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Television and Film
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Television and Film #701
Television and Film
Claim you're waifu
Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor will be in Justice League
Admit it, you're worried about the new season
/got/ general
/got/ general
How come Mia Malkova doesnt get more roles?
Is this any good? Buscemi is one of my favorite actors and this is just about the only thing i haven't seen
What's a good Bella Thorne film?
The Wheel of Time
Fredposting saved this board
His winning streak is too much and is starting to get tired. just cut his fucking head off already, Sup Forums
What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film?
/swg/ + /fmg/ = Film Production General
Literally the best show of the late 90's
ITT: "That" show you weren't allowed to watch
Is Kaylin a big girl?
yfw it's a very special episode
I'll give you $100,000 for 15% on the stipulation that you come over to my house every other weekend and hang out
/got/ general
Star Trek
The current state of Sup Forums
The Stooges
ARROW thread
/got/ general
Emotional stronk wimin speech
Good action sequences
Sup Forums in 2020
In retrospect, Prometheus was kino as fuck
/got/ general
Game of Shit
Game of Thrones General - /got/
/siliconvalley/ new episode thread - bachmanngetti insanity thread
/got/ general
Doug Stanhope: Johnny Depp Is Being Blackmailed by Amber Heard – Here’s How I Know
Well it has Akroyd's shill of approval now
/got/ general
McCarthy Attacks Critics
Goosebumps vs. Are You Afraid of the Dark: Which Was Better?
What's your favorite podracer pilot from the Phantom Menace?
Was he retarded?
Whoopsie doodles
The big guy is coming to Gotham
What's the best fight scene ever made?
/got/ general - talkback
/got/ general
Visually impressive films/Cinegrid thread?
What is your favorite podcast to listen to while watching movies?
Does anyone care about the Narnia movies?
Why can't DC make a good superhero movie?
Which one are you most like?
Feech Lamanna
I'm just coming for my files, Marty
So will Batman just murder people throughout all his films now?
What went wrong?
/got/ general
What is this?
The Lobster
Now that the dust has settled, what did we all think of this...
Can their careers survive this shit?
ITT: what the fuck were they thinking?
Why was he so smug?
A brilliant strategist
Any good comedies about short males?
What does Sup Forums think about this movie?
You would die for them?
This is the best movie I've seen all year so far
Sunday Night LotR Thread
What are Louie's end goals? Why should I continue watching this bumbling, pompous douche?
And this is my son's room. He is quite the movie buff
Was Cypher right?
ITT: Things that are actually shit but continue to be viewed favourably via nostalgia goggles
Who will play the gorilla in the inevitable bio pic?
It's a fuck working class white people episode
Itt: cartoons/shows you fucking hated as a kid
Are you going to buy a GTX 1070?
What did he mean by this?
Johnny Depp is a rich successful movie star. Why would he commit a crime...
/got/ general
/got/ general
What is the most overrated movie?
Is Kat Dennings actually attractive? Normally I'd say yes but then when I see pics like this it makes me reconsider
X-Men - Discussion
GOAT horror
Now that her career is saved
And then even before the body of his dead mother went cold, I served him divorce PAPERS! =P =D
How important is a film's soundtrack?
Why is corny humor so popular? Big Bang Theory? Park & Rec? Community? Why do people like this unfunny trash?
/got/ general
Cool examples of method acting general?
Xmen apocalypse discussion/
When you see it
Why did he antagonise the Jews?
So are OUR SG-1 dead?
20% and going down
Hodor liked Warcraft
Is there anyone more based than this man? Truly doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of him...
So how come no one talks about this movie anymore?
Generation Kill
'Begin Again' Director John Carney Criticizes Keira Knightley's Acting
So we all want Fassbender to be the next Bond, right?
What did you think of Louis Theroux's expose on Jews?
Leave Car kino to us
Which was better?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Moot the Wise?
/got/ general
Iranian here. My gf looks like Amber Heard. Are you jelly?
Plebs on here don't realize that the best South park episodes were before the underage on here were born
So what are you up to tonight?
The age of capeshit is coming to an end, say hello to our new animeshit overlords
In a libertarian society would we be able to make a movie where the actors were legally allowed to be high on drugs...
Whose your favorite Roger persona?
Iceberg Tier Thread
Is he the new JUST?
No Bloodline thread?
