IS Germany the land of ultimate cucks ?

>Merkel let a godzillon rapefugee on
>Still on power
>AfD isn't above 20%
>Merkel will censor the Internet and still ne reelected

Are you people dumb or what ? Even in Sweden the SD got about 20% of voting intentions, si what is your problem ? In normal countries the shitskins lover politicians are ousted for their idiocy, look how the italians ousted Renzo their moronic PM.

What are germans waiting for ?

Other urls found in this thread:“je-moet-respect-hebben-voor-de-koran”

why is always the ones who should be quiet that always open their mouth first?

>be Germany's bitch
>call them cucks

>IS Germany the land of ultimate cucks

Yes but so are France and Britain, it is pretty ridiculous this "better than thou" behavior while a kindergarten child can see you're just the same.

This is the reason why the french are pissed off, on the other hand the germans seem to bé content from taking shitskins dicks un their asses.

Good try Pedro.

Lately Merkel cried because nous gouvernent in Europe supported her in her delusions

Mind your own country's affairs.

You are on the same boat Ahmed, did you went to Brussels or Antwerp lately ?

Shut up nigger

Still, you have to admit it's pretty impressive exactly how hard Merkel fucked over the Germans in the last year and a half, and STILL ends up more popular than any other politician in Germany. Even over here (and we're pretty Sweden-tier) Wilders is projected to have the largest party after the elections (though none of the other parties want to cooperate with him so he'll never end up in the government), yet Germany only wants more Merkel. That's right, the Germans want MORE.
Germany's reaction to tragically losing 12 people and seeing dozens of others gravely injured? "Thank you sir, may I have another sir?".

Of course, but I did not make the OP. Also the ultra-right anti-immigration party was the most popular here between 1988 and 2005, but got blocked in a "cordon sanitaire" and even more muslims were let in because criticism was racist and fascist just like the majority of Flemings.

So you have to be stupid to think that voting for them will change anything, we're far past the point of no return. It is the sad reality. So why hate on your neighbors who are in exactly the same shit as you?

I don't have to "try" anything Jean-Pierre, the French suburbs are shitier than any Syrian town under intense fire, I seriously doubt your police ever gets there.

t. bilel

Go suck muslim dick as usual and stop questioning your German overlords, you frog subhuman.

...says the mainstream media.

Over here they gave her a fucking honourary doctorate recently for her "wir schaffen das" quote. From the comments the majority of people here laughed at this and do not agree at all, yet the media hails it.

Wait until after the elections, do not trust the polls. Its Hillary Clinton shilling all over again.

Holy cow that's a lot, looks like Philly

they are seriously brainwashed

Exactly, all Western Europe is pretty much Sweden tier yet thé people are fed up of this shit and tell politicians to fuck themselves, in Germany the people thank them for screwing them...

>...says the mainstream media.
Because of course all the polls are doctored, right? We already have/had signs of dissent in America, the UK, the Netherlands, France and even Sweden but somehow only in Germany does the mainstream media falsify the popular support for Merkel.

>From the comments the majority of people here
Oh wait, you're one of those morons who takes Sup Forums comments for truth. Here's a word of advice, buddy: unless there's a credible source attached to that post, it's bullshit.

>Wait until after the elections, do not trust the polls
One problem: much like the Netherlands, Germany is a parliamentary democracy. Wilders here is projected to get the largest party (SOMEHOW our media isn't intent on telling lies unlike that of Germany, magically) yet even if that happens he will not end up in the government because nobody wants to cooperate with him. Much like that cordon sanitaire you complained about earlier. There's no reason for this not to happen in Germany as well. France actually stands a chance because they directly elect their presidents regardless of senate composition.


>Because of course all the polls are doctored, right? We already have/had signs of dissent in America, the UK, the Netherlands, France and even Sweden but somehow only in Germany does the mainstream media falsify the popular support for Merkel.

What? Have you forgotten how doctored the US polls were? All hugely in favour of Clinton?

>Oh wait, you're one of those morons who takes Sup Forums comments for truth. Here's a word of advice, buddy: unless there's a credible source attached to that post, it's bullshit.

Yeah because when I refer to the majority of Flemings I mean Sup Forums posts. Can you please take a breath and re-read what I wrote? I'm of course referring to the bulk of social media. #eredoctoraat was trending and most commentaries were negative to very negative.

>Wilders here is projected to get the largest party (SOMEHOW our media isn't intent on telling lies unlike that of Germany, magically) yet even if that happens he will not end up in the government because nobody wants to cooperate with him. Much like that cordon sanitaire you complained about earlier.

I hope he wins but: too little to late. You must know about Vlaams Blok/Vlaams Belang in the past and the cordon sanitaire? It is simple to block a party even if they got 25% of the votes, and call all dissenting voices racist and fascist. We've heard that for 2 decades.


>First hé says that voting don't matter
>Then hé says to look what will happen next élections

The fuck are you talking ? Anyway the Vlaams Blok disappeared only because the cuck parties disbanded it, if the Vlaams Blok had taken the power n'y force and hung the traitors ( the flemings support them and they are the majority si nothing would happen) none of this shit would have happen.

