Johnny Depp is a rich successful movie star. Why would he commit a crime...

>Johnny Depp is a rich successful movie star. Why would he commit a crime? There are literally ZERO examples in history of rich, successful people committing crimes.

>If he had abused her before she would have reported it. No domestic abuse victim would EVER have mixed feelings about pressing charges against their partner

>Her story makes no sense. A rational person wouldn't act that way in a domestic violence situation. People ALWAYS act in a rational manner when their partner assaults them.

>Amber Heard smiled not long after the alleged assault. A domestic abuse victim would NEVER smile with the first month of the assault.

>Johnny Depp has done nice things before, so he can't have committed domestic violence. Abusive husbands act like monsters ALL the time. You can spot them easily.

>Johnny Depp didn't assault his first wife. He therefore can't be guilty because people NEVER change as they get older

>I can tell she is lying from the bruises. I can DEFINITELY do this despite having zero medical knowledge.

Which is your favourite domestic violence apologist meme?

>Which is your favourite domestic violence apologist meme?
I like the one where it's obviously make-up

don't bother. the neckbeards on this site will always bitch about famous women doing conspiracy-tier shit to famous men even though they'd all give their left testicle to have that same woman do the same thing to them.

>Depp is a rich successful movie star. Why would he commit a crime? There are literally ZERO examples in history of rich, successful people committing crimes.
>>If he had abused her before she would have reported it. No domestic abuse victim would EVER have mixed feelings about pressing charges against their partner

he's wearing a greeen hat this is bullshit don't beleive a wor dof it

I think the two concotted the whole thing

Your bait is too weak, traveller.

If you had paid attention instead of being a contrarian faggot you'd see that most people don't doubt they they got into a fight. Saying she was "beaten" is an over exaggeration. He threw a phone at her after she said she was going to leave him and take half his assets two fucking days after his mother died. He did something wrong but she's a soulless, manipulative, borderline sociopathic, gold digging cunt. 99% of men and women would have done much worse than throw some shit around after what she did to him.

>He only threw at a phone at her. Thats not so bad
>I am capable of casting judgements on people I don't know, based on spurious media caricatures

Fucking hell. Step away from your trap porn, take off your fedora and go have sex.

*tips fedora

Did I say it wasn't bad? I literally said what he did was wrong. You need to work on your reading comprehension if you're gonna keep trying to simplify what everyone is saying.

Woah you got me. Good one. Could you elaborate more you meme spazzing sperg?