Movie takes place in a big city
Name me just ONE thing this man did wrong. I dare you
Is Salma Hayek the most successful Hispanic actress?
Hitler kills hundreds of Jews >hated by everyone...
Has just given birth to two children
Super hearing
ITT: Underrated Actors
Iron Man did nothing wrong
Eternal /got/ general - True Queen edition
GOAT Music Videos
Imagine being Mike. Completely soulless, drenched with sorrow and smite...
ITT: we write an opening crawl for a Star Wars film one word at a time. I'll start
Be a filthy-rich celebrity
How did his balls survive?
Seeing this tonight
Melissa McCarthy Responds to ‘Ghostbusters’ Backlash
Top Gear
Name a better choice for Nathan Drake
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/got/ general
Guys...? GUYS...? CLAP PLEASE!
Civil War Reaches 1.1 Billion Dollars. DC on suicide watch!
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Opens With the Lowest Since the First ‘X-Men’
Red Letter Media
What does Sup Forums think of popular online film critic/pundit/journalist Bob "MovieBob" Chipman?
Is she right about critics?
How the fuck did the Friends afford their apartments?
Next Supernatural Season
What is the best animated Disney movie ever?
Top Gear Live Thread
They just wanted to have tits in the trailer, right?
Big guy Twitter
Any good movies to watch while I'm chasing foil?
Hyped for season 2 of Scream and Scream Queens?
/got/ general
Jeremy Irons Says ‘Batman v Superman’ Deserved Its Bad Reviews
What are some movies displaying extravagant lifestyles like in this movie
MovieBob BTFO Sup Forums
Is Van Kilmer the original JUST?
Literally nothing happens
So her power is that highly trained terrorists don't shoot while she runs straight at them...
Sup Forums absolutely blown the fuck out
Team amber or team johnny?
I've felt like shit past three days someone post feel good movies so I can try to feel better
Batman v Superman thread
Guess the actor
Just finished season 3 and I want to know what do my friends at Sup Forums think about AMS?
ITT: guilty pleasures
Is Sopranos the only show where each season is better than the one before it?
How long until Marvel decides to bring Red Skull back and make him fight Cap in another movie?
Naked Ambition is the closest we have to a "perfect" King of the Hill episode. Agreed?
Coming this summer: Chev Chelios must _________ to stay alive
What would actually happen if The Thing managed to actually infect a female and had sex with a human and got...
On a scale of 1-10, how optimistic are you? 5 and below is somewhat to very pessimistic...
Michael Bay on Kate Beckinsale:
Matthew McConaughey is making a new movie about how slavery was bad
Be honest, would you cast him in anything looking like this?
ITT: Make your own movie
Hey Sup Forums, Ryan Reynolds here. We're finishing writing the Deadpool sequel and would like some quip suggestions
ITT: Actors/Actresses you can really relate to
Besides being a psychopathic killer I also happen to be a Conservative Republican
What happened?
"I'm not the Zodiac, and if I was, I certainly wouldn't tell you."
The current state of Sup Forums
Would you droogs viddy the groodies on a young Waspdevotshka?
BvS - Lois is the key
Hey Sup Forums, do any of you have any advice for getting good at Overwatch? What characters should I be using?
/got/ general
/got/ general
Star Trek General
ITT: Most underrated movies of all time
Archive this thread
Ruins Sarah Connor
Civil War passed $1.1 billion
What's his name again?
Please no arguing
Is she a Jesus allegory?
Is this art?
You will never make hey this wet
Walking down the boardwalk
The best written shows of all time according to the Writer's Guild of America:
Karl Pilkington gives on - He's doing a REDDIT AMA
After nine years, you know what I realize?
I haven't felt this way about a movie or cartoon hero since I was a kid
How Over Is Her Career?
Tfw non-white
Sup Sup Forums
I am thinking of going alone to see Warcraft when it comes out on June 10
Log into Sup Forums
Felicity and friends
Jay's face when he missed an opportunity to rape
Daario Naharis Actor
31 mil $ so far for Warcraft
Be American
Who's her handler on movie sets when Kate's not around?
What are some good car movies?
This one shot is better then anything Marvel has done in that past 10 years
Okay LEGIT state all your problems with this movie and why you think it is bad (don't state the movie's pacing due to...
