
I just got home from watching this and honest to God don't know what the fuck everyone's bitching about.

The movie was amazingly fun for anyone who's played the the games, and my friend (who is as normie as they get and has never touched a Warcraft game) was genuinely impressed.

Best movie I've seen this year by quite a bit.

Other urls found in this thread:


>fun for anyone who's played the the games

It should be fun for anybody, not the 5% of moviegoers who actually played it before.

Did you read my post? It WAS fun for someone who knew nothing about anything too.

That most explain the 22%

It was fun as fuck. Much more brutal than expected

>You cheat GUL'DAN!

I actually ended up feeling a lot more for the characters than I thought I would.

Same here, saw it with 3 friends with little to no knowledge of Warcraft, we all loved it.

Screw pretentious
>not muh GoT

from what I've seen, the cons are

>bad human acting
>changes in the lore
>flawed CGI in some places

how much Gul'Dan do we actually get in this movie? does he get to do/say a lot?

maximum shilling ITT

He's a very central and prominent character.

If this guy shows up I'm in.

>Leave the Fel to me!

What did he mean by this?

he plays a huge role, got a lot of screentime

I got you famalam. Warcraft is high fantasy which is a genre that rarely does well with mainstream. Lotr and GoT are low fantasy and connect more with normies. It doesn't matter if the story is good. There are two types of nerdy. Big Bang Theory nerdy plays off science and comic book kind of nerdy which is in right now. Warcraft is dungeons and dragons nerdy and people don't want or care for that stigma.

>LOTR is low-fantasy.



The first and second Warcraft game had a medieval fantasy feel though.

I saw it. the human acting isn't any worse than an average GoT episode, which is literally 90% of the criticism "it's not GoT!".

Don't play the games so i don't know the lore.

The CGI is definitely overbearing at times, and the original criticism of "why are some orcs CGI and some live action" is legit. It's really jarring and weird. Gul'dan conceptually/design looks cool but the CGI is so cartoony you can't take him serious. CGI is the biggest legit criticism I have.

They should have done tv series instead of movie

you mean RT? Where there's barely 20 reviews?

He means "I fuck demonbitches".

As many critics have already said, the human actors were the thing that let the movie down.

Travis Fimmel is like a less charismatic and more boring Jack Sparrow. He's too quirky and dull outside of Vikings, he's just Ragnar in a Warcraft universe.

Medivh accent/voice was really strange, along with his general appearance.

The rest of em just felt like they were phoning it in.

>hurr durr we're all massive mega warcraft fans


It kinda' is tho.

it's basically medieval europe mixed with monsters from various northern european folk tales

Warcraft has a lot more magic than Lord of the Rings.

>along with his general appearance
Medivh used to look like your typical oldwizard in Warcraft 1 (1994), till they changed his appearance to look like a douchebag in Warcraft 3 (2002).


I eat shit for breakfast.

Travis Fimmel played Lotar like fantasy John McClane
I loved it

Pimmel was the best, friend. The king was stale and kadghar looked like 12

"Low" is not a quality judgment. It is low fantasy in the sense that magic and magical creatures etc are not that prominent in its universe. LotR has magic but it is mostly subtle. In "high" fantasy, you have things like wizards regularly shooting fireballs, paladins casting heals and monsters everywhere.


by today's standards that's low fantasy

the movie was fine, like jurassic world-level of fine fun and not much more

it's a shame though because the story they had could be so much more, the plot twists and deaths all felt like wasted potential

>Medivh accent/voice was really strange, along with his general appearance.
>Medivh was really strange
No fucking shit huh

I'm sure a character from wc3 is going to be in the wc1 movie retard.

A few million still play WOW and are the target audience besides pandering to Normies


so how long is this fucking thing. I'm not watching an epic fantasy movie that is under 2 1/2 hours.

What are you fucking saying?