Anyway the Nva is pretty similar to the VB yet they are in power.

Grow some balls mate stop crying

>What? Have you forgotten how doctored the US polls were? All hugely in favour of Clinton?
I'm still skeptical when all the surrounding parties actually show potentially large gains. When I read something like "Le Pen will win the first round but not the second" I consider a margin of error. When Merkel's popularity rises after a fucking terrorist attack, not so much.

>Yeah because when I refer to the majority of Flemings I mean Sup Forums posts.
You're referring to comments without mention of another website. You can see why I'd believe that, don't you?

>I'm of course referring to the bulk of social media.
Very well, you might have a point about Flemings not liking Merkel. That tells us very little about the Germans though.

>It is simple to block a party even if they got 25% of the votes, and call all dissenting voices racist and fascist. We've heard that for 2 decades.
I know, that's the joy of a parliamentry "democracy". We've seen more or less the same a few years ago when Wilders had the third largest party (and he's only gotten more popular since, but it's already guaranteed that he won't win unless he gets the impossible 50% + 1 votes) and we will see the same in Germany, even if against all the odds Merkel somehow manages to not remain in power.

Now you understand why I put all of my hopes in France: a direct democratic mandate for their head of government. If they can't do it, all of us parliamentary cucks are fucked.

Don't trust these polls. They're consistantly wrong.

>AfD isn't above 20%
Look, if they were more than NPD2.0 at this point, I'd vote them. But they aren't. They are filled with fucking retards- having Petry in a major position doesn't help.
Most German parties are absolute dogshit sadly.

The NVA pretty similar? Hahahahah. NVA: "we should have respect for the Quran". THe NVA that changed the Antwerp Christmas Market into "Winter Fun" because it offends muslims?

Stop listening to the Walloons man, you don't have a clue. And Vlaams Blok simply became Vlaams Belang, it wasn't actally disbanded, it was just a name change.

But since you know it all better, let's wait until FN "grabs power" and "hang all the traitors" shall we?

What will happen is: your ultra-right anti-immigration party will become salonfähig, to the extent that they start praising the Quran even. Mark my words.

At least VB still kept its hardline stance. Better to vote radical, because due to compromise it will all get diluted until nothing is left.

Meanwhile, the hostile muslim population is ever growing in all our countries in the West. De facto Shariah controlled areas are already a fact.

Ye let's just vote for Merkel again xD

so why not vote for them if all politicians are retards?

why these mental gymnastics? you're already done for anyway

>NVA: "we should have respect for the Quran". THe NVA that changed the Antwerp Christmas Market into "Winter Fun" because it offends muslims?
Can you provide links? I can't find anything backing this up in either Dutch or English. The closest thing I can find is an NVA politician saying the Qu'ran should Westernize.

>Merkel will censor the Internet
Is this true?

Sven please. Nobody said that.
We'll end up with another CDU+SPD regime though, since neither the redredgreen cultural marxists will get enough to reign alone, nor the CDU without a partner. The FDP hopefully drops below 4% again. AfD might become second strongest with SPD killing itself off, but that also depends on whether they keep having fuck ups themselves or not.
The best to happen for the AfD would be another assault in the next months, since they have yet to show that they can actually use their program to gain popularity and not just the funghis.

They already did all over the EU. Some germans and Swedes were also arrested for saying that they don't want refugees.

>>Are germs cucks

No. I studdied the germ tribe.
You see, the thing with germans is - they are very obiedient.
whoever is in charge, they follow & support - it's that famous love for 'ordnung' in them.
Doesn't matter if it's king, emperor, chief, tyrant, or kanzler.
Believing their mass-media is part of it.
And they have a good reason too - most german leaders in history helped to make country stronger & richer. Very few fucked up like Hitler.
For example - eastern germany & prussia had one of highest stats of pro-nazi sympathisers. And after soviets took over - thwy all joined communist party and most became Stazi informers.
The germs will not wake up untill their cities literally burn, and streets flow wi5h blood of white people.
Maybe not evwn then. Maybe then thwy will all convert to islam - if whoever is in power tells them to.

In one way, yes. Building a base on which they can censor more than "fake-news"- not like they aren't already censoring certain parts, or are at least telling Google to not show results for some things.

Censoring "fake news" is already pretty bad, especially when the ones doing it are the ones who decide what constitutes "fake news".

We already see this in France, where "false information" includes, among other things, close to all anti-abortion opinions.

" De koran is voor honderdduizenden mensen in dit land een heilig boek. Je moet daar respect voor hebben." Jan Jambon

more for example (first result on google):

Winterpret : ask every citizen of Antwerp, google it. Same case in Gent and Brussels btw.

Also the recent "ook ik ben Vlaming" campagne of the VVB showing muslims "being Flemish"

volksnationalisten die ineens staatsnationalist worden wat een grap!

At least Filip Dewinter has always been consistent in what he says. He still calls the Quran the source of all evil.

this is actually 100% truth

but a gross mea culpa feeling is part of it, it's like they are performing self-flagellation (except that half of Europe shares in the suffering - not that that half of Europe isn't equally deluded and misguided about muslim immigrants)

Can't wait for all the arrested people for so called hate speech here. What a bright future.