ITT: You have the option of taking Jessie Spano, Kelly Kapowski, or Lisa Turtle out on a date
So what will the inevitable God's Not Dead 3 be about?
I'm not sure why Jubilee was in X-Men Apocalypse...
What does Sup Forums think of Silicon Valley?
I think Jupiter Ascending had some real potential and nice visuals...
Jeremy Irons Says Batman V Superman Deserved Bad Reviews
/got/ general
/got/ general:
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of zootopia?
/mort/ General
Best series past 2/3 years
Why didn't he simply turn every X-men to sand ?
The last 2 shows you watched are now going to have crossover next fall. Are you excited?
Would you?
It's incredible that despite feminism not being much of a thing in Japan that anime is the most feminist form of media...
Guy gets mad and punches the wall
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
‘Alice 2’ Ticket Sales Plummet As Johnny Depp Domestic Violence Scandal Unfolds
Is this vidyakino?
Just finished watching this and I'm curious about Sup Forums's thoughts on it
Downloading Solaris after it was mentioned here
X-Men: Apocalypse > Deadpool > Batman v Superman > Civil War
Remember these are professional actors
/got/ general
So I see a load of hate for Sony lately...
Quipsilver or Quicksilver?
Could a sequel to The Mist be done?
Milana Vayntrub
Notteth thine fathers qult de-fleur of the air shall more than one of Banes handworkers dareth stay their keep
The only reason to go see X-Men: Apocalypse
Johnny Depp - what the hell is going on with this dude? He's one of my favorite actors...
When did it happen to you?
Based Jeremy Irons said BvS deserve the bad critics
Give me good movies with DOGS
What's your honest opinion about this movie?
Was it autism?
"You should pretend the prequels are myths...because to Rey and Finn, they are."
Was this character's point to anger the viewer? If it was, they did a great job
I loved it
Tfw you realise that southern westeros is just upside-down Ireland
/got/ general
Brendan Fraser
Be the BBC
What movies are essential operatorcore? I've already watched
Orson Welles
Is Sup Forums ready?
‘X-Men Apocalypse’ Takes A Dive On Saturday As Memorial Day B.O. Bloodbath Continues
Anyone going to be watching the new Roots?
So why did Hermione end up with Ron of all people? Was it just contrivance on Rowling's part?
Post your rare bad movie posters
"This is what I bring to your world, X-Men: Apocalypse"
/got/ general
This scene isnt that accurate at all really
ITT: We think of a better Mystique than J Law
Reddit the character
If Trump wins how much will TV and movies change?
In The Name Of The King Thread?
X-men Apocalypse
Rome > Game of Plebs
Movies like this?
Is Twin Peaks one of the greatest television series of all time?
Mods are sleeping, post rare CIA's
Pt. 1
Ok, Sup Forums, i give up...
When child actors do horror films, are they allowed to watch them afterwards?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
There are people in this world that actually torrent this quality and watch the movie
Piper Thread
Who would you cast as Captain Marvel in the Shazam movie?
Ask to an hollywood friend of mine to put makeup on me like someone actually beat me up
I'm glad she triggers you. Get a fucking grip. The people bitching are more annoying than the actual character now
Studio Ghibli key animator Futaki dies at 58:
/trek/ - Star Trek general thread
OK, so i saw this tonight and i got three words for you
Why not save Rachel AND Dent?
Huh.. makes you think
Why must this be a thing
Did you actually enjoy this film...
Wow... really makes you think
Is anyone else slightly disappointed Craig won't be doing at least one or two more Bond films?
How did you say that happened...a nigger clipped you?
This passes as entertainment in medieval times
Will it flop?
Amber Heard? More like Amber MISHEARD, am I right?
What's his name again?
What did they mean by this?
Why does Sup Forums hate this movie?
Who is the funniest man in the world?
Where were you when the leaked Ghostbusters script and information was true?
Season 2 fucking when, CuckW?
What happened to this guy?
How is it that a movie by an independent studio with guys in big rubber suits have better fight choreography and...
Would you rather stay loyal to a friend...
Didnt even know there was another Dan Brown film on the way until i seen the new reveal in the theaters...
ITT actors who have never been in a bad movie
/got/ general
/got/ general
Early 2000's american high school movie
Is Peter Dinklage a meme actor? Aside from GoT everything he did bombed hard
Top 5 Movies of all Time
Strange/weird scenes in movies that caught you off guard
"The autor of oliver payne"
Is he the next Will Smith?
