentil and Omboué in the West African nation of Gabon...
Regions thread
Will they still hate each other after Trump lets Putin invade them or will they settle their differences?
How is this called in your cunt?
Why some people try to tell, that american girls are ugly...
You dont kiss a girl on the cheek to say hi
Another day wasted on Sup Forums
1.) Your Country
Nationalism & Protectionism
Mfw spaniards pronounce "J" like "R"
/nachtschicht/ auch /deutsch/
Had one chance
Do white guys who marry Asian women typically learn their wives' language?
Do yanks seriously think it was a good idea?
I'm SICK AND TIRED of being a wage cuck. I want to move out west. I'm sick of waking up at 9am...
White kids in rich countries beeing depressed for no big reason
Go to Nice
Why was I born? Why was I made to suffer? Every night I cry myself to sleep hoping I don't wake up...
I suffer in the world...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
The Truth about Nanking under Japanese occupation
/eire/ + /celt/ = /éire/
Yfw you ask native speakers for help with their language
How does it makes poles feel that when they come to the UK they are kept as slaves by Muslims?
Post things that were a waste of money in hindsight for your countrys gubmint
Why doesn't the EU build a Gibraltar bridge?
Tourist in Spain
Only known for beeing genocided
ITT: missconceptions about history
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I need to leave America
The next First Lady of the United States of America will be a Slovene-American immigrant. How does this make you feel?
Why do americans build their homes out of plywood?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Sup Forumsernational HERITAGE thread
Kurva anyátok
Why do Americans fashion their homes from cardboard?
Europeans will never know the feeling of driving 2,000 km and still being in the same country
Why shops in Britain all rook shit and zero uniqueness compared to ours?
/ausnz/ + /balt/
WTF I love Slovenia now
Colder than in Scandinavia
Brits unironically think that their Island is cold
Do turks really hate almancis, or is it just a meme?
Sverigetråden - ingen bryr sig
What are some things about your country that tourists get surprised about?
Do Swedish people like our food through Picard stores ?
UNESCO’S 15 Most Beautifully Designed Cities In The World
Are you a bastard?
English is a Germanic Language in the Latin Sprachbund
If Ukraine doesn't exist, then what exists in the space it normally occupies on maps? An empty black void?
Do Brits actually still think they are a global power? They are nothing without EU/US to back them up
Tell me about the confederate flag, Americans. How is it viewed? Is it considered a redneck thing?
Yes, h
ITT: Sup Forums posters you recognize
What is it like to live in Turkey?
ITT: Post you're military qt's from around the world
/ita/ - il filo
Where were you when Trump declared war on Europe?
Whatever the country, why do girls like to be treated like that ?
It will be very sad to see Brits raped by the Germans on EU steroids
Say good things about Poland
Americans are no wiser than the Europeans who saw democracy yield to fascism, Nazism, or communism...
Look at me treating japanese high school students like a gentleman
What is arguably the friendliest country?
/MENA/ = Middle East + North Africa+Tunisia
Woah... so THIS is the power of Asian masculinity
TFW can't leave the country
East Asian women are so incredibly beautiful
Red countries on this map are third world
/carib/ - Act 11: Victory
See this
1. you're a cunt
Guess the family name of the poster before you
Kurva anyátok
Daily Japanese Thread /djt/ #1794
There are white supremacists, nationalists, bigots and misogynists posting on Sup Forums right now
1.)you're cunt
Why white peoples are skin terrible?
/hell/enic - Ένας Τέλειος Κόσμος
Is Japanese objectively the most autistic writing system in current use?
Funny police thread
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
This is the best kanji
When the countries with the most prevalence of white supremacistnationalist groups are those regarded as 2nd class...
Fucking non-east slavs squats in /slav/ and we ycтaли oт этoгo, a eщe я зaeбaлcя пиcaть нa aнглийcкoм
So Finland is getting a GPS-tracking system to monitor car traffic and taxation
1.Your happy country 2.Do you shave your leg hairs
Americans aren't allowed to refuel their own car
You will never impregnate a pure Japanese girl and create master race hafu babies
Don't go on Sup Forums for a few months
Is this a typical American fridge?
You will never speak Japanese
Our people are poor, but fuck them...
1. Your cunt
Could i pass as local in your country?
Reminder that Scotland saved France's ass during the 100 years war and the French would be speaking a slightly...
Post your country's best selling car
Dad is Finn
This is a 10/10 in France
Post historical ruins from your contry
Why does every other european suck at making rap music when austria is so good at it?
Is Crete a nice place to visit?
