This movie is too stuck in its own 80s/90s fantasy genre to appeal to anyone else. Even Warcraft fans don't see it being decent.
This movie is too stuck in its own 80s/90s fantasy genre to appeal to anyone else...
More like bore-craft
>stuck in its own 80s/90s fantasy genre
that makes it sound good
Only if you know dick about genre evolution. The 80s/90s were a period where everyone thought they were the geniuses sent to earth to revitalize the "dry, stale" genres of fiction. Like giving superman guns and a mullet and adding muskets to Tolkien.
They wanted to have more complex characters and themes, but lacked the literary ability to actually write more complex characters and themes. So they just added more blood and less content.
I'm a warcraft fan and im going to enjoy it
What now OP? You gonna insult me about a movie neither of us have seen?
It has nothing to do with the actual lore and normies would rather go see any other shit than some cgi movie about a 1996 game.
They fucked it up in every single aspect.
I bet this guy thinks a song of ice and fire is good fantasy
I'm a Warcraft fan and I'm ignoring is because videogame movies are shit.
>im going to enjoy it
how do you know?
I've never played a second of any of those games but I appreciate the beautiful cg work and am looking forward to seeing it for that alone. I don't know shit about the story or characters.
>Like giving superman guns and a mullet and adding muskets to Tolkien.
Better than adding transgenders and shit.
>Dark Crystal
>Princess Bride
So. Fucking. Wrong
>u dun like x so u like y
stellar post
What's wrong with being an 80's fantasy You stink like underage
Those weren't indicative of 80s/90s fantasy on the whole. Conan the destroyer was, though.
80s/90s fantasy looked better.
As much as I liked dragonheart, that image is cherrypicked as fuck.
>people whi didn't see the movie
I think he's referring more to books. In the 70s a guy wrote a fantasy book with a literal rapist protagonist.
Then he should fuck off to /lit/
Saw it yesterday, i was surprised that it was actually pretty good. Even had a few decent twists with Medivh being corrupted by fel magic all along and Durotar dying like a little bitch.
They will axe everyone but the most recognizable characters ala game of thrones.
Otherwise they'd show more than durotan and ragnar
You're talking out of your ass
I only hate how the story is going DINDU NUFFIN ORCS already. I just wanted good humans vs evil orcs and the evil orcs win by burning stormwind to the ground, then the sequel can have humans drive orcs back through the portal.
Just like the games.
my dad recommended me this book and after that a sci fi series called the gap series, in which a dude basically enslaves this astronaught chic with a computer chip in her head and rapes the shit out of her multiple times. when discussing the books with my dad, his exact words were "he sure raped the shit out of that bitch, didnt he?" since then its been akward talking to my dad
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