Oh I get it.
The twist is she's the Beast.
Oh I get it.
The twist is she's the Beast.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to smash a feminist, do feminist like dick?
>its a "Emma Watson hurt my feeling so I'm going to pretend she's not hot" thread
shes average
no, the twist is that it's the memory from his childhood
Shes pretty and all but shes no "bell"
Not the bell of the ball.
Ph its fake pic. Maybe she looks older in real pics.
Who guston?
>this tale teaches you that looks don't matter
>if you're rich, live in a bigass villa and satisfy every one of your lady needs
Shit tale desu, any change Disney will make will be for the better
teaches you that women respond to alpha behaviour despite what they say
they want a dominant aggressive large masculine mate
the problem with a live action beauty and the beast movie is the beast is gonna look like a fucking retard no matter what they do
you cant make a half animal half man look cool, its gonna look stupid/funny/jarring
>they want a dominant aggressive large masculine mate
How the fuck is the beast dominant or aggressive? He's as beta and desperate as it gets.
he screams at her and breaks shit
thats not manlet passive behaviour, thats dark triad, girls love that
I was really hoping that they would stop doing these live-action remakes.
It's just so fucking pointless.
Jungle book was good desu,ending aside
Anastasia > Belle
LeFou is beta
Gaston is the clear alpha
Beast is an autistic omega sperg
what a stupid whore
I hope she gets enriched
>bongistani rich kid is a worthless liberal
Is anyone surprised?
Luke Evans
That sounds like literally autistic behavior.
If they made Beast a black guy, who would get upset the most?
fuck off!
>women love psychopaths
How's highschool treating you?
What was the point of it? It was just the 1967 film without the charm and beauty of the hand drawn animation
back to bebbit with you
might wanna open up some scientific journals, homo
are you alright user? need someone to call you an ambulance?
i think you should lay off the memes for a while
If people thought they were anything more than subhuman trash the majority of them wouldn't be luterall locked up in the prison system where they can rot and be forgotten.
>le calm reply
Fuck you and your mother's cunt.
Go crawl up 's ass and hibernate for the winter
>he doesnt read
>he talks based on emotion
>he thinks psychos are in prison and not in ceo offices, courts, hospitals
>>le calm reply
more memes? you are in serious danger on meme overload
maybe go outside for a bit, talk to someone
>I'm a cold, emotionless, uber-logical machine
>le superior psychopath meme
A truly fedorable post that was, my good sir.
Don't worry, I was an angsty teen too, and you'll drop the pseudo-psychopath act once you realize the only women you can get are the ones that have codependency issues.
whats with the ad hominems though? maybe actually read before you talk shit
you know theres words in books that confirm what im saying and make you look like a dumbcunt who sucks his dads cock ?
But she's not, though. I don't understand her appeal, honestly. She looks like a 7 year old boy...Oh, wait. I'm on Sup Forums. Now I understand why you like her.
its like im reading the manifesto of a school shooter, please go on
There are successful psychopaths, but don't even try to act as if the people in those roles make up the majority of them. Most of them are either trying to live normally or end up in prison at some point.
I know you're a pathetic idiot, but even you must understand:
You're talking about fantasy (books, etc)
Try leaving the basement and observe human interactions, sperg.
Are you really going to complain about ad hominems when you used one every time you responded to him? Or is it okay because he did it first?
If you're going to make big claims backed by evidence, post that evidence.
>I don't want to speenfood you
If you can't even post the basic info, your point might as well be void.
>FACT: 4% of CEOs are psychopaths
>About 1% of the human population are psychopaths.
>But CEOs are four times more likely to be psychopaths than the average person, according to journalist Jon Ronson. He spent two years researching this, and published a book titled “The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry.”
>y u use ad hom? ;_;
>uses ad hominem
Seriously though, if you've actually had any life experience you'd know that it's bullshit the media pushes to twist the minds of young western men into a deluded, apathetic mess.
Ask any woman who got out of a relationship with a psycho if she enjoyed it, go on.
You seriously expect to be taken seriously by linking sites like dailymail, heraldsun/thehustle?
You need to be 18 to post here, sperg.
ooooh someone got smacked down, not a single retort to this.
fuck, beat me by like 2 seconds...pretty sure trips and dubs have spoken
>Can't refute evidence
>Better attack a secondary source
you expect people to read through all of that in 3 minutes? maybe wait a while before you pat yourself on the back for posting dailymail links
>gets btfo
>n-nice s-sources
Riech, Kevin B. "Psycho lawyer, qu'est-ce que c'est: the high incidence of psychopaths in the legal profession and why they thrive." Law and Psychology Review Annual 2015: 287+. Academic OneFile. Web. 28 May 2016.