One shot at life
What is it like to live here?
Can you write down a famous name of the ten Chinese people without using Google?
Tfw almost died in the ice today
Europe = The chocolate
/polska/ aka /sarmatia/
I think we can all agree that Estonia and Slovenia are the best Eastern European countries...
Pic related
Culture Pals: yellow fever leader edition
Why are we so shit in every way possible?
Has your country ever fucked up a neighbour this hard?
Is french humor funny to you ?
Say something mean about the country above you
There are tons of black male/white female porn videos. Why there isn't a latino men/white women phenomenon in America...
God save the EU
/balt/ + /ausnz/:
What does weeaboo think about Japanese boobs?
Would you like to marry a traditional japanese woman?
I have
Name a better African country that isn't an island nation
Just 8 000 years ago Europeans were dark skinned
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Zaraupplagan
/fr/ Le fil français
Place your bets:
Americans are so short they need steps to climb into their car
Im Japanese high school student
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What the world wants
Why are Russian women the best?
Greeks are not Whi-
Is it true american schools don't teach cursive writing?
Volen's GF edition
TFW 22 years old loser
Would you date this girl even though she has stupid tattoos
Does your country's president/prime minister sit like a cuck?
Post you're country's hottest natural export
A daily reminder that you will never be Finnish
Arab Women
Do you honestly believe in anything supernatural?
Your country. Do you eat pork?
PISA 2015
Which tribe/country is the master race of Africa?
Despite famines, wars and huge HIV epidemics, africans are growing at 3-5%
1. Your country
American youth culture
How does one get an american gf like this desu
Literally just about to eat 3 whole jars of peanut butter
When are Americans going to do something about their nigger problem?
I was the female junior high school student who became sacrifice of an accident of U.S. forces stationed in South Korea!
Penis sizes from around the world
"user, You're such a racist!"
With everything being privatised, what does the Australian government do besides maintain a military?
IS Germany the land of ultimate cucks ?
/lang/ - Language learning thread
What do you call this in your country?
You wake up as President of the United States
Why haven't you converted to Islam yet
What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
Why are Dutch women like this?
All the german soldiers that fought and died for their fatherland in ww1 andww2 only for it to end up an islamic...
/Ummah/ - Muslim general
French broken English is cute
Sissy clog wog """men """"are waking up...
God I can't stop thinking about women...
Korean historian was arrested by her academic paper
Canada will always be ruled by a foreign head of state
S.Korean prostitution is their nation's tradition
Someone please be my gf
Are both of the men in this pic white?
Ok, why do you call me pedojew?
Kurva anyátok
I don't support multiculturalism
Later, a woman wearing a hijab read from notes, in broken English...
Is this the new face of america?
Actually Sup Forums makes me feel great and relieved
Ask a girl, with shizofrenia everything. I had actually hard life. Was raped by dad when I was 5-7yo, mom is alcoholic...
Visit suttgart two months ago and be jewish american
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
This is what new generation of russian 1997-2000 born girls like
Australia is a Black country
This is the only "stan" country that I've seen post on Sup Forums. I am very curious about what goes on here...
Interesting happenings in West Africa
My girlfriend went to Czech and lied to me...
Why are Americans so obsessed with skin colour?
Do you like going to the gym?
I'll tell you the truth of this problem
1. Your country
When I went to France a couple years back with a gook tour group I use to see a group of french people pointing at us...
1. your country
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
I'm the only person in my family with brown eyes
Where would you rather live?
/éire/ + /celt/
Hahahahahaha How The Fuck Is A Potato Famine Real Hahahaha Nigga How You Explain Starving To Death Just Catch Some Fish...
ITT: countries that everyone hates
What is love?
Be a Mexican school
Hilo latino suicida
Us regions thread
Wake up
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Global warming. Truth or hoax? Does your country trust its politicians or scientists?
Life level and happyness in your country
Accents of English
Sissy /brit/ boys
Anyone of mixed ethnicity...
Brits have to have
Recognizing Arab genocide of Persian Zoroastrians
/asean/ - 80's edicion
Describe the average day of the poster above you based on their flag using greentext or whatnot
Would your poverty country's dog stand a chance against the mighty argentine (bull) dogo?
/ita/ - il filo
A-are you alright Sweden?
ITT: Countries you have visited
What's the least worst big city in Brazil?
/openStronghold/ ehemals /deutsch/
/brit/ more like /shit/ lmao
Is this considered attractive in your country?
Why americans are so afraid of this?
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Israeliska vänskapsupplagan
Tfw no community colleges in syrupland
Post your city
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...