Her American accent needs work...
The Witch
Amazon Prime Video
What would Sup Forums's reaction be to a movie about Sup Forums. Would you automatically hate it...
Thank you Snyder
Westeros is about to be enriched
Jay's face when he missed an opportunity to rape a girl
I'm finally getting around to watching the first season of True Detective, and I've been loving it so far...
Choose wisely, Sup Forums
Why is spic TV so crass and dumb?
Ask a legit question about Canadian television
What went right?
Marvelcuck will defend this
The REAL heroes in their respective films thread
Paying for digital media
What do you think of their upcoming film 'Beauty and the Beast'?
Things that don't matter in films:
Will this ever be made into a movie? who should direct it?
ITT: Comedians who really make you think
Is this going to be kino?
/got/ general
I have a bunch of Fury Road concept art that I saved from a thread on here a few months back and I'm going to repost...
You get to pick one Disney princess to be your eternal waifu. Who do you pick?
Confess, Sup Forums
Official Episode Ranking: Traitots be damned
ITT we invent new Oscar Categories
Are these guys funny?
ITT: Movies that left you feeling feels
What happened to this guy?
ITT: masterpieces Americans will NEVER understand
Diamonds for Emma
Louis CucK
Who'll play him in the inevitable biopic?
RIP buddy
Eileen jones review of Jurassic world
Shitty commercials you hate
Do you think they are capable of making a great film?
Post your IQ and your favorite tv show
Oppenheimer discussion thread. C'mon, let's have a long one. Favourite scene? Favourite character? Was it exploitative...
Do people really find this fuck funny?
Eternal /got/ general
Mad Max (1979)
Lets say you could get any job in Hollywood
Was Marvel trying to teach us that using drug enhancements is a good thing?
Was the 80s the best decade for movies?
Is The Angry Birds Movie this generation's Animal Farm?
How does it come that you hate niggers but like everybody hates chris?
Why was the devil in X-Men?
Is this kino?
Captain Kirk, I'm science
What films made you start lifting?
Why did this guy choose 3 weakest mutants in a world as his henchmen?
/got/ general
Worst movie I have ever seen
So was Rico a bug at the end?
Give me one good reason not to pull the trigger
What the actual legit shit?
What the fuck happened here?
HAHAHAHAHA, oh wow. What were they thinking?
How fucking good is this movie?
Let's talk about Dan Aykroyd's guest cameo in the new Ghostbusters
What are some teenager love kinos?
The fucking autism man holy shit
The Nice Guys
It's a good ol' night time Alien thread
How do you think the rat pack would feel about this?
Can we discuss this masterpiece?
What does Sup Forums think about Whip It?
His movies became box office poison, now they go straight to cable
What's actor Austin Butler's skin color?
/got/ general
Dick Tracy
Batman beat Superman
Favorite youtuber thread
Sauron is like the archetypal evil overlord. He's got massive armies of monsters...
Why doesn't Hollywood make historical epics anymore?
It's a fact that the 3rd movie is the best one
Would you have done it?
Are there any actually good, mostly cliche free horror movies? Please recommend
Is there a point to watching pre-Golden Age TV dramas? You know...
Decide to marathon pic related since I havent seen it and Im out of stuff to watch
What are your go to movies for busting a nut?
Did Bale deserve the Oscar?
Why the fuck is this acceptable?
You can see the torture in her eyes
Sup Forums would rather talk about game of thrones and capeshit than the latest Goosekino
Post Garona, our tusktoothed, greenskinned godess
Will He kill Herself?
...Leave me alone
It's a Kate isn't home so Rooney has to spend the rest of the day with her pants around her ankles and her snow white...
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
It's a dennis is suddenly 40 episode
Who is officially in the JUSTice League?
So what exactly did happen at the end? cruise looping back to the beginning of the day seemed random...
A boy falls in love with a girl
Do people seriously want him to die? He's the only character who has any fun anymore
What did she mean by this?
Remember vhs rental stores? Remember walking down the horror aisle and getting really scared by all the movie covers?
Is it just me or is this film way ahead of its time...
"Antagonists" who were 100% in the right
How do we salvage DC Films?
