Top Gear


That was a trainwreck.


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7/10 overall, 8.5/10 second half.

By the end of season one it should be on par with the original.



Jesus christ that was bad.

just completely horrible

BBC shill please leave


It just felt like nothing. It had no substance.

wasn't too bad, of course they can't match jeremy clarkson and pals, hope the "herp US v UK" is just a 1 time thing and their contests are a little more imaginative and a little less disappointing

You now remember the Bolivia and Vietnam specials


Agreed. 9/10 by itself, 20/10 overall due to the no-fucks-given un-PC cast. I literally got out of my seat and cheered when they pointed out it was a woman who first beat the land speed record, just giving no fucks to our hurrrr can't offend white men PC culture.

Chris Evans is a terrible presenter, he's like that guy at work who's always way too energetic and exaggerated and thinks himself too funny and everyone just kind of politely laughs at his stupid jokes

They should drop him, get someone people actually respect like Guy Martin in, Matt Leblanc I thought was quite good in a more laid back style

And drop the UK vs US stuff, jesus

Like a motor, ironically, they will shift into top gear.

They just need to find their own flair and perspective.


they should have released a teaser of their new show during this mess

Clarckson is going to have fun bantering that crap. I feel bad for LeBlanc though.

is Le blanc the new captain slow? He fills the roll pretty good, maybe even better because he's not as awkward

Guy Martin and LeBland would be a good combo tBh

>Vietnam special
Haven't seen that in ages, going to watch it now. It felt like a real, proper adventure.


Sabine Schmidt
>no in studio presence, only in first clip
Chris Harris
>one of the most respected car journalists around, relegated to the "How it was made" online Extra Gear show

What a fucking shambles

At least the music was good. And it looks like the token pakis have been relegated to some online-only rubbish.

Where can you watch the specials nowadays?
Can't find them anywhere

Not an original bone in its body, Top Gear needed a change up not a bland pastiche of itself

You can't get through on life by calling everything that triggers you bait, sonny.

Know he is plugged in guy, the james may. He clearly likes solid material himself anyway, give it time, he will want good performance i can tell.

Clearly direction was hard to impossible first time round with the circumstances we face.

>Chris Harris

Wait what Chris Harris isnt even going to be in the proper show?



>He fills the roll
he's a diamond dozen in a doggy dog world

Not sure if Streetfire is still around, will try for a torrent

fucking putlocker
or that one shitty ananna whatever site that has them, except you NEED noscript for that page its fucking FILLED with ads and popups

I don't think the majority of people that watch Top Gear actually care about the car enough to warrant a proper journalist desu

Lel. Stick to your weapons. This show will warm up.

Its hopeful that its telling that the presenters were unsure of the whole thing anyway.

>tfw on netflix they took off the first like 20 seasons, fuck netflix

How badly did BBC fuck this up. Its so easy to make the new Top Gear a success.


New Season
Episode 1
> P1 vs 918 vs La Ferrari vs Huyara on a European Road trip for an hour to introduce the new presenters
Episode 2
>Ferrari F12 TDF / Ferrari 488 vs new McLaren 575s etc plus new hot hatchbacks
Episode 3
>New Audi RS6 vs Jaguar Shooting Brake vs Merc E63
Episode 4
>BMW M4 and family SUVs


yes, for all intensive purposes.

No mte, he is being kept off the main show. He is only on a "how each clip was made" show that is only online.

Absolutely dropped the ball on that one.

>Stick to your weapons
are you posting through google translate or something

How many seasons did Joey last for?

Matt LeBlanc
>wearing Adidas
>wearing North Face

Are BBC allowing product placement now. It was never allowed before.

How much are they shilling to the US market with this episode

>Not North Pole special
user... pls...

Good god that was terrible

>no mention of the fuck awful guests segment
Worst part of the show by far.
>plug each other's shit
>first car clap-o-meter
>best car clap-o-meter
>shitty "rallycross" track
>not just commentating on the laps and trying to get the audience to ooh and ah over each fucking turn

It honestly felt like an episode of Top Gear USA.

There's a difference between advertising and wearing clothes with a label on them.

They didn't fuck up. See It was a masterpiece and breakthrough in TV programming, it'll be remembered as the time a classic franchise left behind its rather disgusting baggage and came into the current century. Like seriously, just read the fucking reaction on twitter and the guardian, it's universally loved.

Yeah, what the fuck was with Evans getting the audience to CLAP CLAP CLAP when a celebrity managed to go around a corner.

Very true, entertainment is probably the hardest thing unless your willing to accept that its easy, if you just go with the flow and that it is hard to do if your to deep in your own forte. Clarkson and the boys kind of simplified the directors forte and direction and gave good balance.

