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What was YFW you realized Margarey was a butterface?

>tfw no sansa gf

we need /LadySansa/ general

I-I love you, Jon. And not just like a sister.

The entire series is just a dream Bran's having while he's in a coma

Screencap this

Arya is the only character in every book.
Arya is one of the main 5 characters.
Arya is in third place for having the most chapters.

Cry, you bitter bitches.

Guys, I was an extra on set, Salsa is really tall and Frogfu is the best waifu. Also George said I am the canon actor for back ground Darkstar, AMA

I just finished the latest episode. Can someone explain to me what was making young hodor say "Hold the door"? I still don't how that happened.