What scary movie should I watch with my snacks?

What scary movie should I watch with my snacks?

Scary movie 1

Scary movie 2

is that pot or catnop

Scary movie 4

>captain morgans

What's wrong with captain morgans though?

Your weed looks weird

what is that shit you're smoking? what state do you live in?

here's a suggestion for ya

It tastes like shit. It is the ultimate "I'm not 21 so my friends bought me shitty alcohol" drink

I've had people recommend that to me for over 6 years. I don't know why I keep avoiding it.

ah, american. Your opinion on drink would be less than worthless

What are some good rum brands?

I'm from Kentucky so at least I know my bourbon.

if you've seen and liked Event Horizon, definitely watch Pandorum too. It's very much in the same vein. Hard to explain without giving anything away, but it's got a nice Lovecraftian horror-in-space feel to it.

I'm not a huge rum fan so I couldn't tell you. Currently having a glass of Colonel E.H Taylor(single barrel).

try Mexico

are you a future?

it looks like really cheap/shitty weed, ever smoked California weed?

I just watched Slither on HBO Go
It was real good


>try Mexico

>doritos bag written in English
>Count Chocula written in English
>Fucking Vitamin Water also in English
>some bullshit upscale cat food also written in English

yeah I don't believe you.

i'm just saying bro, idk why you'd wanna smoke that unless it's in a blunt and you have 0 sense of taste

the cat litter does have spanish on it u tard lol

plus judging by the quality of weed i believe this guy lives in mexico

>smoking weed for the taste
Literally what the fuck

better weed also gets you higher in case you didn't know

you don't have to smoke as much to get the same effect

i just kinda thought that was a given and i didn't need to say it... sorry you've never smoked anything good in your life...

>not appreciating the subtle hints of flavor in different strains

top pleb

dubs don't lie

but do you know just how old Barton is

Its a fucking plant
You might as well say some cabbage tastes better than the other

Sailor Jerry.

Why are you eating cat food?

Problem child 2