WTF, I don't know who to hate now

WTF, I don't know who to hate now...

>24 December 2014

they are celebrating the inauguration of trump and minting coins in his honor

hate us


I'm definitively buying one of those

Man he looks like he has awful posture in that image

It was obamas era, Wtf i love Russia now

>2 years is a century in a modern world

Fucking millennials.

t. 20 year old

Quit being a dick you drunk finish bitch.

Why not both?

>it's stolen in under 24 hours

Nah, I live in a gated community

I didn't know you had shops in prison

Gated communities in Mexico are like 50% American expats

If you wanna make your neigbors mad paco to for it

It says scroll down for video and also shows 4+ pics but once I click on it closes. Stupid buggy Sup Forums, I hate it.

Yeah right gringos go to fucking cheap beaches.

eehh.... finland...
do you have checked at the date when this was published?

t. tryhard

meh, there's only a few of them here, most foreigners are Japs and Spaniards where I live, but by all means I'd love to see any gringo knocking on my door. I[ve got a pitbull in the front yard so they sure as fuck aren't taking it.


>t. tryhard

Don't be so harsh on yourself, m8. Be happy.
Terveisin: saunanraikas kyrpä