The Wheel of Time™

Hey, did you Sup Forums guys hear that Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Timeā„¢ is getting adapted into a television series? Whom should be cast? What do you expect? Will it be superior to Game of Thrones?

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This must have a budget. If this is on SyFy or MTV or the CW it will suck hard.

Why does this shit get posted every god damn day.

Who's the asshole who plays Jaime on Outlander? That dude should be Rand Al' Thor.

The rumor is AMC

>tfw Semirhage will never come for you in the night

You missed this thread yesterday.
>That's fine. I'd like a WoT discussion thread

Just finished Lord of Chaos.

What music will be playing at Dubai's Wells?

>Yakety sax starts playing

I want to spank Rand

What's the meaning of this?

>Wheel of time
>Not dark tower
Thread hidden

I read the entire Dark Tower series. I can't see it becoming a movie.

well it is becoming a movie
staring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey

Are we gonna have this thread everyday for like 2 years. They're in the early stages of pre-production.

It's going to be terrible.

They released a pilot, dude. It has Billy Zane.

This is really happening.

That pilot was just an attempt to keep the rights.

So there won't be a tv show?

It won't have the normie appeal

>women pulling their hair and talking about how men dont know anything
>women talking about clothes constantly


Can mods please do something about the redditors who keep invading legitimate Sup Forums threads to troll and complain?

Michael Fassbender in a cameo as Lews Therin Telamon or w/e, maybe the general from TFA as Rand, some other niggers and fags as the other shit characters in this shit book

Anti-wheel of time autist BTFO

Gross. They are extreme Jews over there, even if they have cash cow.

Speed metal. Fuck the normies. Speed metal should be the only music used in this series. When Rand and Thom play the harp there should be speed metal overlays.

There is. Just that FX pilot was just means to keep the rights. Sort of like Fantastic Four 2015. It wa meant to keep rights, to keep making money.

Rights has absolved and are back in the wife's hands. Now a true tv show is happening. Where, who knows? Hopefully Starz or HBO. With a showrunner who knows their shit.

So I got all the books and tried to start with Book 0, but it assaults you with namedropping since the very beginning. Am I supposed to start with this one or the first one? If that's the start I guess I'll press on, but it's really obnoxious and hard to follow.

You HAVE to start with From the Two Rivers for it to make sense. Continue on with To the Blight and don't read the prequel until after Crown of Swords.

Too late. After GoT, all the other books like it get adapted, but the same level of interest won't be there.

Might as well try to release a new zombie show while you're at it.

Wheel of time is the Big Brother to Game of Thrones' The Real World. This is just getting started.


I don't understand how anyone could call the Wheel of Time bad and then say The Dark Tower is good.

I just remember hearing about this series of books about 10 years ago from some guy I worked with at Domino's. He was a grown ass man with an Animorphs tattoo. So I'm a little reluctant to think this series is worth my time...



>he won't play Lan

Why even bother?

He is a much better fit for a Forsaken

You know she's black right user?

>Tuon and Selucia will never rough you up

you asshole, I spat out my drink imagining yakety sax dumai's wells.

This pilot is unrelated (thankfully) to whatever show is currently being developed. This pilot was created and aired in a bumfuck timeslot so the right's holder could keep the rights to the WoT tv show. They've since surrendered or settled them with whoever is now making the show.

Then wait for it to be shit.

They've been starving their Cash cow "The Walking Dead" since season 2. An epic fantasy like this needs a GoT level budget with the word building. Get ready to see some shitty production.




tuon is black m8

Right. He'd make a great Demandred.

Unfortunately, after what's happening with GoT, I'm afraid of what adapting WoT for normies is going to do. Dumai's wells is probably going to have egwene sending in rebels to save Rand now, instead of those sexist ashaman.


too bad the series is unfilmable
Its way too long with too much filler
half the magic stuff is just two people staring at each other instensly, the other half is shit like dumais wells where you have thousands of people being blown up at a time
Also it will also probably cause a shitstorm with how it insists on two genders and the two "trans" people in the books are both super evil villains

>GoT level budget

More then that, Wheel of time has people fighting monsters and using magic constantly.

They just use the potential-show as an excuse to talk about this shitty series because they can't do so on /lit/ which doesn't accommodate such plebian attempts at fiction.

>Wheel of time mixed with metal

user, I have a treat for you

that trans stuff would really trigger people
The devil resurrects a man and puts him in a womans body in order to undermine the plans of jesus

TV is a shit board anyway so why are you complaining?

Someone suggested an anime adaptation.

I think that medium would be best

The Wheel of Time TV series was just announced this month. Why are you constantly trying to tamp down excitement? Are you new to Sup Forums? We discussed game of thrones as soon as it was announced. What the fuck is wrong with you? If you don't like the thread why don't you just fuck off?

>implying we'll get to LoC

Series won't get passed EotW unfortunately. It's too similar to LotR (basically the only way to get published back in the day), and even if it does, tGH is basically EotW but in reverse for 80% of the book. Normies will dismiss it before it has a chance to really show its meat, assuming it even gets picked up by a decent producer

You used 'whom' incorrectly

the only way this show will be good is if they skip the entirety of the crossroads of twilight plot, remove the faile kidnap plot and cancel the tv show before they get to the stuff written mostly by brian sanderson

>Normies will dismiss it before it has a chance to really show its meat

The quality of the books slopes down over time, if people don't like EotW why would they like anything after it?