Can literally become ant-sized in a moment's notice
It was not that bad
Early 2000s teen flick
Quicksilver Scenes = Kino
10 cloverfield lane
/trek/ - Star Trek general
Why did they ruin brule? it must've apparent when making the 3rd season, so why did they do it?
Do you think Kill Bill is underrated by critics?
Previous thread:
Thomasin, I'm GOAT
Eternal /got/ general - Big Pecker edition
/got/ general
Best coming of age movies?
Is this worth watching? I think I saw one episode maybe but don't remember...
Who said women can't be funny?
Literally HOW
What is the most parodied scene in movie history?
The meme jew
The Wheel of Time™
Embarrassing movie story thread?
ITT: Telltale signs that a show is shit
80s movie
The house with the most points and winner of the house cup is...Slytherin! Just kidding, fuck you, 1...
Itt: memes that had good run and died of natural causes
Eternal /got/
Op makes a decent post
Emma Stone: Lifetime Learner
Just saw the witch
Is this vidya kino ?
What does Sup Forums honestly think of this?
Letterboxd general lbg
What's her problem?
What are some "girl core" films? Groups of girls hanging out together, dealing with girl problems?
Why is there this retard who keeps spamming cape kino everywhere and defending Snyder?
How do i write a script that doesnt suck?
BGMT 2016 Finale Thread
What are the best vampire movies?
What's next for her career?
/tv, I challenge you to name actresses who are more deserving of JLaw's career...
Role play edition
Holy fucking shit
/got/ general
I want this guy to live forever
Post your most replayed movie of all time
Daily reminder woman are just as funny as men and there is nothing you shitload can do to change this
It was stupid to kill him off, not only was he a great actor...
Winona Ryder
Walking With Dinosaurs
Lads....I am in love
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Watchmen 7/10
Ok Sup Forums, it's time to make an "operatorkino" essential chart. for now i just have
Name someone with more range
Why do we love her again?
Can Sup Forums recommend some stand-alone anime/Japanese animated films? I've seen Akira, Ghost in the Shell...
Gone Girl 2
It's so cool and trendy to call Leo shit
/got/ general - One True King Edition
Your are shitposting on Sup Forums while from the window you see this man wandering in your garden
Arya's training
ITT: Non-white actors who actually can act
Recommend me some good comedies. Can be really abstract
Do you guys like Kevin Smith?
/who/ Doctor Who General
Dex season 1-4 what made it so great? how was season 5-8 so bad compared to 1-4?
Did they deserve it?
It was good
What was his problem?
Modern action star equivalents
Why can't they just get it right? How fucking hard is it to adapt a video game?
Is it good lads
ITT: Episodes that scared you as a child
My god, that was fucking amazing
What did he mean by this?
/got/ general
What is ITV's obsession with this movie?
Is this the worst story ever in a movie?
ITT real life Tim and Eric sketches
I need some tv series to wach at the background while I'm working...
Why was he allowed to make so many movies that didn't even have a plot...
Should I start watching Buffy or X Files?
Jesus Christ that was bad... no character development, cheesy oneliners, quips and Michael Bay
Did anyone else enjoy this? I thought it was pretty great...
Why are shitty actresses who are bad role models, given the spotlight for role modelling
Movie lines that need to stop existing
/got/ general
Britain's Got Talent 2016 Finale Thread
I changed my mind
He killed a billion of people easily, and they just let him go again, what the flying fuck
Is this the greatest opening scene in all of cinema?
You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike God!
I just saw this. Is it any good?
In order for life to have appeared spontaneously on earth...
What does Sup Forums think about It's Such a Beautiful Day?
Name a comedian more based than him
Why companies likes to milk-off franchies so much?
That entire arc where Bane and CIA open up a pizzeria in the middle of fucking nowhere selling only 36 inch Pizzas
/got/ general
People's Sexiest Man Alive
People actually go and watch the Angry Birds movie instead of this
Instant likeability
Why cant Protestants into kino?
That character that's complete shit
What went so right?
ITT: God tier adult cartoons
Unkillable monster
Pocket teleporter confirmed
Harry Potter
What is the best film about fast food?
Jesus Christ this movie is so fucking good
This is the most cozy show on tv right now
Did Trump ever react to this?
What does Hodor mean in your language?
Bootleg thread: Sup Forums edition
Do you guys ever hate-watch a series instead of just turning off as soon as you realise it's shit?
