roids mang, not even once
i bet no woman wants to be with him because he's bald haha
>hes bald
Why do you niggas make fun of his hairline? He still stacks more paper and gets more hoes than all of you.
Is that Peter Capaldi?
he's ultra bald, look at this pic it's real, because why would someone shoop it if he's already bald??
lol like u have hair
Im 25 and have a worse hairline
>Be rich
>Be ripped
>Be successful actor
>Get made fun of by greasy fat neckbeards because of your hairline while you're out banging models
>gets more hoes
He's gay m8
if the greasy neckbeards all have great hair I dont see how you can JUST that so passively
Why doesn't he disappear for 3 months and get an FUE procedure
I think he's going to look like Jason Statham any time soon
He wouldn't give a shit.
tfw your hairline isnt quite as bad as that but it will be in another year or two
i'm not gay but holy fuck
so will you, and the user who posts below me
it isnt that bad yet and i think he'd look good bald anyway
>tfw my hairline is worse but i still make fun of him
check em for the truth, Cavill is fucking handsome it almost hurts to look at.
My hairline is also receding, the reason I make fun of him is because his hairline makes him relatable
Especially since he's fucking Superman
desu if I became an actor I'd want Sup Forums to worship me and be a meme like Chris Evans.
people were balding before you were even born, chum...and some led whole lives without balding before your great great great auntie