The Stooges

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shemp was great idk what youre talking about.

I'm not saying he was bad at all I'm just asking how everyone feels about it.

Comedy that which will never be seen again. Seriously, they got away with some edgy ass dialogue for daytime TV. Curly mentioned once how his father went out dancing on the end of a rope. Larry's father beat him with a hammer. That dark shit was delivered in a way that made you laugh every time. This shit was gold, and we'll never see anything like it again.

As far as third stooge goes, there's nothing wrong with being the 2nd best under Curly.

who /stoogesslaphappyhour/ here?

Literally just bought the first two collections of the Three Stooges and they're surprisingly funny as fuck. I liked them as a kid but thought they'd just be stupid. Nope. In my opinion Curly is a little overrated. Moe is clearly the best. I haven't got to any episodes without the original three though.

>It's a Curly Joe Besser episode
Literally why


Iggy Pop's cool tho

This. I watched the hell out of these guys when I was little and I miss that kind of humor. I honestly enjoyed the movie they did recently, if nothing else for the fact they did a great job paying homage to the Stooges. Honestly the casting was spot on ... not perfect but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also Curly > Shemp but both did their jobs well.

The episode where they were trying to open tamales still kills me.

Marx Brothers>Laurel and Hardy>Abbot and Costello>Three Stooges

Three Stooges are working class. That makes me like them more than "MUH JUDAISM" Marx Bros.

Curly > Shemp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eating live puppies >>>>>>>>>>>Curly Joe

the plot could have been better but the casting was perfect. definitely better than dumb and dumber to

Hate to say it but three stooges, marks brothers, etc, aren't funny by modern standards.

I'd rather watch tosh.0 than any of that old stuff, any day of the week. Just being honest.

I can't relate to you.

How summer break going?

Greatest show. I prefer Shemp over Curly. Joe and Curly Joe can rot in hell. They did all their own stunts. Just smacked the shit out of each other.

>that episode where they become dictators and Moe puts a bunch of jews in the oven
the world is mine

Shemp is underrated.

Curly Joe (DoRita) and Joe Besser are different stooges.


Curly was my favorite, Shemp second. I really feel like they lost steam post-stroke era. By the 50s it was pretty much over, and curly joe / joe derita / not so harrrrd! didnt save it.

A plumbing we will go is one of my top favorites

Not gonna shit all over the Stooges because I loved them as a kid, but Laurel and Hardy are the vaudeville-turned-moviestar kino.

I think The Stooges have held up better than the others you mentioned. I agree with you generally though, comedy doesn't age well.

I'm kind of said there weren't any shorts that starred Shemp and Curly onscreen at the same time besides one small cameo by curly in one.

Benny Hill > The Three Stooges