That was beautiful 2bh

If they showed it in the theatre I'd really go see it

This. Reporters on the news wear North Face all the time

Holy shit this pissed me off so much.They need to swap Evans with Harris and actually have Sabine in the studio

>please clap

This is a goldmine. I don't know what you guys are complaining about.

where can i watch it?

>big splash, yaaay!
It was like he thought he was surrounded by toddlers and not grown adults

Do you think you wasted your Sunday planning this gimmick of being pro Top Gear

It was a sunny day, you should have went out and had sex.

Youre not a virgin are you ?

Yes, more like stick to your stick.

Replace Evans with pic related to save your shit show

To give reason to the worms why we dug up their shit.

>This car goes real fast n that
>Seats are right comfy

I like Harris, but as a studio presenter he'd be out of his depth I think.

>please clap
So, Jeb Bush was presenting now?
Also, that guest interview was awkward as fuck. Eisenbergs autism looked like it was about to face fuck Evans for some of his comments
>"Thank you for your opinion"

>Ur mom joke

This is reddit

Torrent where?

>>"Thank you for your opinion"
Why did Eisenberg say that? Did Evans trash Batman v Superman?

So lets say it does terrible, what would the BBC do?

Cancel it
Push through
Or just reboot it again

>send Karl to India again in the travel segment for a good kek

>Turns out... little monkey fella.

They BBC staff get big discounts from some outdoor clothing retailers.

There have been a few occasions in the past where the press started noticing how all the news presenters wore North Face, and some years later when everyone wore Berghaus.

I am alone tonight with some booze and feel like watching some ACTUAL Top Gear to calm me down after this fuckfest. What are the top-tier Sup Forums approved golden era specials?

The idea of bait is to try and convince people of your sincerity. You just didn't.

Life support for a couple of seasons, then severe budget cuts and oblivion.

Avatarfagging is a bannable offense.

Jessie Eisenberg segment
>Whats your all time best car youve owned
>Dunno, ive basically only owned a Honda Accord
>Ok okay, lets just pretend you own a Porsche 918


Please kill this show.



Push through and accept critique and just embrace the bitch.

North Pole
Vietnam is also top tier, just watched it today


Tuned in saw that the audience was 80% pakis and niggers with assorted beta white leftists, tuned out.

Hope someone shoots up the BBC offices soon.


>tha cup 'oldah is a bit small, innit?

Would be better than Evans.

>chris evans is absolutely awful, by far the worst part of the show
>LeBlanc is clearly a motoring enthusiast but is in no way fit to be a lead presenter of the show

I can't stress how bad Evans was, the only part of the show that I could find enjoyable was the LeBlanc's offroad segment, and even then the obvious scripted moments were a little too much for me (OG Top Gear obviously had scripted parts, but not to that extent).

The guest segment was awful, Ramsey and Eisenberg have nothing in common at all, the first/best car comparison was so uninteresting and Evans didn't make it any better. The only time the episode made me laugh was at Evan's cringey lap commentary.

>Big splash!
>Please clap
>This is fun right?

Awful. The only presenter I was looking forward to seeing was Sabine, and she was relegated to the obviously scripted missile lock on segment.

They'll push through a couple of seasons and then cancel, they're not going to try again, the show is too high budget.

Why the fuck is Bricktop on the show now?

Evans said he made a really good corner on that mud part of the course, and he came back with that. I'd also that say Evans is shit in comparison to Clarkson when it comes to guest interviews. It feels more like a scripted interview performed by a school newspaper journalist, than anything. At least Jeremy could sound like it was more akin to a casual conversation.

This extra gear aint bad desu.

Absolute shite

Post good Top Gear moments

Burma and Botswana specials too

I think I watched North Pole not too long ago. Vietnam and Bolivia it is. Thanks anons

Now that you mention it,I think thats true.

They're going to do what Comedy Central does when they replaced their top rated nightly shows with the Unfunny Nigger Hour: Grin and bear it and quietly cut the budget because they have to look hip and progressive. Can't back out now.

>Lex is an autist irl

Ebin. Bring in the nigga who plays Quicksilver in X-Men next.

They've swapped places as is life.

Simple directors of amazon and simple cast.
deep directors of bbc and deep minded cast.

Directors and cast are merging

Its gunna get real gay son.

>Chris Evans has reportedly sodomized an audience member with a broom following their refusal to stop crossing their arms.
>When asked about the allegations, Evans reportedly stabbed the investigator numerous times with a pen before fondling a nearby 15 year old female audience member.

Why would I voluntarily watch MORE, shill?

The Race to Oslo is pretty good.

It's "Intents and purposes" Nubcake

>that special where they get their cars in by boat
>traversing the jungle

Such good times

>that audience