I don't think you know what high fantasy means and how LOTR is high fantasy

times change
>races all based on folklore, nothing new nor creative
>magic tuned down with many limitations and no visuals
>everything is just like in medival europe, no new/interesting/over the top weapons, architecture
>no siencefiction/cyberpunk/whatever tie-ins
>no gimmicks like time travel etc.

that's low fantasy just like game of thrones in my mind

high fantasy requires more imagination like warhammer, warcraft, >>wheel of time

World of Warcraft's peak subscriber count was close to 11 million.

This is just WoW - not including the RTS games. And that's the peak subscriber count - plenty of people left before that and were replaced with other people.

That said, WoW has become fucking awful lately so it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of that 10-11 million are avoiding the movie on principle

Hopefully Duncan releases a directors cut so it fixes the pacing issues people have been talking about. Apparently they cut around 30 minutes of footage.
It may be a Kingdom of Heaven situation.

that's also not including players on private servers and most importantly their lates warcraft ip hit hearthstone that had like... 50 milion active players reported?

That is quite literally not how the definition of high fantasy works lad

every point you mention just shows the quality of lotr. but not many people actually understand that lotr is like a over generation passed legend based on European folk lore.

you can argue about the term but the fact stands, lotr is a different cup of tea than for example warcraft and we do not have (nor have we seen one before) IP of this kind in movies

It wasn't made by Disney/Marvel, so it sucks

I came back from the movie a little while ago. I am pretty sure 30 minutes of extra footage would have helped the phasing pacing a lot.

The movie went from 0 to 60 in the first minute, and then never dipped below that speed.

it's not about the quality, I love lotr (movies -books always underwhelemd me even though I gave them more than one try, loved the hobbit though I'm /lit regural, favourite book if on a winter's night traveler - that's if you care ) but they are different genere, that's my point

sure you cna argue that lacing popular themes of YA fiction, the great gatsby is better than some dystopian toilet paper tier novel #2315 but you can't deny that they are different and that's how warcraft is different tha LotR

they do not fit the same niche and while there are many lotr-type movies, there are beahardly any resembiling warcraft (that are not D&D-tier)

as a warcraft fan I didn't relally have problems with following the story or things happening too fast, I can see that being a minor issue in the very beggining for non-gamers though

I'm just sad about that removed scenes because some of the best stuff from trailer/featurettes (visual-wise at least) did not make it into the movie

i was following the marketing closely and it was sad to see the movie end without some scenes I had already meorized even flashed

As a marketer I can agree with this point of view.

Is it true that the classic "They're beasts" wasn't in the movie?

I would agree if lotr isn't the foundation the fantasy house is built on.

Yeah, they cut at least 30m of completed footage.

mfw it's BvS all over again

I'm also hearing that it lacks slow moments in general and that's a pitty

They will make a second movie... right guys?

So far it's performing very well at the box office.
Currently it is #1 in 19 of 20 countries it was released it.
If it maintains this pattern for other countries, then there will probably be a sequel.

as long they can earn money

if it does well enough in box office, they might

i don't care much for the w1 story but w2, beyond and w3 (that would need it's own trilogy to fit it all along with tft) are dear to me so I hope they'll change the director for them

I hope so.

>warcraft 1 with the elast amount of story gets 1 full film and feels rushed as fuck skipping alot of lore anyways
>duncan wants to fit the whole warcraft 2 in one move
>duncan wants to fit the whole warcraft 3 in one move
(1 movie per war he mentioned in some interview)

if he does that, that's gonna be trainwreck, he could never do them justice and both fans and general audiences would be disapointed

you just can't rush things like that

We get a nude scene

Can't longer movies work? I felt this one could do good with an extra 30 minutes.

