Is Emily Blunt operator?
Is Emily Blunt operator?
If you saw the movie you wouldn't ask such a stupid question
no she wasn't
Not mentioning the movie/show in the OP or at least in the OP image is bad form.
People are neither telepaths nor has everyone seen everything in order to know what you are talking about.
You are gimping both the potential of your own thread and the quality of the board.
Operator? I 'ardly know 'er!
She ruined the movie with her whining
>can't recognize what movie it is from the obvious pic
Why are you here? Shouldn't you be on a site like reddit where you don't have to worry about being a confused moron?
How would a person that has not seen the movie recognize it from the pic?
Which requires more effort would you say: OP taking 1 sec to put the name in the conveniently placed subject line or a random user searching imdb and guessing?
all she does throughout the movie is bitch and get physically dominated like a dog
The OP doesn't have to cater to mouth breathers like yourself though, you should honestly just leave the thread you're not helping your case
The whole point of the movie is that she was used to legitimize a black op. Amazing how people still don't get that.
Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in the south. I was trained in counter-narcotics. I was given the title of Reserve Deputy. They take a movie “Sicario.” They have a 5-foot-7-inch little girl, whether she was British or American, I don’t know. I don’t care. She had never been to south. She doesn’t speak in southern accent. She has never held an M1911. They make her the Sicario. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.
Learn how to reverse image search you absolutely punted head-first into a rock at birth mongoloid dog.
Does the op question look like it's for people who haven't watched the movie?
You should know the movie.
Yes, she works on this couch
Well I'm sorry to hear that
>The OP doesn't have to cater to mouth breathers like yourself though
>Does the op question look like it's for people who haven't watched the movie?
>why would one put helpful movie/tv show information in the opening post of a movie and television board, especially when one desires to incite discussion?
>pic related
Which takes more effort do you figure - a single person taking 1 sec to type the relevant info or hundreds/thousands of people reverse searching the image? I wonder.
Besides the point, it is not about me.
Kill yourself retard.
hey redditfags, posting the fucking name is helpful and what you are supposed to do, blend the fuck in
stop giving the tripfag attention
I can't blame Emily Blunt, but that character was such a bitch. She never put any effort into being a team player yet expected all the answers upfront. Answers that she has no claim to because she's just there to be an anchor, which was known by her. All she had to do was shut up and participate, because she did have the option to join and the option to leave. But that cunt wanted to stay and be bitch. Benicio del Toro should've pulled the trigger
Not an argument, fameleon.
>wah I'm so butthurt I have to announce I filtered the namefag
You are worse than namefags. You are a said and pathetic neet.
>you should know the movie
Some people actually have lives. Just because you live with your parents, don't work and spend all day watching movies and shitposting on Sup Forums doesn't mean it's the same for other people.
what movie is this please? emily blunt is cute, CUTE!
>says this while typing on an anime imageboard
nice life bro xD
You literally answered your own question here. The OP wants to incite discussion with PEOPLE WHO HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE if you haven't seen it move along and stop making stupid posts
>claims emily blunt is cute
>doesn't even know about this movie that Sup Forums talked about a lot for weeks before dwindling the threads down
Come on now
it is bad fucking form toward the other users of the board, just because you autist can't comprehend how other might feel doesn't mean you can't try to be helpful and blend in the culture of the board
you might want to discuss it with people who have seen it, but hundreds of other might have mjssed it before and might be interest to see it after they see the thread
it's a common courtesy for fucks sake
Nah ... She is supposed to be a one who lured into cartel's operation. I have no freakin idea why they had to sift POV so much (# ̄3 ̄) The result would've been awesome if they simply stayed with hers whole time.
*heavy breathing*
Weak comeback. Must be too frustrated to actually come up with something decent.
>this whole post
Why is it the OPs or hell anyone elses responsibility to spoon feed you? You are complaining that we aren't including you like there aren't a hundred other threads you could be participating in. Do you HAVE to be part of this thread? No, so stop acting like a fucking baby
>wow I dont know what movie this is
>should I cry and bitch about it in the thread
>or should I google emily blunt and find it
>missing the fucking point
the onus is on you as the OP.
next time you will be a poster and someone else will make a shitty thread instead of a proper one.
you are a cheeky cunt now, but when everyone makes little to no effort it turns into a shitfest.
>>or should I google emily blunt and find it
This would make sense if Emily Blunt starred in one movie. But she doesn't.
>it makes more sense for thousands of people to google emily blunt instead of one person typing the name of the movie when the created the thread
Cuz now imma have to snatch every motherfucker punani, Dey.