I can see that quote in the thread itself, but never in the article nor any source actually directly linking it to the man himself.

From what I can find (mostly about Brussels) it's not directly a replacement for Christmas, exists in concert with the Christmas market, and lasts five weeks. It sounds innocent enough.

>volksnationalisten die ineens staatsnationalist worden wat een grap!
Als ik de advocaat van de duivel mag spelen, genoeg staatsnationalisten zien massamigratie als een enorme bedreiging en willen de uitheemse invloeden zo beperkt mogelijk houden en uiteindelijk assimileren. Maar ik snap je punt, wanneer deze "nationalisten" opeens de uitheemse invloeden beschermen en 'waarderen'.

>At least Filip Dewinter has always been consistent in what he says. He still calls the Quran the source of all evil.
Let me guess, nobody votes for him? Typical, when telling the truth becomes hate speech.

Which is why I don't belive in democrashit, the system will always create b8 to distract the people from reality and make them vote for shills.

À millitary coup would be more effective, or a Putin like infiltration

Britain and the Netherlands both already had folks seeing the police visit them for fucking facebook and twitter posts.

The latter (Netherlands) wasn't arrested, but it's still disturbing when the police warrant an "I don't like rapefugees" post worthy of a homevisit and a warning. A warning!
>Local authorities let social media users know in advance that they're walking a fine line, and they also inform those users that they could face incitement charges if their calls for protests ultimately result in violence.
>They are walking a fine line
That's the kind of words you expect to be directed at a hoodlum who harrasses people on the streets.

shut ta fucking geul. I can't bear it anymore cuck here, cuck there, everyday the same fucking threads. I

Germany didn't do anything wrong, most Syrians are good folk and with some integration they will integrate because the germs actually spread them out in the country.
The french on the other hand never spend on integration, always dump everibody in the same getto and expect things to solve themselves.
It's not a surprise Germany only got one truck attack while the french have been fucked up the the ass by terror.
>inb4 muh rapes
those were robberies and they were committed by north african immigrants (Moroccans), not refugees, even this new years alleged arrests turned out to be mostly non-immigrants after a false initial report

Do i have to do all your googling for you?

>" De koran is voor honderdduizenden mensen in dit land een heilig boek. Je moet daar respect voor hebben." Jan Jambon“je-moet-respect-hebben-voor-de-koran”

Jan Jambon had een interview in De Zondag van vandaag en daarin gaat het onder andere over het koran-incident van Filip Dewinter. Dat hij daar tegenin ging, kwam recht uit zijn hart zegt hij in dat interview:

“Dewinter zwaaide met de koran en noemde dat een 'license to kill'. Dat kan niet. De koran is voor honderdduizenden mensen in dit land een heilig boek. Je moet daar respect voor hebben. Het zou heel nefast zijn om alle moslims tot onze vijand te maken, wat Dewinter wil doen. De scheidslijn tussen goed en kwaad loopt niet tussen de islam en de rest van de samenleving.”

fucking lazy bastard

>From what I can find (mostly about Brussels) it's not directly a replacement for Christmas, exists in concert with the Christmas market, and lasts five weeks. It sounds innocent enough.

They changed the name Kerstmarkt into Winterpret in Gent, Antwerp and Brussels, not to offend muslims. Traditionally it was named Kerstmarkt since I don't know the middle ages likely, now it is Winterpret.

Only Bruges resisted because they don't have a muslim problem.

>Let me guess, nobody votes for him? Typical, when telling the truth becomes hate speech.

He sed to be the most popular politician, but: cordon sanitaire. Completely cockblocked, hence why eventually the NVA became popular. Because you can't keep voting for a party that essentially can't do anything.

It's madness, I fear for the future, for my little nephew and niece. If this goes on a civil war will be unavoidable.

goymoney has turned itself into the ultimate martyr that will destroy yurope once and for all.

based krauts.


If you have a brain, yout just can't vote them.

Their program is shit tier. It's pro-rich, pro-elite. I mean who comes up with this shit? No health care, no rich tax, no inheritance tax

Why? What's wrong with them

>Less government intervention
>No health care
Literally impossible, as private health care will always exist.

I don't know what system Germany has but the Dutch system is objectively the best (and I'm not just saying this because I'm Dutch). You're obliged to have at least basic insurance and insurance corporations aren't allowed to reject you, but other than that the free market reigns supreme. No needless government intervention here (at least, as far as healthcare is concerned) and we currenty top the charts in terms of health care quality.

Dutch Universities are like few thousands a year.

"Best" system ;^)

Germany my best favorite country ;(
pic unrelated.

>rich tax
>inheritance tax
Stop trolling

When you're old private health care rejects you, if you have chronic diseases private health rejects you. It's a shit system. Health can't really be a free unregulated market.

Where is the trolling aspect here?

nippon one day you will be free

to hunt and eat every whale in ocean

All these things are irrelevant when you have millions of rapefugees.

I am the refugee of your heart!