>There will never be a comedy about Bruce Campbell as Ronald Reagan wandering around the country and thinking that everything he did in his movies he did for real
Why live
>There will never be a comedy about Bruce Campbell as Ronald Reagan wandering around the country and thinking that everything he did in his movies he did for real
Why live
boomers and neocons would chimp-the-fuck-out over a movie/series like that.
They already did.
I don't get the adoration of Reagan. Is it because there's literally nobody else on the right who's worth admiring? Idol by default?
Beat the Soviets senpai
>happens to be in office when soviet union collapses
>gets credit
But didn't Bruce Campbell already basically do this except as a retired Elvis impersonator?
Today's Republican political stances are based off Reagan's.
After Watergate, and with Ford and Carter being fairly awful presidents, both parties were incredibly weak and in need of a reform. As a result a hotshot governor from California took the nomination in 1980, despite much opposition from within the GOP. He favored increased spending on Military, increased activity in foreign affairs and believed the economy could be fixed by aiding large businesses. These seem like typical Republican stances by today's standards, but at the time that wasn't the case. For example, Nixon and Eisenhower were both elected as "peace" candidates, as a result of the opposing party being involved in an unpopular war on foreign soil. Democrats used to be called "war hawks" for their supposed desire to engage in war. You add in Pro-Life and Pro-gun and that's pretty much the tenets of contemporary conservatism.
He had a fairly high approval rating during his run (generally >50%, as high as 70 at one point) and the party adopted his positions as a result. The democrats adopted anti-Reagan positions as a reaction, and over the last 30 years the two parties have drifted further and further away from the political "center."
tl;dr It's important to remember that the parties have changed a lot in their long history and Reagan's presidency was one of those moments
But Reagan was literally in a movie with a chimp.
He was basically a meme, and didn't know where he was all the time.