>the onus is on you as the OP.
Yes, indeed. Well said. An attitude of a more civilized age.
It does actually, because the question doesn't pertain to those that haven't watched the movie.
here, let me point it out, because you seem to have missed it the first time
>what is common courtesy
My god, you are a retard. You post an image that's obviously intriguing and you can't even be a person and say what it is like a normal human being.
>I don't know what the thread is about.
>I either figure it out or figure out I have no place in the discussion to begin with and stay out
Sounds like the way it should be to me
Nobody cares if you want to participate in the discussion or have an interest in the movie, if you think it looks interesting then fucking lurk the thread or find out what it is on your own. It's completely asinine for you to demand that everyone cater to what you think we should do
>haven't seen Sicario and don't know what it is
You don't belong on this board.
>don't know the movie from the OP, yet you think you belong in a conversation about it
Kill yourself. You belong in the fucking thread
>is too inept to use Google to satisfy passing interest
>uses a trip code for no reason
of course you do
Looks like a couple autists have wandered out of a capeshit thread and want to discuss a movie they've never seen before.
>Courtesy fag shit
Where do you think we are?
*don't belong in the fucking thread
Because the only people who should be in the thread are those that know what the fuck is going on. If you haven't seen it/don't know what movie it is that's on you, and ONLY you. Don't come into these threads acting like a self entitled baby
>people cannot develop an interest into something they have not seen
>why bother providing them information (as the OP a.k.a. the content creator) thus elevating the quality of the board for everyone including myself
>Nobody cares if you want to participate in the discussion or have an interest in the movie
That is the exact opposite of what Sup Forums's actual function is. Are you sure you are in the right place?
>Because the only people who should be in the thread are those that know what the fuck is going on.
You act like it's impossible to see the image when you're not in the fucking thread when you CAN. As if people can't fucking see it in the catalog. The image is intriguing. Of fucking course people are going to wonder what it is. If you don't want people wondering what the move is, then don't fucking use an intriguing image. Use a boring one.
is it THAT HARD not to be a dick? you realize if you are a dick as the OP of this thread someone else will be a dick as the OP of their thread and you will get the same treatment, right?
here's the best advice someone will ever give you - don't be a fucking dick, helps irl as well.
>That is the exact opposite of what Sup Forums's actual function is
Next time read the whole post and who I was replying to, there's this thing called "context" aka I was referring to someone who has not seen the movie yet still wants to participate. Christ are you always this dumb? Look man you tried to make your point, you failed (because it was really stupid) so just stop posting
>Don't come into these threads acting like a self entitled baby
lmao you are retarded. Go play in traffic you fucking dumbass
You can't make this shit up
>there's this thing called "context" aka I was referring to someone who has not seen the movie yet still wants to participate
So was I. Follow your own advice.
You must be new as fuck to not immediately recognise that movie on Sup Forums. Doesn't matter if you haven't seen it.
>based Eko and based user bros slapping sense into newfags
never gets old, thanks m8s
Yes the image is intriguing I'm sure to someone who hasn't seen the film but guess what, this is a discussion thread not a "hey who has seen this?" thread. So stop being a fucking retard and figure out what the movie is BY YOURSELF so you can stop shitting up the thread with your idiotic questions and "guise we have to be nice to each other!" attitude
>Sup Forums purpose is to advertise stuff to retards
If you don't know what it is, lurk more. Or not. Are you here for the capeshit threads or the GoT threads? Obviously actually films are a complete mystery to you. Get out
did that make sense in your head?
>ip counter didn't go up
Lmao you're one of the anons and you're literally patting yourself on the back for thinking you made a point when really you're just annoying the not brain dead people
the only newfags are the ones who dont know what Sicario is
>If you don't know what it is, lurk more.
I literally come here every day and I have never seen this screenshot before
>tripfag being a stupid cunt
How surprised can I be? The movie is called Sicario, it is directed by Villeneuve who is also the director of Prisoners, Enemy, Incendies and the upcoming sequel of Blade Runner. He is not a big deal but pretty much everyone on this board knows him and his work.
The OP isn't being a dick though. Naturally he doesn't want to discuss the movie with people that haven't seen it. Almost everyone here has seen it or can at least identify it. You're in the minority.
Sup Forums's purpose is discussion and the OP of a thread is responsible for providing the best info for said discussion
>"guise we have to be nice to each other!" attitude
yes, being an edgy 14 year old is much better! no worries you will grow up.
