Team amber or team johnny?

team amber or team johnny?

Team fuck off

team ignore hollywood gossip

Im with #teamfuckoff too!

Let them fight.




team john

never give the woman the benefit of the doubt in these situations

team reddit


team double suicide

Nigga deserves it for going for that young crazy pussy.

Brendan, though... that shit's JUST unfair.

>Depp means "idiot" in german



Amber the texan Trump voter easily.

Depp is a hillary cuck who believed his own hype and thinks he's some sort of legendary guru of cool and culture.




This WILL blow up to create an Internet memefest all over social media. SJWs and Gamergate fags alike will crawl out of the woodwork supporting each side. It will all culminate in modern talk show hosts sperging over the online situation, as usual.

It's time for Sup Forums to realize that we're above this kind of shit slinging and just ignore the whole mess. Failing that, at least create some fucking memes out of it instead of just blindly repeating how getting married is bad for you mkay.

i always win with this
i recommend others to bandwagon this team

team no one

she is a greedy bitch and he left Vanessa Paradis just because he is horny

I hope lily rose is doing okay.

Is Amber Heard still playing Aquaman's gf?

team who gives A FUCK

Team Johnny, the guy is so much more experienced and intelligent than this little star. do you really believe Johnny Depp, at 52, is stupid enough to start punching a young woman? I believe she has assaulted him many times.

johnny's ex wife says he's a "soft guy" and would never abuse a woman.

she means he couldnt get it up


That's a pretty decent woman considering he cheated on her with that whore of babylon.


You know Brendan's a fag who ignored his kids and fucked his wife's brother, right?

>decent woman

She doesn't give a shit about Johnny, she's trying to protect the alimony that he pays her every month and she'll be damn if that gold-digging cunt cuts in on her action

>the alimony that he pays her every month
she's a very successful actress and singer in her country, she has more money to her name than you could count. She's probably thinking of her children first

Team Amber YA HEARD?

>She's probably thinking of her children first


I dont care about either of them.
Johnny Depp leaves his wife and mother of his kids for some dyke.. I'm glad that it blew up in his face.
I want them both to lose. Best possible outcome is that they both have terrible car crashes on the way to court. Depp gets brain damaged and literally starts acting like Jack Sparrow. Amber gets disfigured and starts talking like the Elephant Man. I will fucking force myself to masturbate to that outcome.

oh shit, dubs ya heard

will his fans look past his wife beating?

Team Truth

woman are evil, hence Amber Heard is a lying whore.

heards last "important" role will be on aquamans side. if it isnt the car that crashes then her career

Team I don't care

that pussy was prob worth it tho

Citation needed

200 million? No pussy is worth that.

he probably beat the crap out of her and she probably deserved it to be perfectly honest

Team Amber.

I have no respect for Johnny since he's phoning in his roles for a decade and more now, he looks atrocious and his dog apology video is something a real man would never make.

Amber is hot and she deserves his 200mil so I'm on her side, whether she got slapped around a bit with an iPhone 6plus or not.



Heard is a literal psychopath. The things she has done that haven't been reported in the press are genuinely disturbing. Depp is a fucking imbecile for ever touching her.

>The things she has done that haven't been reported in the press are genuinely disturbing
Do tell
(you're not talking about the harrison ford shit i hope?)

kek the truth the whole truth and nothin but the truth.

speak the gossip

You have people that are at the top only spend max 20k$ per month on some dinner/party and that's something because they are richer than God himself.

And now imagine you receive 50k$ monthly for no reason whatsoever except your vagina.

Tell me, do you want that free 50k$ gone?

Perhaps you remember when shooting of Pirates 5 had to be suspended due to Depp injuring his arm? They told the press that it was some kind of on-set accident, but that was a lie. What actually happened is that Heard stabbed Depp in the arm with a knife, in what can only be described as a drug-induced psychotic episode. And she didn't just stab him, she dragged the knife along his arm, tearing through the tendons. When you consider that he covered for her in the press about this, but she is actively trying to destroy him for throwing a phone at her, it really tells you all you need to know about her.

I know a regular supporting actor in the Pirates movies who told me about this.

Amber sure is #teamprettyfeet

Amber all the way. Depp is a washed-out has-been and violent alcoholic

Does Amber have a fat arse? If so I side with her.

id suck em, but id keep an eye on the mad bitch out the corner of my eye

why not both? but if I REALLY had to pick then team depp


Amber. I don't give a shit if he's an actor, you shouldn't go around hitting people.

If she's faked it it'll out.

I'm just excited to hear Bill Burr ranting about alimonies in his podcast.

How will it come out if she faked it

Amber's a Randroid, anything is fair game if it enriches her

I believe her. Depp is a notorious drunk and seems like the type to have some wild temper tantrums.

this is bait right?

>he's a "soft guy"
for you

>secretly record a conversation in which you get him/her to admit what really happened
>"leak" it to the press

But they were never married