What is he trying to convey with this pose? I have seen him use it in several different movies

What is he trying to convey with this pose? I have seen him use it in several different movies.

The size of his cock

Will I get them too?


That must be why you missed those quads

His thumbs are pointing to the big guy

Jesus christ.

Thumb behind the belt/pants is the best look. In his pockets looks awkward unless they're big enough to fit his hands comfortably.

It must be an unconscious thing for him, a post that makes him feel relaxed when he's surrounded by normies with a camera in his face.

Stop posting this shop, you giblet-head.

The only objectively true answer is that he's trying to convey that he's in charge here, he may not be Bane, but he's still a Big Guy. And he's certainly not a hothead. He keeps a cool head all the time because he's been trained to. He's CIA.

He's trying to convey that he is a big guy for you.

You don't get to bring dubs

Or perhaps it's socially anxious about the presence of big guys and hired guns.

Is that real?

He went through a lot until he perfected his pose in the Bane movie.

Or perhaps hes wondering why someone would post that picture, without getting dubs.

It points the attention towards his phallus. He's conveying confidence and dominance through body language, like saying "I'm in charge here" without words.


big dubs

Why was Gillen at the premiere of Mr.Magorium's Wonder Emporium?


and who can get dubs?
only me

Relaxed control

Long hands maybe

I have you now, Bane!

reminder that CIA has beaten JACKIE CHAN numerous times

Was starting a bane posting thread part of your plan OP?



He used to be pretty hot actually.


I like how no one's mentioning the obvious Rolex he's wearing.

>Dr Pavel, I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks

>used to

>he still could not stop his left hand from crossing his body and attempting to cover his solitary testicle

in the photoshopped picture?
why would anyone care?

>It's a baneposting thread