I haven't even seen the movie yet I knew what it was. Because I'm not a fucking idiot and put two and two together (emily blunt and operator, gee what movie did Sup Forums talk a whole fuckton about where emily blunt was some kind of special forces lady?)
It's really not that hard, try using your brain
yeah every day for the last week since you started using Sup Forums
>If you don't know what it is, lurk more.
So how would I learn what it is? It is not in the opening post and by your logic the thread should be populated by people that know what it already is?
Why are you so edgy? Grow the fuck up.
It would make sense to anyone that's been here more than 2 months.
>You must be new as fuck to not immediately recognise that movie on Sup Forums
Or maybe I have just never acknowledged it because nothing before this moment that's been posted has intrigued me enough to give a shit about it
>muh board quality
>muh spoonfeeding
>proceeds to completely derail what could have been a decent thread
Spoonfeed babbies everyone!
>Sup Forums's purpose is discussion and the OP of a thread is responsible for providing the best info for said discussion
Why would the OP want to talk about the movie with people who haven't seen it? You might as well figure out what it is, go watch it and then come back because at least those hours spent will allow you to actually contribute instead of going on an autistic rampage about how everyone needs to tell you everything
I know the movie very well. I made half the webms of it that you see spammed in the threads.
Like I said, it;s not about me, it's about the OP attitude and the quality of the board THAT WE ALL POPULATE.
>it's edgy to not want this board and thread polluted by actual morons
Keep believing it bro
see that's a nice description, but I would have been happy with only Sicario in the subject line. was that so fucking hard? be honest.
but surely you would have noticed the many Sicario threads if you had been here in late 2015
So you've seen the movie yet you literally only came into the thread to tell OP that he needs to cater to your rules of Sup Forums posting? Just because you gave yourself a trip doesn't mean you have any actual authority here buddy
>I haven't even seen the movie yet I knew what it was.
maybe that's because you're autistic and have no life. God forbid I'm actually out living my life when you people are posting about this movie. I've never seen this screenshot before in my life and have been coming to this site for years.
If you're serious about film, and not just some marble-headed, pasty-white, cuntnozzle shitposter like I suspect you are (you fucking tripshit), then you would have IMMEDIATELY recognized it as a scene from the film Sicario.
Now hurry up and fucking DIE.
>Naturally he doesn't want to discuss the movie with people that haven't seen it.
Fuck the thousands of people that have not seen it, but might be interested.
Who cares that a simple word in the OP might get them into it thus enhancing the overall board quality and thread participation in future Sicario threads.
this, retards
>but surely you would have noticed the many Sicario threads if you had been here in late 2015
that doesn't mean I been in them. And that doesn't mean I'd know this screenshot was from that especially since I've never seen this screenshot before.
Nice fagpost. I would have been happy if you just plugged Emily blunt operator in Google. Was that so fucking hard? Be honest
>I don't know what movie that pic is from and because you do that makes me angry so I'm going to call you a no lifer!
>i come here everyday and have been doing so for years
I don't get it, you're mad because even though we both apparently visit Sup Forums every day I'm not as stupid as you?
yew steel sowh bout dat punani snatch vik?
You're right fuck em. It's been half a year since the movie came out and there's little reason to have not watched it by now if you're interested.
>muh board quality
Good job helping fuck up a sicario thread. Kys
Holy fucking shit the autism in this thread.
If you don't know what Sicario is, you're a moron and should fuck off. If you actually gave a fuck about knowing what it was, you would have asked or better yet, looked it up like a mature adult with some agency. You people don't belong in this board, let alone this thread.
Shes a fucking lamb in a land of wolves.
Women will always be.
>because you do that makes me angry so I'm going to call you a no life
You do have no life and are incredibly autistic. You expect me to know this screenshot is from a movie I've never gave a shit about before, and the first time I ever notice the screenshot, I'm suppose to automatically know it's from that movie? This is fucking Sicario, not the Wizard Of Oz.
>to your rules of Sup Forums posting
They are not my rules, they are the general Sup Forums rules that have organically appeared due to the collaboration of tens of thousands of people in the span of a decade. Who are YOU to come and shit up the place yet demanding respect? Adapt to the board culture and try to enhance everyone;'s experience, including yours.
I like what that user said "common courtesy".
Add up those two.
Don't project.
>If you don't know what Sicario is, you're a moron and should fuck off.
much harder when you add up hundreds of people while the OP is one dude and it takes him two seconds
it's not a hard concept to grasp
So I have no life and am autistic because I recognize an actress being in a well-recieved film that was heavily discussed on Sup Forums around it's release? I'm honestly failing to see the correlation
>no one ever watches movies more than half a year past release date