What are some top tier creepy movies?

What are some top tier creepy movies?

Pic related

Session 9.

Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Look solid, will watch tonight.


The Babadook
The Blair Witch Project

Lake Mungo


Batman v Superman


Did MGM ever technically release the movie?

Blair Witch Project is probably the best found footage movie. Hell, just a regular home video about autumn forest would be spooky as fuck.

this movie is fucking laughably bad. the only good parts were made into 2-3 gifs, the rest is absolute garbage.

Blair Witch is 100% ripped off from Cannibal Holocaust, just so you know.

Once you actually watch the latter, the interest of the former wears off, totally. Oh, they just literally took every single solitary major plot notion directly from CH and just toned it down a huge amount. Huh.

Cannibal Holocaust disturbed the fuck out of me. I had to turn it off at the animal murder scene.

>inb4 pussy

I just had no idea what I was in for. I don't know if I can watch the whole thing if there are more scenes like that. It was banned for a long time, wasn't it?

spook kino

>paranormal activity

this stuff is the shit tier of the modern horror era

The Witch

fucking sleazy italians

The original Japanese one, mind you.


The plots, characters, tone are nothing alike. Literally the only thing they have in common is the found footage gimmick.

Also BWP is actually good while CH is an absolute turd with zero atmosphere. The most offensive thing about the film isn't the animal scenes its how awful it is. Legit one of the worst films ever.

Kairo (pulse) is a pretty spoopy japanese movie

This is my favorite horror OP. Gives me the creeps every time. OG Wicker Man is good, The Witch was interesting, REC, As Above So Below, 28 Days Later some others. Nothing beats the creepyness of Poughkeepsie for me tho

Replaces baby in woman's womb with her husband's severed head. Amputated that bitch 's arm and still loved him, the classic GIF's. Might not be the best but there's still a lot to like from it

>animal murder scene
You mean food preparation scene

Yes it is.
I think it's the most depressing horror movie I've seen too.
Made me want to become a dark spot on the wall.

fucking thank you
Add Babadook & witch to that list as well


I thought that Sinister was pretty spooky until that retarded demon showed at the end.
The snuff tapes where creepy as fuck.

That guy with the mask reminded me of someone from Slipknot.
It ruined the movie for me.

someone post the .webm

That's how I felt about the Blair Witch Project. It was terrifying because you didn't know what was out there. And then it goes all ham fisted with the ghost at the end. If it wouldn't have shown the witch, and would have stuck to implying her presence, it would be the greatest horror movie of all time.

>this always gets posted
>finally watch it
>I find it unengaging and have a tough time finishing it because I'm so bored
I will never get horrorkino

It was an italian exploitation film.
You'll never see shit like that made ever again.
All the 70s and 80s baby.

The Collector in a nutshell

Wait there was a witch?
All I remember is that they die but I don't think they showed the witch.

I don't remember Blair Witch Project ever showing anything, only the cabin and the guy facing the wall at the end.

>tfw you're so desensitized to violence that most horror movies do nothing for you
Creepy psychological stuff is the only thing that gets me now.

Pic related is a shit movie but has some great creep factor
>stuck underground
>in a foreign country
>serious radiation exposure
>Unit 731 tier military

Really bad movie imo

this is the worst thing to happen to horror movies, because if this shit now we have 90 minutes horror movies of some faggot running around with a camera conveniently giving shit angles at a low budget CGI monster.

we've always had horrors with shitty budget, now they can do it even more cheaply.

i'm going to spend the weekend at my gf's house and she suggested we could see some horror movies.

any recommendations for that type of thing? nothing too slow (usually hate people that say stuff like this but she's a girl, so i've got to dumb it down a little)

Oculus, nothing really extraordinary, but it could do the job.

Put the entire BLACKED filmography on a portable HDD

>Pic related
Seriously? I'll bet you're one of those people who raves about The Fourth Kind, as well.

Don't forget to bring something nice to the bull

I watched this a couple of weeks ago. I'm not a fan of found footage movies, but I thought it was really good and genuinely creepy.

i'm going to bring these two, thanks!

oh and my gf's son will also like it. happy now?

the last 20 minutes is probably the best a found footage movie has ever gotten


I liked the pacing and slow dreariness of it.

Ending was was worth it.


great movie but i wasnt spooked really

Literally no one remembered BWP by the time it became a trend. You have to thank Paranormal Activity.