Because it's the worst fantasy series in existence, the character, writing and worldbuilding are as terrible as it gets, its fans are all braindead retarded manchildren, and it just doesn't deserve all that attention. It deserves to be wiped from all living memory.

EotW is a straight knock off of Fellowship of the Ring, Robert Jordan even said it was intended to be one. They should should really start with LoC or TSR.

Honestly, they should just do TSR its the best overall book anyway.

WoT has its flaws, but worldbuilding is really one of them.

It is for about 100 pages, but given the conceit of the series (legend fading to myth, repetitively) and the use of every legend and myth available, and the divergence of the series after the first 100 pages, it's acceptable unless you're just a moron who can't grok.

*worldbuilding isnt one of them

>The quality of the books slopes down over time

please, the books get consistently better until tSR, at which point it stays peaked until about book 8, after which there's a steady decline until it h its book 10 which is shit. Book 11 was good reversal and an overall strong book.

See, now you're just proving how plebian fans of Wheel of Cucks are.

The worldbuilding is as cliche as it gets and designed to look cool for easily impressed 12 year olds who use words like "epic" and "badass" unironically.

Book 9 is great.

The magic stuff is easily doable with special effects/cgi. Just show the two people standing near each other, while cosmic strings fight above them. That's how I imagined it all the time: blue for water, lighter blue for air, brown for earth, yellow for spirit and red for fire. When the strings have real world effects blend the real world image with the image of the strings.

PARTS of book 9 are great...particularly the ending

>hating based sanderson

Why? He gave the book a fitting end. My only real complaint is that he made all the jokes about mat too obvious.

He didn't read the notes.

He didn't write the ending

The ending of book 9 was so great, RJ wrote an entire book congratulating himself for it. And that's why book 10 is shit.

>He raised his hand, and they started to die.
Sanderson had a hand into 2 of the best scenes in the whole series.
One in Gather Storm, and one in Towers of Midnight

Besides the cleansing of saidin, the rest of book 9 was great.

The fact that it's sandwiched between two shit books doesn't make it bad.

Brandon Sanderson is a sheltered Mormon moron who can't write battle scenes, has to insert his egotism and Mormonism into everything, and didn't read the notes. Fuck him and fuck anyone who likes his shitty fanfiction WoT entries. He sucks.

sanderson isn't terrible writer overall but he did not fit writing WoT, his style was too different and some of his original ideas really really really missed the mark.

he turned demandred into a sympathetic anti-hero for fucks sake. demandred may have started like that but he certainly didn't end that way.

What was in the notes that didn't make it into the books?

What mormonism did make it into the books?

Guys I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I should be excited for this. But every time I see OP's picture all I can think about is Mickey Mouse. Is it just me?

Rand channeling the True Power
Sanderson didnt have anything to do with that, that was all Robert Jordan

How did he turn demanded into an anti hero?

the Science-Fiction genre as a whole is utter shit

>who can't write battle scenes
god this. the whole last battle felt really flat, and I'm convinced its all Sanderson's fault. It feels like RJ wanted to have a massive WoT version of the Battle of the Nations/Leipzig. But RJ is both a lover of military history and a military vet, and Sanderson just didn't have the knowledge to pull it off

>What was in the notes that didn't make it into the books?
We're still finding out, because the factcheckers of Team Jordan didn't read the notes either. Fans who went to the College of Charleston library have discovered new things in the notes since AMoL was released.

Brandon Sanderson chose to write based on "emotional content" then have Team Jordan compare his writing against the facts, facts which they got from fan wikis and not the notes which Sanderson gave up on reading after two months because it was too much work.

Fuck Brandon Sanderson

the entire backstory of what demandred was doing the entire series and how got the sharans on his side and how he got that sa'angreal

it was literally WoT but with demandred has the hero

is there dump or analysis of the notes anywhere online?

So what has been found out so far that didn't make it into the books?

I dunno, Damandred becoming the not-dragon of another people sort of fits his LTT0.9 model where he always fell a little bit short of LTT. Him turning out to be a master swordsmen and animeing his way up the list of champion swordsmen was pretty shit though, especially after his PoV in WH indicated he was a commander not a fighter.

yea the swordsman thing was a bit much...but he did have LTT penis envy pretty hard, so it makes sense that he did the whole false-dragon thing

also, pic related is why we have GoT fags

Yeah, that part where Sanderson had to have not one, but two people job themselves on demandred's sword was kind of lame.

the fact that he turned himself into a not-dragon is fine it's the tone that was completely off.

demandred was a fallen hero in the war of power. the way sanderson wrote demandred in that backstory was like he forgot he gave himself to the shadow.

He was hundreds of years old, it wouldn't of taken long to learn. But I did hate that part

keep in mind that by that point, the shadow gave no fucks about any forsaken except Moridin

He's the reason the shadow lost too.

that's not what i'm talking about.

a backstory that took place during the WoP could definitely have demandred written sympathetically. trying to write him like that during the main series just fucks the tone of the forsaken through the entire book. they spent 3000 years or whatever locked in between space time with the DO. they are fully committed to their darker natures. writing demnadred like that just came off as cheap way to try and do an original or deeper look at a forsaken. there's a way to do that but sanderson failed imo.

Mazrim Taim was Demandred through book 6

give it like 10k years and some retard will open the bore again though

Taimandred killed Asmodean

Yeah, and robert jordan changed that, not sanderson. I've read the notes too.