Just finished season 3 and I want to know what do my friends at Sup Forums think about AMS?
Just finished season 3 and I want to know what do my friends at Sup Forums think about AMS?
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Season 1 is the best. It's the most concentrated and the most interesting
Season 2 is all over the place with 5-6 different plots and villains.
Season 3 is a little too... gory? The cute witches doing cute witches thing was cool but the Madame scenes were a little too disturbing. And people kept dying without anybody caring.
Season 4 is weird but it's a step up from Season 3. A lot of CGI and special effects going on and the stories are pretty interesting.
Did not see Season 5 yet. Will buy the Bluray and watch it all the way through in one sitting like always.
Season 3 too gory? I found it pretty chill also it pretty much has only one real villain.
Only dumb thing of season 2 is the whole alien parts.
I dont have a problem with bodies but I have a problem with suffering and broken bones.
Season 2 had a lot of references to known cases and conspiracies common in Asylums back then.
The aliens made sense in that sense. I mean, ghosts, and the devils and Zombies are okay but not Aliens?
The whole aliens thing was poorly executed didn't really go well with the rest of the story.
Also I felt that season 2 drags a bit too much it starts to go in circles.
First is the best > second less so but watchable > Coven goes nowhere but I have a thing for witches so 8/10 > The rest is garbage
Well the problem is that you have too many plots.
Anne Frank
There was too many things going on at once.
That's why Season 1 is the best
Haunted House.
That's it.
I'm the only one thinking that evan peters can't play anything but a generic teen?
>Murder House
Mediocre haunted house story. Only thing I really liked was Quicksilver as school shooter.
Was hyped for this season and unfortunately let down. Way too many subplots, ayylmaos completely out of place.
While least favorite to most people, I really liked it, especially that setting, witches in modern New Orleans. Best season, but still far from perfect.
Style over substance. Many great characters, was rooting for Dandy even though he was huge cunt. Story was meh.
Haven't seen it yet, expecting solid season.
It's alright show that isn't anything new, but more like "best of horror stuf". Worth watching. And I still would Jessica Lange.
The problem with season 1 is that it has one plot and it also drags a lot.
Should have been 9 or 10 episodes instead.
You forgot evil Ian McShane Santa
Well they are all pretty much type casted and have the same characters.
Old woman who used to be pretty and is now depressed because she's old
Angsty and rebellious teen who fuck a ton of womens
Young girl who betray and play in the back of everybody but dies because she liked the angsty teenager.
She made my cock Misty
aw yea gimme dat swamp ass
Ah right, forgot Santa. That was weird.
Season 2 with that fucking Lana Lana Bo Bana Banana Fana Fo Fana song
Season 2 atmosphere was top notch, some wasted potential, what the fuck happened with santa? I forgot about that guy?
Watched the first season and it was alright, but it wasn't really made for me. I'm not a teen/young adult girl.
The redhead maid was the best part.
2 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 4
watch season 2 and avoid 3 if you are not into teen stuff.
Season 3 is pretty much sabrina with gore.
I want to sexually abuse Chloe Sevigny.
Do they use the same actors throughout the seasons or something?
>Chloe blowing everyone on season 2
>Season 1
The best overall, tells the most consistant story
>Season 2
Still really good and great atmosphere, Aliens are really out of place and it loses steam once bloodyface dies
>Season 3
Worst one by far, not particularly scary and zero tension since nearly every character gets rezzed at least once. Also wasted a great character with Kathy Bates.
>Season 4
Better than 3 but not as good as 1 and 2, Dandy and Twisty are both GOAT AHS villains but theres not much else here. Could have done a lot more with the freakshow element and definitely feels like it drags on.
Haven't seen 5, waiting for it to come to Netflix.
yes, however they come and go, I think only Evan Peters did all 5 seasons, but I might be wrong
I've watched them all except the recent fifth season with Gaga. It's a pretty decent series for the most part, but the quality really dips at times. I'd currently rank them 2>4>3>1
Didn't like S4 too much, but pic related was probably my favorite two episode special in the entire series.