There will never be a comedy about Bruce Campbell as Ronald Reagan wandering around the country and thinking that...
Hey, this is pretty good
Hey Sup Forums, I'm not a normal poster here, but I thought I'd share a quick story with you...
Is this the ultimate pleb detector?
/got/ general
Underground Youtube
Watch British Documentary
Make your movie
Whedon won
What are some top tier creepy movies?
This is objectively better than the first Avengers movie if you take off your nostalgia goggles
Just came from the screening in mother Russia
What are some movies where the villain wins at the end?
What does Sup Forums think of her new bf?
Is this the best opening to any film ever?
God-level cinematography
It's Over - Warcraft Opens With $9.3 million in International Markets
Could Sup Forums recommend me any Eastern European kino?
Why is Marvel so based?
Kate Beckinsale Recalls Michael Bay’s Hurtful Comments About Her Looks
Would you watch a live action western remake?
Ex-'Glee' star Mark Salling indicted on child-porn charges
Batman v Superman have been out for more than 2 months-there have been numerous threads on Sup Forums discussing the...
Tfw you realize that Peter Gregory from Silicon Valley was based off the guy who paid for Hogan's lawsuit against...
Marvel Studios dominating the pack
Post your three favorite films from each decade of your choice
Actually Funny Female Comedians
BvS is mature capeshit for grownups!
ITT: celebrities that you wouldn't piss on if they were on fire
What went wrong?
/got/ general
Hollow Earth
Was she autistic?
John Wick is after you, the protagonist of the last movie/series you watched will protect you
Gavin McInnes
Mods VS Baneposters
Liveleak Kino
This was way better than expected. Thought it would be some shitty action movie. Any similiar films?
Thoughts about TYT?
Which comedy film generates the most laughs for you?
ITT: actors you would have a beer with
...found by neighbors in his Hollywood apartment, he appeared to have been dead for 2 days or more
ITT: Shows only you watched and actually miss
ITT: meme graveyard
Farscape thread
I don't understand...
Jesus Christ
Having seen all three BIG Capeshits
Why there's such a shit moderation of this board?
Why is this unfunny cunt on every British panel show?
This movie legit has the worst marketing advertisement that I have ever seen...
Why are white man + poc couples so extremely rare in films?
My friends, you bow to no one
Why didn't they cast this guy as the Mountain?
Apparently missed the Bella thread
Imagine being Amber in that marriage and having to be all like "damn, Johnny Depp, you fuckin' fine...
Is she retarded?
The Relic, Mimic, Jeepers Creepers, mostly 90's monster horror / thriller / what have you, but also has that vibe...
This flick wasn't bad but the premise was utterly stupid, there's no way they could keep the existence of trolls hidden
It's a WW2 movie that paints the Soviets as good guys episode
Mfw current state of Sup Forums
How the hell is Jared Leto 44?!
What the fuck?
Can take a tank shell with only paint scratches
Which actress has harvested the most of your nuts over the course of your life?
Hey Sup Forums. I watched this last night, and it's by far the best horror/thriller I've seen for years...
I was not prepared for this level of absolute fucking garbage
Why was there no liberal outrage over this?
/got/ general
Let's have a thread appreciating the beautiful and talented Selma Blair!
ITT: Guess the quote
/got/ general
If they were to make a Witcher movie, who would you cast?
Is there a worse board than this one?
How will they pull this off?
Why was this made?
She's hot
How is the remake (in the guise of a prequel)? I just saw the original with my wife, for the first time...
Cop busts a pedophile
Is Emily Blunt operator?
/who/ dr who gen
Why the fuck isn't Sup Forums talking about this...
Movies about unorthodox teachers helping inner city kids turn their lives around
Oh I get it
There is a MASSIVE split of opinions about Warcraft going on right now...
DAE think this might be true ?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
Sup Forums, what's some essential /dormercore/?
Are there any shows similar to a The Might boosh? I really enjoy the style and the comedy is also refreshing
How did Kylo Ren not get instantly killed by a bowcaster shot? It's clearly one of more powerful blasters in Star Wars
Is he a bad actor, or was he simply given a bad script?
Is this the greatest commercial of all time?
Choose your words carefully, BIG GUY
Movie titles that really make you think
Would this be a good movie to see tripping on acid...