That Corporate Psychopaths exist is beyond question. The implications of this for
business and society are just beginning to be explored. However the existence of
Corporate Psychopaths has potentially major implications on understanding
some decisions on firm resource allocation, ethical decision making and overall
firm performance.
As one of the first papers on the subject of Corporate Psychopaths in the area of
business, this paper of necessity raises more questions than it answers. Above all
what sort of people do we want running our major institutions and organisations
and making decisions about how those institutions and organisations affect
business, the environment, society and the economy?
Academics involved in the areas of business and behavioural research should
arguably be much more heavily involved in research in this area as it has major
implications for the way in which business and society are managed. This paper
calls for much more research in this area.
You think I got btfo just because you quoted reputably dubious sources with no value?
You spergs truly are pathetic (and you can stop samefagging).
>muh dubs xDDDD
Why the fuck haven't you been called a nigger and told to fuck off yet
What's happening to Sup Forums
>whipping out the easybib citations
Wew. You guys are all taking this too seriously.
So what do some successful people being psychopaths have to do with the Beast not being beta again?
The original argument was that he wasn't because he screams and breaks shot, but neither of those have to do with being successful or alpha.
Disliked the music that but otherwise solid flick
The paper defines Corporate Psychopaths as those people working in
corporations who are self-serving, opportunistic, ego-centric, ruthless and
shameless but who can be charming, manipulative and ambitious.
This is the definition of someone who needs their job. Not a psychopath. But writing a paper called "People sometimes do things they would not do otherwise to get money" is not as catchy as putting Psychopaths in the title.
>i'm going to change the definition of psychopath cause i'm special
Then how do you explain niggers?
I am genuinely upset by the fact that emma watson is no longer attractive
I feel like this was something I needed, like if that isn't consistent then nothing is
Being a psychopath involves human level intelligence and specific social outlook.
Niggers are just unevolved, lowlife, violent animals.
Would you call a rat a "psychopath?" no. It's just a fuckig rat being a rat.
>women are attracted to psychopaths
>want proof, just look at these figures showing ~4% of CEOs may be psychopaths
>kewie dee, my friends, kewie dee
she isn't hot though. surprised they didn't just go full retard and pick a GOT reject.
they literally created their own term and added psychopath to it in order reel in people like you
She looks like a little girl. I am tired of this meme with actresses. It's the same with J-Law and a ton of others. They look like children and they're older than ME. Stop casting them as leads or as characters that should be older and more mature. Goddamn.
But women ARE psycopathic, so it makes sense.
First link:
>This survey (N=224) found that characteristics collectively known as the Dark Triad (i.e. narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism) were correlated with various dimensions of short-term mating but not long-term mating.
Wow so narcissism and manipulativeness are good for hookups, sometimes? kek
Second link:
> If the Dark Triad are costly traits for individuals to have and individuals are predisposed to avoid interacting with selfish individuals, how do those who have those traits extract resources from their environment? We contend that a specific set of personality traits will enable individuals to do so. We showed that those who are disagreeable, extraverted, open, and have high self-esteem along with low levels of neuroticism and conscientiousness score high on
the Dark Triad (Study 1: N= 216). Additionally, having a more individualistic and competitive approach to others and not a strongly altruistic orientation will also help those who are high on the Dark Triad (Study 2; N= 336). We contend that the Dark Triad may represent one social strategy that is characterized by an agentic social style.
Literally not even relevant.
>still btfo
>n-nice s-sources
>Wow so narcissism and manipulativeness are good for hookups, sometimes? kek
So you agree women are attracted to it but it's not an attraction that satisfies you so you dismiss it? haha what a cocksucking idiot
>that Dailymail article
Fucking wew, I was gonna link it and ask if that's where you got your bullshit from.
Top kek m8, you've made my morning.
>h-hookups a-and s-sex isn't a-attraction
>n-nice s-sources
>still hasn't refuted a single thing
>So you agree women are attracted to it
I agree some women are attracted to it sometimes. This isn't surprising and doesn't even begin to support "Women find psychopaths attractive", unless you're also prepared to say Benedict Cumberbatch proves "Women find men named Benedict attractive".
>I'm not a retard
>It must be samefagging
>st-st-stuttering i-in greentexts masks my inability to follow conversations conducted in simple english
>masks it perfectly
>no one will ever know
you know that saying >n-nice s-sources doesnt add any credibility to your sources,right?
