Is Van Kilmer the original JUST?

Is Van Kilmer the original JUST?

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He was really funny and self-deprecating in MacGruber. I don't think you can be JUST if you're aware and making light of the situation.

Not even close.

Best GĂ©rard Depardieu cosplay I've ever seen. 10/10

nigga lost his jaw, holy shit.

thats not val

It is. I checked

We're getting irrelevant that far back.

From the mid-80's till now I'd really like to uncover the original JUST.

Forgot he was in that tbqh. I've seen him in the sort of films Stephen Baldwin does so I'd say he hit the mark.

That's fucking funny.

Nolte was JUST before Kilmer.

looks alright for someone who allegedly has throat cancer and doesn't bother doing anything with it.