How do we stop the fucking Chinks from wiping them out?

How do we stop the fucking Chinks from wiping them out?

Get Yao Ming to tell them to stop

Convince them the horn only shrinks your penis

>implying china is going to listen to anyone

Good idea

If you have a thumb for a dick you're going to try anything to add an inch. to be fair

>the horn is actually hair

Tbh poaching has become a nuisance over here.

this, chinks are soulless bastards that will eat anything that moves (kind of surprised they haven't tried to eat fucking rocks).
It is already too late for the northern white rhino, just of three of them have been able to stay safe from the yellow predator. Seriously though, i thought only niggers or guys like them are concerned about muh dick YOOOO.


>muh 100 gorillion IQ

>tfw collect tortoiseshell and exotic leather like elephant and hippo products
>recently heard this guy from asia can hook me up with rhino horn combs, very tempted

Lol the ivory hunting is a worldwide phenomenon but people just focus on China. Lots of nation's in Europe (not just east), Na and Asia engage in it heavily.

CCP shill detected

>CCP shill
At least use the proper term
50 Cent army instead

I'm not a shill literally every continent barring SA has a huge hand in this. It's a world wide phenomenon that has been going on for like ever.

Its easy we kill the chinkmen.

Why doesn't your police just shoot them nobody would gie a fuck and it would take care of poverty.

China and Vietnam are BY FAR the biggest markets for Rhino horn

Shoot the elephants?
Tourism is one of the major source of incomes in Kenya.

White people just come over here to see wildlife. So if shooting them will only going to end up hurting us.

I think he meant, shoot the poachers

Ohhh, that could work. But whenever a poacher is caught they're prisoned and they have to pay a huge amount of money.

I heard theres only a few left in captivity and their breeding programs were a huge failure. It is kinda sad yes

Tell asian women rhinos have bigger dicks than gook "men"

alternative :
wipe out the pissant shit race of communist drones
>World oxygen levels instantly raised a few % and pollution drops down to prehistoric levels
>Japanese empire revived
>Russians taking over 1/3 of China, massive luls and New West in East

Why don't the chinese eat horses instead? Horses have big dicks, surely that would be more fitting for their black magic potions.