Let's have a Suspiria thread
has the best tagline of any DVD I own
'he Only Thing More Terrifying Than The Last 12 Minutes Of This Film Are The First 92'
yeah yeah
>owning DVD's
Is this a haunted house movie?
Kinda, lots of people like for the colours and music though
Is the ghost scary?
My favorite part is the room inexplicably filled with barbed wire
I really really like this movie
with a door (window?) at the top of it
I need to watch this again.
Yeah, that pan down cracks me up every time
>that goblin OST
damn I love everything from goblin
That scene where she's in a bathroom (or a kitchen?) and the thing gets her through the window terrified me for years when I was in a bathroom at night.
I love the tag line too, but come on, it's cheesy and dumb as fuck. It basically says the ending isn't as scary as everything before it.
what are other movies that look like Suspiria
elder god tier ost
there aren't any, that's why it's so special.
surreal mystery and suspsense with GOATEST music and visuals.
This is pure, unfiltered horrorKINO
>mfw I own the restored mediabook and it's so gorgeous I still get shivers from watching it
Del Toro did a short in his 20s that had a very Suspiria inspired look
>not waiting for the Synapse release or the new Japanese release
>openly admitting it has a shit ending
>not Tenebre
Is it kino?
Suspiria>Inferno>Deep Red
Any other toptier giallo film?
Also, what happened to that cute green eyed girl from.the beginning? The one with the black&white room
Girl Who Knew Too Much
Blood and Black Lace
It's funny how foreigners like Suspiria more than Deep Red.
Anyway Mario Bava is the true king of italian horrorkino
Bird with the crystal plumage isn't bad
The Perfume of the Lady in Black
>not having a hard-on for the tracking shot in Tenebre
I bet you like capeshit too
Well , It has a better setting, protagonist, music and Villain.
It isn't scary as Deep Red, but it's better
I like at the end when the chick gets her arm cut off and sprays all over the wall
Bava the Best, can't get enough
Just finished watching I, Vampire actually, weird seeing his style so stripped down after watching all his later stuff first
Watched this once on VHS 20 years ago and have never seen a need to revisit it.