Season 2 fucking when, CuckW?
Season 2 fucking when, CuckW?
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mmmmmm how many panty upskirts in this are there when shes doing her super girl super kicks and spins and stuff i bet the skirt flips up and you see her panties yeah?
I want to drink her piss
can't wait to see more amazing writing like this
such a fucking qt, goddamn
They said Fall. Doesn't deserve a 2nd season after that abysmal finale anyway.
Mmm, couple
The dialogue is fucking terrible, but I want Supergirl inside of me even though I already know what her bush looks like.
Looking to get pegged by her giant nose?
wow mmmmmmmm
What does her bush look like?
>swn grab one of your testicles and crush it
mmm she should keep it unkempt
more like super average ha ha ha ha
that's the type of woman you don't pull out with
am i banned
it's a disguise dontchaknow
I wonder if it will be the same chucklefucks in charge of the CBS doing the writing or a new team
>I told you to cut my sandwich diagonally, idiot!
Are you?
supergirl has a supercollapsed ass
why is evil so damn sexy..
hot post more
but user, that's her not cousin!
I want evil!supergirl to rape me
i hate shows with 20+ episode seasons
You're not wrong.
fuck Supergirl being saved by the CW
iZombie is moved back to a mid-season
and Crazy Ex-GF is moving to a Friday deathslot
Berlanti produced capeshit is the worst. It's indefensible. Cancel all of them.
I stopped watching at episode 5. Was there any cucking that happened in season 1?
Please reply, your answer may determine whether I'll continue watching or not.
>and Crazy Ex-GF is moving to a Friday deathslot
good riddance
Wynn fucked the hottest girl on the show and the black dude got a kiss at the end from Supergirl
but she has lewds on the internet so she's already a whore
Depends on your definition of cucking, which is probably wrong.
those subs look tampered with user, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt
Really? I wouldn't.
wait, a white woman sexually harassing a black man? plot hole!
Not looking forward to the crossovers at all.
The Legends of Tomorrow shit ruined The Flash for a while and I would expect the same from this trash.
How do you get employed after photos of you fucking your photos surfaced?
I know i'd (probably?) be fired at my work
Let alone starring in a tv show
it's hollywood
Who cares? Oh no she sexts, like everyone else in a relationship under the age of 50.
>How do you get employed after photos of you fucking your photos surfaced?
hell people actually got MORE work because of it, see: Abigail Spencer.
you seem trustworthy enough user, i have no reason to doubt you
it's not the 90s and she was probably the best that auditioned
>A coalburner
when will this capeshit-flood end?
>golly gee Kara, you sure are swell!
He'd sound like Blankman too.
this is just the beginning lad
there's literally 10 more shows coming
Not as long as there is money to be made...
and SG went to the CW it will either get better or die..
Just can't understand how they got away with this, the writers just didn't care or what?
What the fuck
>hates Crazy Ex-Gf
>defends capeshit