If you haven't seen at least one film from this list you should drop all your plans and watch it...
Nice guys
Lol why was she in the movie?
Why do actors agree to those PR "visting dying children at hostpitals" stunts? It seems very cynical
Disney reboots Pirates of the Caribbean with a female lead called Jacqueline Sparrow
Why was this allowed
What's your favourite film of 2016 so far?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that
What the fuck can the Flash do in the Justice League movie to top this guy Sup Forums!?!?!
Leave capekino to me
Is Laputa: Castle in the Sky kino?
About to start this, what should I expect
You now remember the Bob Ross marathon
The name is Bond. James Bond
Xmen vs. avengers: who wins?
/got/ general
The name's Bond... Jane Bond
Itt films liberals/conservatives will never understand
Daisy Ridley as the lead in the new Star Wars
This movie is too stuck in its own 80s/90s fantasy genre to appeal to anyone else...
Why would a feminist play the lead in a movie about Stockholm syndrome?
It's pronounced T-H-I-C-C
Was it cancelled because American doesn't like black people?
AMBER Heard has accused Johnny Depp of domestic violence
The Butterfly Effect
Why are do many child stars raped?
What was the best scene in Drive?
Wait how the fuck does this work?
Legendary-Universal’s fantasy actioner “Warcraft” has opened solidly with $9...
Is this still the best and most accurate live-action Batman film? I think so
What went right?
What scary movie should I watch with my snacks?
What was his fucking problem?
ITT: We trivialize movie plots with muh
Be you
Post your favorite movie, and post the critical consensus from Rotten Tomatoes
ITT: God tier fight scenes
Characters that are literally you
People actually hate this movie? It's a fucking masterpiece
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Character calls and orders a large pizza
Pure kino
Anyone knows what was Sup Forums like pre- Dark Knight Rises? I'm actually quite curious
Zootopia/Judy Hopps
Itt tv approved shakespear
Eternal /got/ general
What the fuck did I just watch
Fuck you I liked it
ITT God-tier comedies. I'll start
That "YEEE-OOAGGGGH" sound effect whenever a random background character dies
Admit it Sup Forums, your all a little racist
Jesus that was painful. In a full theater there were maybe three scenes that got very tepid laughter. What a mess
Angry Birds is legitimately good
What's your favorite Plinkett quote?
Fredposting saved this board
Rosa Salazar to Star in James Cameron’s ‘Alita: Battle Angel’
Eternal /got/ general
One is beloved
Robert Rodriguez casts Rosa Salazar for Alita in Battle Angel Alita movie
ITT: Times the critics were wrong
Reminder that Del Taco is turning this into a tv series for HBO
Bond. Jane Bond
Is really that bad
What went wrong?
Meanwhile in bizzaro Sup Forums
What are some essential "MySpace Emo Phase" films?
Pynchon reader here. what was the Sup Forums consensus on inherent vice?
Is Loki the next bond?
Do you think Wonder Woman will be the first successful female superhero movie?
Pure, undiluted capekino coming through
I'm just coming for my files, Marty
I did not expect this. I did not ask for this. This shit tore me up inside. Where is my fun space soap?
It's kind of fascinating that this poster by itself has more depth and nuance than the entire MCU
SJWs and their messages in entertainment media
On a scale of 1 to 10, how hyped are you?
Who writes this shit?
I laughed
Is this cinematic a true masterpiece of todays cinématography?
ITT: childhood faps
LOL are people really this fucking retarded?????Give your money to a fucking african child or something...
Why do far too many tv shows carry on past their natural ending?
Give me your top choice to play Venom/Eddie Brock in the upcoming MCU standalone film
Is this any good? I want to watch a new series
Eternal /got/ general
How do you write good fight scenes in a script?
Heard v. Depp
What the fuck went wrong?
That's not a latino, that's a nigger
Smoke fucking crack with me Sup Forums bros
Why pay for Netflix when there's Kodi available?
How was young Clark Kent playing superman
What was his problem?
Don't worry about who the fuck I am. I'm right in the middle of your shit so what the fuck
What's next for her career?
/got/ general
In the 90s we thought it was fucking hilarious when Ace Ventura found out the hot girl had a penis and everyone...
What are the best looking movies?
Favorite kubrick movie and why?
ITT: Overrated garbage
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...