>Anne Frank
>It's a Sup Forums directs episode
that arc was hilarious as shit
Each season gets progressively worst.
Santa was a serial killer who killed when he was in a santa costume. And the devil nun of course gave him a costume for christmas.
Written by gay Jews.
Over the top anti-Catholic.
>season 3
>vodoo devil
>flashbacks to slave torture room
>witch hunters
>vodoo zombies
>oh let's instead just focus on old woman growing old for another 30 minutes
Coven had potential to be the best one.
I've dropped s05 after 2 episodes. It's utterly boring and definetly not-horror.
To be honest just first two seasons qualify as horror.
Bruh. You like that song?
Wishlist for season 5?
*season 6
It's obnoxiously SJW, they have to throw it in your face constantly how progressive they are for making gays and trannies characters.
Oh man, this song gives me creeps
I dont know what they could do for Season 6. Manson cult?
We know that all 5 seasons are occuring in the same universe so, maybe Aliens related?
>giant whale nigger comes in "IMMA FIND OUT WHAT HAPPEN TO MAH MAMMA!"
>Dandy just fucking murders her
It's even worst when you know French. "They only talk about the great God, they only talk about the great God"
Butthurt papist pls go
Ctulhu cult
They're all disconnected, weird, over-the-top camp greatness.
Also, anthologies are nice because they allow character development but don't require the heavy duty investment of a multi-season story arc.
Watch Scream Queens instead. It's what Season 3 should have been, and it's 10x better.
What? Gay and transexuals are not progressive. The fucking roman empire and egyptians had them.
it's scream queens any good? it looks pretty dumb to be honest.
It's a comedy/horror. It's a comedy with a universe where people act like dumbasses. It's weird but you get attached to those idiots.
its targeting the same demographic as american horror story. figure it out.
>convinces police to join his side with his winning personality and charm
>capable of slaughtering entire settlements with his own golden gun
>wants to marry his own two-headed monstergirl waifu to make freak babies
>eats victims flesh to gain their strength
>still finds time to put on entertaining shows for children
Is there anything the CHARLES ATLAS OF MURDER can't do?
What? How are they similar? One is a comedy based around a "Scream" like killer in a universe where Scary Movie would be logical.
The other is a gritty dark and gory show about horror situations across history.
Two different shows.
The TV show Scream, maybe? But even then it's more about figuring out who are the killers.
Breathing under water.
Freak show gets alot of hate but it was probably my favorite season just for Dandy and Twisty
post apocalyptic setting
The actors actually hated having the guy in full costume because he's just so freaky to have hand around.
>The TV show Scream
We don't talk about that here.
that whole scene was so satisfying
Cant really be that. All seasons are connected. For example, we know that Season 5 is before Season 2.
So we cant have a season 6 that put a fixed line. It need to be more subtle than that. Maybe an end of the world cult? But not an actual end of the world.
Season 2 will be weird after Season 1 ending.
Back to Babylon, Christ-killer.
Seen Bloodline on Netflix?
and both primarily target teenage girls
season 3 was so stupid with their teen drama bullshit but the nigress witch was pretty good
The whole show is about teen drama and young adult drama. That's the market. But it's still cool.
it's alright
>Season 1 is the best. It's the most concentrated and the most interesting
80% agreed except for that last part
>Season 2 is all over the place with 5-6 different plots and villains.
I agree that it's a bit all over the place, but for me, as a silent hill fan, it was the best season. The sanitarium setting was perfect and reminiscent of something from silent hill(even the ayy lmao), and that innocent to slutty sister story made me quite happy.
>Season 3 is a little too... gory? The cute witches doing cute witches thing was cool but the Madame scenes were a little too disturbing. And people kept dying without anybody caring.
Skipped this season after a few episodes. It was a bit too stupid for my taste and honestly never gave a shit about witches since Sabrina The Teenage Witch.
>Season 4 is weird but it's a step up from Season 3. A lot of CGI and special effects going on and the stories are pretty interesting.