Pretty sure he said for WC 3 that he'd just focus on the Orc storyline.
Which I don't know how he'd do that without including the others in some way.

the fans want a arthas trilogy

you need one for the warcraft 2 story, one for beyond the portal, two for warcraft 3 (human and undead + orcs and night elves) and one for frozen throne

anothing else will just angry the fans and screw up the story

>no arthas
>little to no illidan
I would probably riot if he did that and I bearly played w3

Hopefully he changes his mind. Should be
>Warcraft 1 in first movie
>Warcraft 2 and exp for second two movies, finishing a trilogy

>Warcraft 3 as a new trilogy
>Movie 1: orcs and human campaigns
>Movie 2: undead and NE campaigns
>Movie 3: tft

Pretty much. But I can't remember, is the undead and NE campaign in any way related? Might be odd to tell two stories in the same movie who affect each other.

Maybe undead + tft works as one big fat undead adventures movie, with a bit of blood elf illifan shit going on.

orc and ne campaings are intertwained

ud is a direct followup to human's campaign

just change the pairing and it all works

who doesn't affect each other*

I would love to see it like this.
Though, I don't know if an Arthas film would go do well with critics. They'd probably say he's a rip off of Darth Vader or some shit.

>wouldn't surprise me if a lot of that 10-11 million are avoiding the movie on principle

the guy's active on twitter, someone with an account better send him this shit before it's too late

So, random question, shouldn't the Orcs all have red eyes, or do they fall under fell influence sometime after the events of WC 1? I thought they were already enthralled to the demon when they came to Azeroth the first time, but none of them seem to have red eyes in the trailer.

The canon explanation since WC3 and WoW was that orcs get red for a while immediately after drinking demon blood, and when they calm down they get green again, although still bloodthirsty.
That obviously didn't fit at all with WC1 since they were all green, but apparently they forgot that retcon so in this movie they're green again.

arthas brings in archimonde and the burning legion and they go to the world tree, so yes they are related.
Also, orcs could arrive in kalimdor in first movie and then have them meet the elves in second.
might be too much to have all that in one movie so maybe it should be four?
>1: Orcs break free and travel to kalimdor. Main focus of movie on arthas and the plague, ends with arthas walking away in the snow like in the campaign, leaving the ending a bit of a mystery for those who dont know the story.
>2: Orcs arrive in kalimdor and mess around with the taurens, Grom fucks with the elves, Arthas makes his new kingdom, maybe end with archimonde being summoned?
>3: The races unite against the burning legion. Obviously ends with Archimonde dying.
>4: Race to the frozen throne, focus on arthas and illidan.

I think they changed it to
Red = drank demon blood
Green = was exposed to fel magic

I thought it was
Red= drank too much blood
Green= drank blood/exposed to fel

This disappointment feels like The Hobbit all over again. I hope there at least won't be any sequels.

I don't really remember, it could be.

did you see the film or are you just talking BS?

honest question, I've seen it and would love to discuss, personally I enjoyed it (as warcraft fan)

Does this hew more closely to WoW or to the RTS series? Or is there no difference between the two?

I'm honestly pissed at critics. This movie was pretty decent. I enjoyed it.

who the fuck was pic related?

The story comes from the first RTS game, but the locations and such definitely are inspired/designed with WoW in mind.

Thats not what I heard. Source?

So how was Garona half human when they just entered the human world? There was something about them having visited other worlds and having taken prisoners where she learned the language bit I didn't understand it and it felt like a cover up more than an actual explanation.

Garona was genetically created by Gul'dan



draenei genocide best day of my life

Aegwyn (not sure if that's how it's spelled) who is medivhs mother and the guardian before him. I'm assuming. Plot twist: she's actually half Draenei

this mostly sounds like nitpicking tbqh

Hopefully WoW fan response wins out

Warcraft 2 can work though with the Lich King and slavery of the orcs though I have no idea how to adapt Warcraft 3 as it's a huge 4 campaign story

Warcraft 3 appearances in the movie:
[x]Grom Hellscream
[ ]Kel'Thuzad

No, it was Alodi, the first guardian. For some reason they made him a chick though.

The rape scene was a little over the top. A few people walked out of the theater at that point. Overall it's not worth the time.



>Best movie I've seen this year by quite a bit.

Dont worry there will be 2 sequels to this :)

Should I take my friend who is a big fan of Marvel quips to see this movie or not?