>claims women are not attracted to psychopaths
>guven evidence that women are demonstratably attracted to psychopaths
>starts crying that said evidence fails to meet his standards
>backtracks furiously when forced to admit that sex happens due to attraction
>expects respectful answers
Smell of roast beef coming off your posts
Refute them or fuck off Hitler dubs. Ad hominem against the publication of a source is not an argument
>claims women are not attracted to psychopaths
See? Completely unable to follow a conversation.
>btfo completely
>i was just pretending to be retarded
well done for agreeing with me user in future don't struggle
I can honestly say Emma Watson is a continual mystery to me. There is literally nothing attractive objectively about her other than maybe her accent. Other famous women I don't find attractive I can see what people see in them. Emma Watson looks like Richard Dawkins, has no tits, no arse, mediocre legs and an OK stomach. She also seems like a complete arsehole so it's not even like she's cool like Emma Stone. The feminist, tax-dodging hypocrisy is just the icing on the cake of my confusion.
good luck refuting this,lol
Not an argument. Refute or fuck off babby
>Second link:
>> If the Dark Triad are costly traits for individuals to have and individuals are predisposed to avoid interacting with selfish individuals, how do those who have those traits extract resources from their environment? We contend that a specific set of personality traits will enable individuals to do so. We showed that those who are disagreeable, extraverted, open, and have high self-esteem along with low levels of neuroticism and conscientiousness score high on
>the Dark Triad (Study 1: N= 216). Additionally, having a more individualistic and competitive approach to others and not a strongly altruistic orientation will also help those who are high on the Dark Triad (Study 2; N= 336). We contend that the Dark Triad may represent one social strategy that is characterized by an agentic social style.
>Literally not even relevant.
Therefore, as with mating strategies (e.g.,
Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), life strategies may also take pluralistic forms. Indeed, it is
possible that mating strategies are a subset of social strategies: a short-term mating
strategy may reflect a selfish, agentic social orientation, whereas a long-term mating style
is more in line with an altruistic, cooperative orientation.
>make absurdly broad universal claim
>hastily google studies weakly supporting other, narrower, more specific claim
Stupid people just aren't capable of parsing complex thoughts, so you shouldn't furrow your brows too much. All you need to know is HE REPLIED AGAIN and that means you get to call me a cuck or a roastie or whatever other little thing you enjoy screaming at people.
you are clearly having comprehension problems, maybe re-read the thread
>no arse
>feminist, tax-dodging hypocrisy
I'm not sure 'being a feminist' and 'dodging taxes' are hypocritical in any robust sense.
>worships his psychopath globalist masters
>a perfect slave
>no shame, no humility, will follow his master's example and bring everyone else down in an attempt to get ahead
>no passion, no creativity, nothing has value or meaning, human life is worthless to him
>no respect for culture or religion, no traditional values
How does it feel to be a footsoldier of the NWO?
>sweat dripping off her brow she tries to make herself look superior
>I can't lose face anonymously on the internet!
You admitted what I wanted to I'm done with you. Tell yourself whatever you need to heal your mental distress
Not an argument. Refute or fuck off
One of the key symptoms of actual psychopaths - and I'm talking real psychopathy, not "le corporate ebil man is a psycho" - is serial monogamous relationships.
Most psychopaths desire companionship due to a desire to control others, desire for sex, or most commonly to sponge off of (since most aren't very successful). These relationships don't last for too long because the women wise up and kick them out.
In other words, yes, women may find their attitude attractive at first or be taken in by their superficial charm, but they *do* catch on that the person is taking advantage of them.
Among wealthier psychopaths, the relationships last longer because of financial reasons - both because it's more complicated to divorce someone when lots of money is involved and because marrying for money isn't uncommon.
Long story short, women don't love psychopaths. They may get taken in by their act, like everyone else, but except in rare cases they don't like being used.
>draws comparison between social strategies and mating strategies as a class
>not literally retarded
But nah m8 nah it definitely contains the phrase 'mating strategies' and I can see that that means you have indeed done all the diligents on this one.
>gets refuted
>ignores it
keep it up
i d-didnt say women love psychopaths
i d-didnt say psycopaths are all locked up in the prison system
i d-didnt say psycopaths arent successful CEOs
i d-didnt say psycopaths arent all in jail, only some are CEOS and lawyers and other successful people
y-your evidence is primary and secondary and therefore w-wrong
>no arse
>You admitted what I wanted to
No, I proved that you were talking complete bollocks and demonstrated irrefutably that your own sources - where they even had anything to do with the matter, as opposed to just happening to contain key words from your googling - did not support, and in fact explicitly contradicted, your claims. It's no skin off my arse if you're literally too stupid to understand that. Let the baby have his bottle, I say.