I felt like this season redeemed itself after the shitshow that was season 3. The stories were interesting and the characters flawed and interesting to watch.
>Did not see Season 5 yet. Will buy the Bluray and watch it all the way through in one sitting like always
It's not nearly as good as season 1, 2, and 4, but it's still interesting and worth the watch. Lady Gaga was actually good in it and sold the character pretty well. I was honestly a bit on the ropes with her coming in, but was pleasantly surprised. This season was missing Jessica Lange, and it seems like she's gone for good sadly. I hope she changes her mind and returns.
for real? sauce?
>But it's still cool.
it's fucking awful though
the horror is nonexistant because the show is made for teenage girls and theonly other thing the show has to offer is the cringey ass teenage drama
why did jessica left?
"Season 1 had Rubber Man, Season 2 had Bloody Face, and now there’s Twisty the Clown. What are you hearing from fans of the show, and is the cast and crew ever terrified of you, when you’re on set?
LYNCH: The crew can get a little creeped out. There was a scene in the first episode where Jimmy (Evan Peters) murdered the police officer and they were dismantling the body, and Twisty was watching. So, I was over there, late at night, on my own, and when I finished my sequence, I was walking by everybody. I can’t remember who said it, but one of the actors standing there said, “Man, you were really creeping me out.” I laughed and said, “You were dismantling a cop’s body with a bunch of other people, but the thing that’s freaking you out is the clown, 50 feet away?!” That was wild. I also heard from Ryan that there are some people on the crew who are like, “I don’t want to be near that.” But it’s a real testament to the wardrobe, hair and make-up, special effects make-up, and visual effects make-up crews. I’m just trying to bring a spirit to the work that they’ve already done."
She did the same exact role 4 times. She was just tired of the same things. Some of my friends do not watch the show because of her too.
I'm not really show. According to her it felt like the right time to leave the show. I would imagine it had something to do with her not liking the direction the show was going, but I don't really know for sure. I hope season 6 focuses more on Francis Conroy, Lily Rabe, and Evan Peters because I really enjoy watching them play their roles. Lily and Evan are a cute and Francis just makes me want to hug here like she's my grandma.
Your friends sound like faggots because she's fucking awesome. Season 3 was shit and I couldn't stomach watching it all the way through, but she was great in all the rest.
Dropped after season 1, and even that was a chore to finish.
But she's the same role. When you saw her it was always "Oh I'm old and not pretty anymore!"
I was also getting tired of her le old woman smoking and being old
Evans only had one really good role and it was on season 1, they really need to drop him for at least one season.
That was always a character trait for her, but I feel like she had other traits as well and her acting was always spot on.
Stupid horror film for teens in form of TV series. Season 1 is the best one although internal logic suffers quite a bit, then I just got tired of the same actors, quit watching on season 3. Not frustrating to watch, but just silly.
Only correct rate.
>S1 TateTheEdgyTeen/10
>S2 AllOverThePlaceButStillTheBestSeasonAndEveryAyyyyyIsGoodAyyyyyyy/10
>S3 BoringTeenShit/10
>S4 CoolFreaksThatWeren'tCorrectlyExplored/10
>S5 VampireShitTakingTheSpaceOfCoolSerialKillersGhosts/10
All in all i just watch it for Tate The Edgy Teen and Lana Banana, best actors in the show desu.
>millennials on Sup Forums
And if you're actually somehow older than 16 and type like that, you're a fucking disgrace.
1 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 4
I really kind of hated Coven's last episode because it felt like it moved way too fast but the rest of it was really good
Season 5 was pretty great, I loved Wes Bentley in it.
>mfw Queenie shows up and immediately fucking dies
gotta remind the goys about the shoah at every opportunity
t. millennial
>last episode
nigga the last 3 episodes had no direction whatsoever, the season was done with that lame witch hunters ending.
>On Sup Forums, trying to sound like a smart old fag.
>Not either shitposting radomly or actually discussing with someone.
Summer got here wayyy to early.
Someone please call me when those faggots get disgusted and go away.
>le summer boogeyman
Kill yourself.