Watch British Documentary

>Watch British Documentary
>When animals attack each other it's censored because it's too violent.
>Sharp objects like spoons have to be censored or cut out completely.
>British narrator has to bore his audiences to sleep so they wouldn't get angry wasting their time watching the show.
>Brits themselves have to pay taxes just to watch BBC and even more for BBC documentaries
>''Well.....umm here is a fruit fly, we can't show you it's dead body but we can show you were he has been, observe this rotting piece of pork that has been censored as to not offend our muslim viewers''

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Not even close to the truthful classic. 1/10 made me reply

spotted the amerilard


>Brits themselves have to pay taxes just to watch BBC and even more for BBC documentaries
What are you talking about? All BBC services are paid for by a flat annual payment of £145 per household. Documentary programming is obviously inclusive of that.

Also if you're trying to imply that British TV has strict censorship compared to America then fucking lol.

show me an americunt documentary that is better than this.

take your time chubbs

>Watch american documentary.
>they put a spider that is not even from the same latitude into the cast for forced drama.
>giant centipade hams every scripted line.
>there is a calorie intake count for the main bugs at the end of the episode

>American """"documentary""""
>some man child who thinks the 90s never ended narrating to try to appeal to kids
>"woah dude, you do NOT want to get into a fight with this guy!"
>random guitar riffs to make people think they're watching a rock concert otherwise the audience will get bored
>all footage of the animals is constantly replayed in slow-motion and with frequent jump cuts accompanied by dramatic music while the narrator screams
>"This beast is INSANE! They don't call it KING OF THE JUNGLE FOR NOTHING!"
>somehow manage to spread 5 minutes of actual nature footage over an hour-long show
>"I dunno about you guys, but that was a close call and my heart is POUNDING"

imagine if I bought a toaster and the government said I had to pay £145 per year if I wanted to make toast with it

the licence fee is stealth taxation you retard.

>watch american media
>mfw americans call chocolate globbernaughts "candy bars"
>mfw americans call motorized rollinghams "cars"
>mfw americans call Merry fizzlebombs "Fireworks"
>mfw americans call genocide 'Thanksgiving'
>mfw americans call wunderbahboxes a "PC"
>mfw americans call meat water "gravy"
>mfw americans call electro-rope "power cables"
>mfw americans call beef wellington ensemble with lettuce a burger
>mfw americans call fart tornados "bar mitzvahs"
>mfw americans call twisting plankhandles "Doorknobs"
>mfw americans call french toast "pussy bread"
>mfw americans call breaddystacks "sandwiches"
>mfw americans call their hoighty toighty tippy typers "keyboards"
>mfw americans call nutty-gum and fruit spleggings "peanut butter and jelly"
>mfw americans call an upsy stairsy the "escalator"
>mfw americans call tossin' the thimble in the tipper "Archiving the Thread"
>mfw americans call "A Biffa, A Kek, and a Lush" "Two and a half men"
>mfw americans call Montezuma's Revenge "Water"
>mfw americans call bobby buggies "police cars"
>mfw americans call hosh posh jerpee tosh "lingo"
>mfw americans call buzzy fuzzy trundlies "electric razors"
>mfw americans call cold-on-the-cob a "popsicle"
>mfw americans call "The Commonwealth Player's Beast Bungalo" "National Lampoon's Animal House"